What exactly should we achieve?, Difficulties in the government's "inability to accomplish" window | Process | Government

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:00 AM

Government service halls at all levels are designed to handle affairs. However, since the beginning of this year, the reflection window of "not being able to accomplish things" - a window that seems to contradict "doing things" from its name alone - has quietly been opened in government service halls at all levels in the city. Not only in Shanghai, but also in many places such as Guangdong, Heilongjiang, Anhui, and Beijing, this window has gradually appeared.

This not only makes people wonder: "If it can't be done," why should we set up a dedicated window?

A convenient, smooth, and unobstructed government service system is an important guarantee for providing convenience and smooth circulation of the national economy for the production and life of enterprises and the masses. In the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Standardization, Standardization, and Facilitation of Government Services, the "Failure to Achieve" reflection window is included in the category of "Promoting the Standardization of Government Services", with the function of "providing bottom line services to solve difficult and complex problems encountered by enterprises and the public in the process of handling affairs." The "2023 Shanghai Comprehensive Deepening of the" One Network Service "Reform Key Points" also mentioned the need to "establish a closed-loop linkage mechanism for online and offline" Failure to Achieve "reflection, assistance, and rectification.".

On the surface, the reflection window of "not being able to accomplish things" is set up according to government orders; In fact, the birth of this window reflects the deep-seated laws and logic of government services, as well as the inherent requirements for building a service-oriented government, promoting the modernization of governance systems and capabilities.

For the government, the subject of administrative approval, administrative licensing, and other windows is "me", which refers to the business department; And the reflection window of "not being able to accomplish things", with the subject being "you", refers to the masses of enterprises who handle things. The phrase "unable to accomplish" in double quotation marks is aimed at "you" and reflects the courage and willingness of government departments to provide closed-loop services for new problems and difficult issues that arise in the process of economic and social development.

For a modern metropolis like Shanghai with highly active economic development and diverse social governance, even the most perfect government service system is inevitably lagging and imperfect. What should I do if the process is updated and the person in charge is not familiar with it? What if I forget to bring non essential materials? When encountering difficult matters, the person in charge doesn't know which window to look for, and what should be done? In the face of these "difficult" things, the "impossible" window abandons the rigidity and rigidity of the "seeking swords" style, and even abandons the subjectivity and arrogance of the "little horse crossing the river" style. It opens up relief channels for "impossible" things within the framework of laws and regulations.

This kind of "bottom line" not only covers the bottom of things, but also covers the bottom of the hearts of enterprises and citizens. Firstly, setting up a "cannot do" window indicates the attitude of government service: for things that cannot be done at other windows, you can go to this window as much as possible, and the staff will not be lost in front of dozens of windows in the hall; Secondly, the slightly self deprecating and even jarring words "unable to accomplish" also reflect a kind of inward facing attitude, revealing one's shortcomings, and forcing problem-solving.

But it should be understood that doing things that cannot be done is only the first pursuit reflected in the window of reflection. To set up this window, it is even more important to step out of the "case by case" approach and study why things cannot be accomplished.

In practice, many tasks that enterprises and the masses need to handle involve communication and coordination among multiple windows and departments. If each department only seeks to protect its own "one acre and three parts" and does not take the initiative to move forward, there may be a "blank space" between departments, business and business, processes and processes. In this situation, the "impossible task" window can play a role in bridging the gap between different departments, maximizing service initiative within the compliance framework, clarifying responsibilities and tasks, and allowing the staff to break out of the "impossible task" cycle.

In the long run, to solve the problem of collaboration between departments, we should not only think about "me", but also about "us". We should not use "cannot do" or "difficult to do" as a pretext, but instead use the approach of establishing cooperation mechanisms and promoting integrated reform to achieve the goals of "to do" and "to do well", truly putting services around business entities and the public. Behind it involves a complex set of government service iterations and upgrades, process optimization, and institutional restructuring.

To make good use of the "impossible" window, we also need to pay attention to some issues. For example, this window with a new name cannot be just a window of "roast", "recording", and "complaining". This innovation of government service mechanism should be avoided from becoming a new formalism; On the other hand, it should be noted that the "failure to achieve" window is actually a "barometer" of the quality of government services. The inconvenience of enterprises and the masses in handling affairs ultimately depends on the service level of specific business departments. It is necessary to avoid the "bottom line" window becoming the preferred window and the "special" method becoming the conventional means. By continuously forcing the conventional window to change the service style and improve service efficiency, the "failure to achieve" window will eventually become "idle".

Ultimately, promoting the reflection window of "not being able to accomplish things" is a means, a temporary solution for special and urgent matters, and the ultimate goal is to make the enterprise and the masses "succeed". In the process of achieving success, it is necessary to summarize common problems, transform service concepts, and make less technical judgments about whether it can be done, and more value judgments about whether it should be done. Only in this way can the optimization of the business environment be implemented in detail and in practice.

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