The experience of public space governance in this community is worth learning from, from optimizing the "living circle" to connecting the "friend circle" construction | Putuo | Community

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 21:48 PM

On August 25th, a Shanghai social construction expert forum was held in the Wuning area of Caoyang Xincun Street, Putuo District, with the theme of "Building an Efficient and Operational 'Neighborhood Community' Sample and Promoting the Construction of Comprehensive Community Service Facilities".

In recent years, various districts in Shanghai have conscientiously implemented the "14th Five Year Plan" for the construction of the urban and rural community service system, and continuously strengthened the construction of comprehensive community service facilities. Putuo District takes the construction of the "Neighborhood Community" center as the starting point, focuses on "one-stop comprehensive services" and multi-channel improvement of the utilization efficiency of comprehensive service facilities, expands the comprehensive service functions of community service facilities, and promotes standardized and standardized construction of site configuration, personnel allocation, and operation methods.

Jiang Long, Deputy District Mayor of Putuo District, pointed out that after more than 5 years of promotion and improvement, the entire Putuo District has built and put into use 32 well-defined, scaled, and functionally sound "Neighborhood Centers", covering 10 streets, towns, and 288 villages, creating a high-quality and happy home for residents. Putuo will continue to improve service quality, enhance operational efficiency, and fully promote the construction and improvement of intelligent and efficient urban and rural community service complexes, forming Putuo's experience and showcasing Putuo's characteristics.

Zhang Jiandong, Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Putuo District, introduced the development process and thinking of the construction of "Neighborhood Village" in Putuo District, from "gathering functions and implementing grassroots governance" Putuo Plan ", to" increasing efficiency and establishing a reliable brand for service positions ", and then to" refining and building a good governance and sharing "Putuo Model".

Public space is the foundation of community production, life, and communication, as well as the junction of government governance, public participation, and social coordination. Zhao Xin, Associate Professor of the School of Management at Shanghai University of Technology, believes that the construction of the "Neighborhood Community" center is a model for community public space governance in Putuo. The "Neighborhood Community" center has established cooperative and professional service relationships around the needs of residents, communities, resident units, and neighborhoods for the elderly, children, and youth. It has taken an important step from optimizing the "life circle" to connecting the "friend circle", promoting the construction of a comprehensive governance and service network. In this process, the Putuo model has been formed and continued to operate.

Luo Xinzhong, Director of the Shanghai Political and Social Affairs Service Center and Vice President of the Shanghai Social Construction Research Association, believes that community comprehensive service facilities are mainly served by community party members, masses, and resident units, arranged at the three levels of streets, towns, districts, and villages, with the party and mass service center as the basic position, providing a comprehensive service space and community governance platform for multi-level and diverse community public services. As the governance carrier of the community community, community comprehensive service facilities are an important part of the construction of the "15 minute community life circle" service system in Shanghai, and also an important manifestation of Shanghai's urban development soft power.

The experience of public space governance in this community is worth learning from, from optimizing the "living circle" to connecting the "friend circle" construction | Putuo | Community

Zeng Qun, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, pointed out that in the process of promoting the modernization of China's grassroots governance system and governance capacity, "strengthening the construction of urban and rural community governance and service systems" has become an important strategic direction. In response to the continuous deepening of the construction of community comprehensive service facilities, he proposed three requirements: first, continue to do a good job in spatial coverage and weave a dense network of community comprehensive service facilities. Each district follows the basic principles of public welfare, comprehensiveness, intensification, and full coverage, accelerates the construction of a 15 minute living circle and a "one-stop" community comprehensive service system in urban and rural communities according to service radius and population standards, and achieves full coverage and balanced development of community comprehensive service facilities; The second is to strengthen the construction of standards and norms, and create a Shanghai brand of "community service". Actively benchmarking and learning about the construction and operation of international advanced community comprehensive service facilities such as the Singapore Neighborhood Center, gradually establishing a unified operating standard and standard for community comprehensive service facilities throughout the city, and using this to create the Shanghai brand of "community service"; The third is to strengthen innovation in service models and promote the digital transformation of community services. Actively utilizing various digital means, we aim to achieve the intelligent application of community comprehensive service facilities in activities promotion, online reservation, personnel management, equipment management, etc., with a focus on community service content such as government services, life services, volunteer services, elderly care services, property services, deliberation services, emergency services, etc. We will accelerate the integration of online and offline services, so that the "digital" dividend can better benefit the community.

At the event site, representatives from the relevant streets of Putuo District and the operating party of "Neighborhood Village" center also exchanged and shared ideas. The residents of Putuo District presented the daily life of "Neighborhood Village" in the form of situational dramas, reflecting the vivid practice of various streets and towns in Putuo District striving to build the "Neighborhood Village" center into a comprehensive public service complex at their doorstep.

This forum is guided by the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau and co hosted by the Putuo District Civil Affairs Bureau and the Shanghai Social Construction Research Association.

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