Xi Jinping profoundly put forward and answered the "three questions" of cadres in the new era. Ten years ago, this important speech developed | cadres | times

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:15 PM

"How to be a good cadre? How to grow into a good cadre? How to use good cadres?" On June 28, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech on "Focusing on Training and Selecting Good Cadres Needed by the Party and the People" at the National Organization Work Conference, in which he profoundly put forward and answered the "three questions of cadres" in the new era, believing that "by correctly answering and solving these three questions, we can do a better job of cadres".

Continuing to answer the "three questions of cadres" in the new era and new journey, we should inherit our party's century-old tradition of training and selecting good cadres, guided by the spirit of the party's twenty major spirits, and take the opportunity of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as an opportunity. Educate and guide party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four confidences", "four confidences" four confidences "," two safeguards ", we will improve our ability to lead high-quality development, solidly promote Chinese-style modernization, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

What are the standards for good cadres in the century long struggle of the Party

During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, "loyalty to the Party, bravery in battle, and fearlessness in sacrifice" were the standards for good cadres. With the development and growth of revolutionary base areas, the demand for outstanding party members and cadres became more urgent. In September 1938, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reiterated the party's organizational line and comprehensively discussed our party's policy of cultivating and selecting cadres based on merit. Mao Zedong emphasized the need to cultivate a large number of cadres who are full of the spirit of struggle and sacrifice, and possess both moral integrity and talent. Under the guidance of the Party's organizational line, the progressiveness and purity of the party members and cadres during this period were strongly guaranteed. The majority of party members and cadres firmly believed in their ideals and beliefs, played a vanguard and exemplary role, united the people to work hard, and realized China's great leap from feudal autocracy to people's democracy.

During the socialist revolution and construction period, "understanding politics, understanding business, and being both red and professional" were the standards for good cadres. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the national economy quickly recovered and there was an urgent need for a large number of good cadres. At the same time, hostile forces have imposed political and economic blockades on our country, posing a severe test to the construction of the party's cadre team. Mao Zedong pointed out at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1957 that "politics and business are opposed and unified". Politics comes first, but we must also strive to be proficient in technology and business. Cadres must understand both politics and business, that is, "both red and professional". During this period, the vast number of party members and cadres dared to take the lead and take on responsibilities, relying closely on the unity and struggle of the people, and achieved a great leap forward for the populous and impoverished Eastern country to step into socialist society.

In the new era of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization construction, "supporting the line, principles, and policies determined by the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, having knowledge, understanding the profession, and being determined to reform" is the standard for good cadres. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established a political line centered on economic construction, and there is an urgent need to cultivate and select a cadre team that adheres to the socialist path, possesses professional knowledge and abilities. For this reason, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has affirmed the standard of selecting cadres with both moral integrity and talent, and has proposed the policy of building a cadre team that is revolutionary, youthful, knowledgeable, and professional. The new Party Constitution passed at the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for the first time established a special chapter on "Party Cadres", proposing the principle of "cultivating and selecting cadres with both moral integrity and talent, and appointing them based on merit" in our Party. The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China first proposed the standards of "serving the people, being pragmatic, and being honest" for good cadres. In the new era, a large number of good cadres who support the Party's line, principles, and policies, have knowledge, understand their profession, and are determined to reform, stand out and work together with the people. They have achieved a historic leap in people's lives from insufficient food and clothing to overall prosperity and towards comprehensive prosperity, promoting the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up to becoming prosperous.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the century long changes are accelerating their evolution. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream, it is urgent to build an excellent cadre team with a large number, high quality, and in line with the needs of the Party and the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has held two national organizational work conferences.In the new era, the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party continues to develop in depth. The vast number of Party members and cadres adhere to the principle of development for the people, development relying on the people, and development achievements shared by the people. This has led to a great leap for the Chinese nation from standing up, becoming prosperous to becoming strong.

To cultivate and select good cadres in the new era, we must ensure the "five key points" are met

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to establish a correct orientation in personnel selection and appointment, and select high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean, and responsible. In the new era, to cultivate and select good cadres that are needed by the Party and the people, we must adhere to the principle of the Party managing cadres, adhere to the principle of combining morality and talent, prioritizing morality, and appointing people based on merit, in order to implement the standards for good cadres in the new era.

Strictly control politics and select reliable individuals. To cultivate and select cadres, the first thing to consider is their ideals and beliefs, as well as their loyalty to the Party. This requires paying attention to strengthening the pre examination of the political quality of cadres, guiding them to strictly abide by political standards and enhance their political consciousness with clear political guidance education, being good at seeing problems from a political perspective and grasping the political situation, always holding a clear political stance, consciously being a clear and honest person in politics, deeply understanding the decisive significance of the "two establishment", enhancing the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four confidences", and achieving the "two safeguards".

Strictly control abilities and select responsible individuals. To comprehensively build a socialist modernized country, there must be a cadre team with strong political skills, courage to take on responsibilities, and the ability to lead modernization construction. The selection of cadres must always adhere to the unity of character and ability, the unity of knowledge and understanding of people, combined with consistent performance, emergency response, and public reputation, comprehensively examine the responsibility and execution ability of cadres, continuously promote the project of improving the professional ability of cadres, and enable cadres to develop excellent abilities and qualities that are worthy of the new era's important tasks.

Strictly control character and select virtuous individuals. In the new era, cadres are required to abide by public ethics, be strict with personal ethics, and have a clear understanding of great virtues. We must always adhere to the standards of cultivating and selecting cadres with both moral integrity and talent, and prioritize morality, guide cadres to establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, and promote cadres to be able to rise and fall, enter and exit; Establish a sound and perfect cadre assessment and evaluation system, and select cadres who adhere to the "four virtues" of political morality, professional ethics, social morality, and family virtues; Strengthen comprehensive management and regular supervision of cadres, break down barriers in their work circle, life circle, and friend circle, and strive to focus on regular work and strict supervision.

Strictly control work style and select people who are friendly to the people. The personal style of cadres directly affects the Party's internal atmosphere and political ecology, and determines the Party's mass foundation. If the personal style of cadres is not up to standard and not strong, the party and social atmosphere cannot be good. Therefore, when selecting cadres, it is necessary to carefully identify whether there are "four winds" problems in cadres, and effectively select outstanding cadres who are willing to fight and good at fighting; On the other hand, it is necessary to firmly establish the development concept of putting the people at the center, always adhere to the mass line, and integrate the recognition, satisfaction, and high dissatisfaction of the masses throughout the entire process of selecting cadres, effectively selecting excellent cadres with good work style and good public service.

Strictly enforce integrity and select conscious individuals. Integrity and self-awareness are the foundation of Party members and cadres and an important prerequisite for winning the trust of the masses. When cultivating and selecting cadres, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate and verify the integrity of cadres, and strictly prevent "promotion with illness" and "employment with illness"; Strictly implement the system of reporting major issues, reporting on work and integrity, and democratic evaluation of party members, and increase the supervision and management of cadres; We must deepen the comprehensive treatment of both symptoms and root causes, promote national legislation against corruption, strengthen the construction of a clean and honest culture in the new era, educate and guide Party members and cadres to enhance their awareness of not wanting to be corrupt, conduct themselves in a clean and honest manner, and build a political ecology for selecting and employing personnel with a clean and upright atmosphere.

Taking theme education as an opportunity to continuously improve the "three forces"

To continue answering the "three questions" of cadres on the new era and new journey, we should take theme education as an opportunity and do a good job in guiding relevant education.

Learn to forge the soul and become a politically savvy person. Theoretical maturity is the foundation of political maturity, and political firmness stems from theoretical clarity. The accelerating evolution of the unprecedented great changes in the world today requires constantly arming our minds with new ideas and theories, and forging our hearts and souls. Only then can we ensure that Party members and cadres do not lack calcium in their spirit, and maintain a clear understanding and persistent pursuit of lofty ideals and goals.

To learn from the correct style and become a loyal and honest person. Learning ideology to strengthen party spirit requires party members and cadres to deeply understand the core content of the party's ideological line, adhere to the important ideology and work methods of seeking truth and pragmatism. "Strong Party spirit" requires the vast number of Party members and cadres to be loyal to the Party, open and upright, to speak the truth, do honest things, and be honest people, to adhere to the political nature and character of honesty and integrity, and to promote the formation of a clean and refreshing comrade relationship, a standardized hierarchical relationship, and a new type of political business relationship that is friendly and unified. Adhere to the fine tradition of closely connecting with the masses and maximize political advantages, and promote the resolution of a number of problems that are needed for development, urgent for reform, hoped for at the grassroots level, and desired by the people.

Learn to enhance intelligence and become a practical driver. Adhere to the integration of learning, thinking, and practice, and effectively transform theoretical armament into vivid practice.Education guides party members and cadres to grasp the relationship between learning and thinking, learning and application, and knowledge and action. We must not only truly learn, understand, and believe, but also truly use, work, and grasp. We must adhere to the combination of original learning, comprehensive and systematic learning, integration and practical learning, in order to enhance the ability to promote the high-quality development of party members and cadres, serve the people, and prevent and resolve risks, and cultivate the spirit and ability of struggle in practical work.

Promote work through learning and become a contributor to the times. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not something that can be easily achieved with the beating of gongs and drums. On the path forward, we must always be prepared to withstand major tests such as high winds, rough waves, and even stormy waves. This requires party members and cadres to contribute to the new era, implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development; Closely focusing on the central task of the Party in the new era and new journey, daring to struggle and take responsibility, implementing practical actions throughout the entire process of work and entrepreneurship, and using solving "urgent and difficult" problems as the standard to test the achievements of theme education; Continuously enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security, using Party building to lead grassroots organizations to overcome difficulties, promote development, and solve people's concerns through practical actions, so that the achievements of modernization construction can more and more fairly benefit all the people.

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