23000 places, officially launched on October 22, 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:02 PM

At 10:00 a.m. on September 5, the registration channel of Sugaoxin Shares · 2023 the Taihu Lake Lake Marathon was officially opened. Runners can register through the official website of "the Taihu Lake Lake Marathon", the official WeChat official account and WeChat applet. This competition will start shooting on October 22nd, recruiting a total of 23000 people, including 6000 people for the full marathon, 12000 people for the half marathon, and 5000 people for the Happy Run. The registration deadline for the competition is 5:00 pm on September 22nd, and the draw results will be announced on September 28th.

Suzhou Hi tech Co., Ltd. · 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon is sponsored by the Administrative Committee of Suzhou National Hi tech Industrial Development Zone, co organized by the Publicity Department of the Working Committee of Suzhou Hi tech Industrial Development Zone, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of Suzhou Hi tech Industrial Development Zone, and Suzhou Hi tech Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., and the exclusive title of Suzhou New Area Hi tech Industrial Co., Ltd.

Featured technology and humanities track, continuously polishing gold medal events

Founded in 2015, the the Taihu Lake Marathon in Suzhou, after eight years of accumulation and tempering, was awarded the "World Athletic Federation Elite Signage Event" and "China Track and Field Association Gold Medal Event". With rapid and steady development, it has grown into a brand event with great influence and characteristics.

The 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Lake Marathon continues the theme of "Embroidering beautiful landscapes, smart and high-tech", and ingeniously integrates urban landmarks, industrial characteristics and landscape resources in the track setting. From the bustling Grand Canal Shishan Road to the beautiful the Taihu Lake Avenue, the whole Suzhou High tech Zone runs westward, passing through the Baima Jianlong Pool Scenic Area, Jiangsu Dayang Mountain National Forest Park, Suzhou Paradise, China Embroidery Art Museum and other national 4A scenic spots, connecting the life town, financial town, Suzhou embroidery town, the Taihu Lake Science City and other Jiangsu provincial and municipal key industry clusters, and the destination is located in the cultural and sports center of Suzhou High tech Zone.

It is worth mentioning that this year's competition route has added a new section of Nanjing University Suzhou Campus, connecting the cultural, tourism, technological, and ecological landscapes of Suzhou High tech Zone with the track as the chain. With unique craftsmanship, it vividly presents the most beautiful track of "one lake, two cities, three towns, and four mountains", showcasing the deep industrial foundation, high-quality cultural ecology, and rich scientific and educational characteristics of Suzhou High tech Zone, allowing runners to have a strong resonance of "one marathon, one city experience".

23000 places, officially launched on October 22, 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon

Introducing three new elements to assist in quality upgrading and upgrading

For many years, Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon has always adhered to the concept of "runners first". This year, based on the experience of previous events, the Organizing Committee fully listened to the voices of runners, introduced three new elements, and helped the the Taihu Lake Marathon in Suzhou run "new vitality of the event", "new experience of athletes", and "new features of service".

Enterprise team building empowers high-tech speed. To further empower the business environment of Suzhou High tech Zone, the competition will actively invite and organize key enterprises and large institutions in Suzhou High tech Zone to participate in groups. In addition, we will invite entrepreneurs from Suzhou High tech Zone to form an "Entrepreneur Running Team" to lead the way, using a marathon as an important link to achieve ideological exchange and intellectual collision, fully showcasing the vitality and charm of Suzhou High tech Zone enterprises.

The blue line on the track helps improve performance. For the first time, this competition introduces the "blue line", which means running the shortest distance into the line. In the curve section, the ground is marked with a blue dashed line and continues until 20 meters after exiting the curve, reminding the contestants that they are about to enter the curve ahead. Players who follow this blue line during the competition will effectively avoid running too much, making mistakes, and avoiding "detours", thereby saving physical energy and helping to achieve breakthrough results.

Special honors motivate breakthroughs in performance. For the first time in this competition, the "Breaking 3" contestant's finishing ring honor gift has been introduced, witnessing the "highlight moment" of the contestants. In the full marathon event, contestants who achieve a personal score exceeding 3 hours will receive a "breaking 3" ring reward. Starting this year, the "Breaking 3" ring will also become the characteristic and glorious inheritance of the the Taihu Lake Marathon in Suzhou, attracting more high-level runners to participate in the race, and encouraging runners to break through in the the Taihu Lake Marathon in Suzhou.

Integrating culture and tourism to create exclusive benefits for runners

23000 places, officially launched on October 22, 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon

This year's Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon will continue to carry forward the concept of competition as a medium, continue to maintain a consistent service level, and fully demonstrate the excellent business environment and humanistic care of Suzhou High tech Zone. At the same time, the marathon carnival in Suzhou High tech Zone was launched to enrich the runners' participation experience and further enhance the brand effect and service quality of the the Taihu Lake Marathon in Suzhou.

VIP hotel service, creating a comfortable window for runners. This competition will continue and optimize the VIP hotel service package, providing thoughtful services for runners in terms of hotel check-in and competition. The service package covers various aspects such as food, accommodation, transportation, and racing, allowing runners to participate and complete races with peace of mind in Suzhou.

High tech tourism, taking runners to experience Soviet style aesthetics. Relying on the rich landscape resources of Suzhou Hi tech Zone, this event launched the first Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon Sports Tourism Integration Service to create a tourism service for the participants and accompanying relatives and friends of this event. From two days before the competition to the day of the competition, the West Museum of Suzhou Museum will provide exclusive channels for participants without reservation; Official designated cooperation scenic spots such as Suzhou Paradise Forest World, Dayang Mountain Botanical Garden, Dayang Mountain National Forest Park, Baima Jianlong Pool Scenic Spot, the Taihu Lake Lake National Wetland Park, China Embroidery Art Museum, etc. will provide free travel and special ticket purchase benefits for accompanying relatives and friends. Runners can immerse themselves in the beautiful atmosphere of "real mountains, real water parks, and the city" in Suzhou High tech Zone during their leisure time participating in the competition.

2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon is ready to be launched. It will continue to make efforts in competition organization, runner service, etc., optimize service, improve experience, and wait for tens of thousands of runners to measure high and new technology with their feet, so as to run and feel the landscape of the city.

2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon Registration Channel

Official website: http://www.runsuzhou.com/

23000 places, officially launched on October 22, 2023 Suzhou the Taihu Lake Marathon

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