Building the Same Blue Sky Together, Integrating Treasures | Cabin | Blue Sky

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:39 PM

What does fusion, these two words, mean?

At the first treasure house in Xuhui District jointly built by the Xuhui District Civil Affairs Bureau, Xujiahui Street, Puyin Jinzhu, Lianquan Public Welfare Foundation, and Minghui Children's Development Center, we have found a heartwarming answer that touches our hearts.

"Star language wishes"

Li Haoran, who is 13 years old this year, is a child who has participated in activities related to treasure houses multiple times. However, unlike other ordinary children who participate in activities, he is a special child with autism.

Building the Same Blue Sky Together, Integrating Treasures | Cabin | Blue Sky

Li Haoran's mother, Ms. Ling, discovered that her child was different from other children when she was three years old. At that time, the kindergarten teacher told her that the child always didn't listen to the teacher's instructions during activities. After being diagnosed at a hospital in Beijing, I found out that my child is suffering from autism. Over the years, Ms. Ling has experienced various difficulties faced by parents of autistic children, but she insists on sending her child to a rehabilitation institution for autistic children in Shanghai - Sanyecao Children's Health Park for regular training and rehabilitation. When she reaches the age of studying, she also sends her child to Dong Li Fengmei Health School, where she is now in fifth grade.

Upon learning that a treasure house had been built in her community, Ms. Ling wanted her son to also participate. She admitted that she had some concerns at first, fearing that children with autism would not be accepted. However, in fact, the Treasure House not only has a psychological counseling room for children with autism and other difficulties, but also warmly welcomes Xiao Haoran to participate in various activities suitable for him.

Ms. Ling's most memorable experience was the cake DIY activity that her child participated in for the first time. It can be seen that although the child has language barriers, there is still an excited expression on their face. Unlike other children, Haoran's attention was harder to concentrate and he quickly became impatient. However, his mentor and volunteers tirelessly guided him over and over again to make simple flower decorations with cream. Finally, a cake that was not so perfect but was uniquely crafted was completed. Upon seeing the child's work and interacting with them repeatedly, Li Yuan, a volunteer from Puyin Jinzhu, was even more excited than the child. These nearly two hours of time allowed her to see how special a group of autistic children are. The child's thank you after the activity deeply touched her heart.

Ms. Ling said that she is particularly grateful for the acceptance of the children by the Treasure House, which has allowed special children to integrate into ordinary children, which has a different significance for their growth. "This is a fusion of special and ordinary, extremely precious!" Ms. Ling said. She took Haoran with her and later participated in fun sports events, visits to the People's Armed Police Force, and other activities. When she returned home, she asked her child, "Will you still participate next time?" The child nodded excitedly. In her opinion, isn't the persistence and intangible expectations of every activity expressed by children with autism the "Star Language Wish"?

Building the Same Blue Sky Together, Integrating Treasures | Cabin | Blue Sky

Ms. Ling sighed and said that both the teachers and volunteers at the treasure house and the residents of the community have gained more understanding and care for children and parents with autism. Sometimes, when a child gets angry on the road, people not only don't look at them strangely, but also say, "It's okay, let the child come out and walk around more, respect the child.". In this way, it often makes Ms. Ling feel particularly warm.

"There is a shared home"

In the view of Chen Xiangqin, the community director of Xujiahui Street, there is another kind of integration that grows warmly in the community, which is the integration of non Shanghai residents and local residents. And the treasure house also serves as a link to promote this integration.

Zhao Hua, 43 years old this year, came from Chengdu, Sichuan to Shanghai in 2017 to start a software development company. Zhao Hua admitted that as a new citizen who came to Shanghai to start a business, in the first few years, he was busy competing in the market and also had to deal with various things such as finding a house and having children attend daycare, and had little interaction with the neighbors in the community.

Building the Same Blue Sky Together, Integrating Treasures | Cabin | Blue Sky

But after he and his child participated in several parent-child activities at the treasure house, the situation changed. In the activity, he became familiar with more parents and learned more about the major events and details of the community. More importantly, the community people became closer. Sometimes, when he is busy with work and cannot take care of his children, he can confidently entrust them to the next door neighbor. Sometimes, when other children participate in activities alone, he will also take the initiative to help take care of them. He became a community volunteer and, during the special period of the epidemic, took the initiative to take on tasks such as delivering groceries and nucleic acid testing. Now, the neighbors inside and outside the hospital, as well as upstairs and downstairs, have become familiar with this enthusiastic Sichuanese. "The experience of participating in community service has opened up a new world for me, and has also earned me the trust of my neighbors and a lot of help. The community is really a warm and simple big family!" Zhao Hua said.

Ms. Chen Qin, another community resident, also had her own feelings about the treasure house. During the process of participating in the treasure house activity with her son, she found that the activities in the treasure house were very magical, invisibly becoming a catalyst for parent-child integration, and the child became more sensible. She talked about a parent-child activity before Father's Day this year, which involved DIY a creative T-shirt with the children as a Father's Day gift for them. Her son usually has very little communication with his father. In his eyes, "father knows how to work and is so strict," so he is a bit reluctant before going to participate in activities. In this activity, when the teacher and the children passionately talked about what the role of a father meant, it seemed that they all turned on a switch to discover a good father, and in the interaction, they all talked about the small details that were usually overlooked in small shots. Ms. Chen Qin's son realized that "although her father appeared strict, he actually had such a love for his family in his heart.". Her son carefully designed the T-shirt, specifically drawing a heart on it and writing the words "super dad" on it. After returning home, when the father received his son's original holiday gift, his eyes instantly became moist.

Treasure House, little by little, conveys the concept of integration to the hearts of participating parents and children. The new concept of integrated development in community governance fully demonstrates that the community is our shared home, and we live under the same blue sky!

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