In this regard, the fundamental guarantee for Chinese path to modernization is China | modernization | guarantee

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:39 AM

Since the founding of New China, Chinese path to modernization has been gradually explored by the Party and the people in the long-term process of promoting socialist modernization. The CPC is the initiator and leader, organizer and promoter, supporter and guarantor of Chinese path to modernization. The leadership of the Party is not only the distinctive feature of Chinese path to modernization, but also the essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization.

Adhering to and strengthening the leadership of the Party is the internal requirement and fundamental guarantee of Chinese path to modernization. A correct understanding of the Party's important position and role in Chinese path to modernization is of great significance for continuing to take the road of Chinese path to modernization on the new journey and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Pioneers and leaders of Chinese path to modernization

Chinese path to modernization is neither from heaven nor from copying other countries' modernization experience and imitating other countries' modernization path. It is the result of the CPC's leadership of the people to constantly summarize and draw lessons from the historical experience of modernization construction at home and abroad based on the actual situation of the country and the characteristics of the times by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional culture. It is the result of the Party's leadership of the people to constantly promote theoretical and practical innovation.

The CPC is the pioneer and leader of Chinese path to modernization. Without the pioneering and innovation of the CPC, the Chinese revolution cannot succeed, the reform and opening up and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics cannot be successfully opened up and effectively promoted, and the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions" in the new era cannot be formed, so the path of Chinese path to modernization cannot germinate and create; Without the correct guidance of the CPC, it is difficult for China's modernization drive to embark on the glorious path of socialism, and it is difficult for reform and opening up and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics to always maintain the correct political direction, so Chinese path to modernization cannot always move forward on the right track and walk out of a bright future. The Party's leadership is the political basis for walking out of the path of Chinese path to modernization.

On the new journey, we must always adhere to and strengthen the leadership of the Party, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, carry forward the great spirit of building the great party, be confident, self-reliant, upright and innovative, and work hard and courageously under the leadership of the Party. Strive to take the road of Chinese-style modernization, to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

Organizers and promoters of Chinese path to modernization

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the key to comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party. Chinese path to modernization is a modernization with a huge population, common prosperity for all people, coordinated material and spiritual civilization, harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and peaceful development. Chinese path to modernization is a systematic and long-term project with comprehensive content, grand scale and complex process. Its practice and orderly progress must have a strong leadership core to lead, organize and promote in a unified way, so as to pool the wisdom of all parties, coordinate their forces, coordinate their resources and play their roles.

The key to handling China's affairs well lies in the Party. In today's China, the Party, government, military, and civil education, as well as in the east, west, north, south, and central regions, are the leading force in everything, the highest political leadership force, and the core leadership of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. They oversee the overall situation and coordinate all parties involved. The CPC is the natural organizer and promoter of Chinese path to modernization. Only under the leadership of the Party can we give full play to the unique advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, unite the whole Party and the whole people, coordinate the strength and resource organization of the whole Party and the whole country, and steadily and orderly promote Chinese path to modernization. History and practice have proved that the CPC has played this role well. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the reason why China was able to concentrate limited and scattered resources on the basis of poverty and poverty and quickly carry out modernization construction, and the reason why China's large-scale and diversified "parallel" modernization construction can be smoothly and orderly promoted, completing the development process of developed countries for hundreds of years in just a few decades, and promoting the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, is thanks to the strong leadership, effective organization, and strong promotion of the Party. The overall leadership of the Party is a practical requirement for taking the road of Chinese path to modernization well and steadily.

On the new journey, building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation project of the Chinese nation are numerous and arduous tasks. We must strengthen the "Four Consciousness", achieve the "Two Safeguards", always adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership, systematically improve the Party's leadership system, give full play to the Party's leadership core role of taking overall responsibility and coordinating all parties, effectively organize and coordinate all forces and resources, and promote the continuous progress of Chinese path to modernization.

Supporters and guarantors of Chinese path to modernization

The Chinese path to modernization is the innovation and exploration of the Party and the people based on the national conditions. History and practice have proved that Chinese path to modernization is the right path that suits China's national conditions, effectively promotes China's socialist modernization drive, and realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is not only right, but also feasible. But it is not easy to take the road of Chinese path to modernization. In the past, we have faced multiple Western containment, sanctions, and suppression, as well as complex contradictions in domestic reform and development. If any one of them is mishandled or mishandled, our reform and development may stagnate. It is under the strong leadership of the Party that we can rally the strong strength of the whole Party and the whole people, give play to the remarkable advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, overcome difficulties, break through barriers, effectively resolve various risks and challenges, firmly grasp the destiny and initiative of China's development and progress, ensure the steady progress of Chinese path to modernization, and create brilliant achievements.

Without the strong leadership of the Party, it is difficult for Chinese path to modernization to go well and steadily, nor to go deep and far. The CPC is the supporter and guarantor of Chinese path to modernization, and the leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for the stability and long-term development of Chinese path to modernization. On the new journey, in the face of the unprecedented changes in the world in a century and various deep-seated contradictions and intractable problems in domestic reform, development and stability, uncertainties and unpredictable factors are increasing. We must strengthen the "Four Consciousness", firm the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards". We must always adhere to and strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Party, continue to strengthen the political cohesion and comprehensive leadership of the Party, gather together the great power to build the Chinese Dream, and ensure that Chinese path to modernization is stable and far-reaching.

In short, the CPC is the initiator and leader, organizer and promoter, supporter and guarantor of Chinese path to modernization, and the leadership of the Party is crucial to Chinese path to modernization. Without the leadership of the Party, Chinese path to modernization can neither go out of the right direction, nor go well and steadily, nor go deep and far. On the new journey, we must always adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, resolutely uphold the authority of the Central Committee of the Party and centralized and unified leadership, and implement the leadership of the Party in all aspects of the Party and national cause, so that the Party will always be the "leader", "propeller" and "anchor of stability" of Chinese path to modernization, and ensure that Chinese path to modernization goes well, steadily, deeply and far.

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