Building modern civilization of the Chinese nation and better shouldering new cultural missions for development | Culture | The Chinese nation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:54 PM

The construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation must be based on the long-standing Chinese culture and profound Chinese civilization, effectively promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Fundamentally, it is based on the practice of contemporary China as the thinking coordinate, continuously promoting the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Creating an organic and unified new cultural life form

From the perspective of the development of the Party and the state, the "two combinations" are a dual relationship. The basic principles of Marxism are the main body, and China's specific reality and excellent traditional culture are two sides. In a broad sense, China's specific reality includes excellent traditional culture, which is also an important aspect of our analysis of China's specific reality.It can be said that creating a new culture that belongs to our era cannot be separated from the continuation and inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The second combination essentially involves analyzing the excellent traditional Chinese culture from its original conceptual system and reconstructing it with the basic principles of Marxism. It separates the conceptual elements of excellent traditional Chinese culture from its matrix and integrates them with the basic principles of Marxism, thus creating an organic and unified new cultural life. This cultural life body not only makes Marxism Chinese, but also makes Chinese excellent traditional culture modern, and also makes the new culture formed through "combination" become the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization. Obviously, this "combination" is not a simple puzzle, not a simple physical reaction, but a profound chemical reaction, which can form a new cultural life form that relies on but is different from the mother body. Marx pointed out that "Chinese socialism may be like Chinese philosophy and Hegelian philosophy to European socialism." This also confirms that the new cultural life form formed by the combination of excellent traditional Chinese culture and the basic principles of Marxism has a high degree of internal consistency.

Here, it mainly includes that our party's understanding of China's road, theory and system is more systematic, our party's historical confidence and cultural confidence are more firm, our party's promotion of cultural innovation in inheriting China's excellent traditional culture is more self-conscious, and the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization based on cultural subjectivity has been consolidated and consolidated. From the perspective of the inheritance and development of the cultural mission, throughout the centennial history of the struggle of the Party, the ideological liberation of our Party has constantly forged the theoretical innovation of the Party, the theoretical innovation of the Party has constantly promoted the national modernization, and Chinese path to modernization calls for the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. This requires us to better shoulder the new cultural mission and build modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The Party's Theoretical Innovation Continuously Promotes National Modernization Construction

The CPC came into being in the close combination of Marxism Leninism and the Chinese workers' movement, and also developed and expanded in the close combination of the basic principles of Marxism and China's specific reality. This close integration is not something that can be achieved naturally, but can only be achieved through the ideological liberation of the Party in different historical periods. It is precisely the close integration achieved through the ideological liberation of the Party that further fosters the theoretical innovation of the Party in different historical periods, thus forming a series of theoretical achievements in the sinicization of Marxism.

The innovative theoretical achievements of our party forged through ideological liberation in different historical periods have become important indicators for promoting national modernization construction in different historical periods. The main reason for this is that the innovative theoretical achievements of the Party have effectively combined the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities, and with the excellent traditional culture of China. With the power of Marxist truth, it has activated the vast and profound Chinese civilization, allowing Marxism to speak Chinese and contemporary language. At the same time, Marxism also receives rich nourishment from the fertile soil of excellent traditional Chinese culture.It is precisely because of this that Marxism with Chinese characteristics and modernization can continuously promote the construction of national modernization.

So far, the theoretical system and practical requirements of Chinese path to modernization have become more mature and stereotyped.

Chinese path to modernization calls for building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, our party has successfully promoted and expanded the theory and practice of Chinese path to modernization, and the 20th CPC National Congress has pushed the theory and practice of Chinese path to modernization to an unprecedented height. The theory of Chinese path to modernization is the innovative development of scientific socialism in contemporary China, the practice of Chinese path to modernization is the innovative creation of the modernization landscape based on the land of China, and the theory and practice of Chinese path to modernization is a major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization and even the form of human civilization. As a new form of human civilization, Chinese path to modernization must have a solid cultural foundation, and the basic reality of building this cultural foundation is that Chinese path to modernization constitutes a practice field combining the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture. That is to say, Chinese path to modernization is not only based on the reality of China, but also rooted in the history of China; Not only does it possess the theoretical genes of Marxism, but it also possesses the wisdom factor of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Therefore, we say that Chinese path to modernization calls for the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. The fundamental reason is that Chinese path to modernization endows Chinese civilization with modern strength, and Chinese civilization endows Chinese path to modernization with profound connotation. Only by building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation that supports Chinese path to modernization can we achieve mutual empowerment between Chinese path to modernization and Chinese civilization.

From the perspective of the new form of human civilization and in the new historical journey of building modern Chinese civilization, it is crucial to take three measures to achieve the new cultural mission of our party.

One is independence and autonomy based on firm cultural confidence. The key to the spiritual independence and autonomy of a country or a nation lies in firm cultural confidence and cultural self-awareness based on cultural confidence. Independence and autonomy are the soul of the Chinese nation's spirit and an important principle for building our party and country. Adhering to independence and autonomy is an important historical experience accumulated by our party's century long struggle, and it is the true essence of our continuous awakening from setbacks and moving from victory to victory. Based on the magnificent history and rich and vivid reality of our party, summarizing Chinese experience with Chinese principles, elevating Chinese experience into Chinese theory, arming the Chinese people with Chinese theory, can we achieve the spiritual independence and autonomy of the Chinese people. Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. It has both the common characteristics of modernization in all countries and the Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions, which determines that the way to success of Chinese path to modernization can only be independence based on firm cultural self-confidence. Adhere to independence and self-reliance, adhere to their own path, adhere to the development of the country and the nation on the basis of their own strength, adhere to the fate of China's development and progress firmly in their own hands, which is the essence of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation supporting Chinese path to modernization.

The second is to embrace both openness and inclusiveness. Chinese path to modernization creates a new form of human civilization and becomes an important part of human civilization, which determines that Chinese path to modernization must also adhere to the concept of openness and inclusiveness, and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation must also implant open and inclusive factors to reflect the requirements of inclusiveness. Adhering to a global perspective and always standing on the side of historical correctness and human progress is also an important historical experience accumulated by our party's century long struggle. Our party not only contributes its wisdom and strength to the progress of human civilization, but also draws beneficial nutrients from other human civilizations to enrich its cultural connotations. Of course, in building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, while emphasizing "going out", we should also place greater emphasis on "bringing in". While emphasizing "bringing in", we should also continuously promote the localization of foreign cultures and cultivate and create new forms of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is in this sense that the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is a modern form of civilization that does not forget its roots, absorbs foreign elements, and faces the future on the basis of inclusiveness. Undoubtedly, this modern form of civilization will also make more contributions to China's exploration of better social systems for humanity.

The third is to create and develop on the basis of adhering to integrity and innovation. Adhering to integrity and innovation is a general law of cultural development and the continuation of civilization that is eternal and unchanging.Modernization has long sprouted on the land of ancient China, nurtured in the wisdom of ancient Chinese people in governing the country, and also reflected in the genes of excellent traditional Chinese culture in governing the country and ensuring national security. The exploration and practice of modernization have been continuously promoted and expanded during different historical periods of Chinese revolution, construction, and reform. Therefore, Chinese path to modernization cannot be separated from Chinese history and excellent traditional culture, and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation that supports Chinese path to modernization must also carry out creative transformation and innovative development through integrity and innovation in inheriting and developing Chinese history and excellent traditional culture. Only by upholding integrity and innovation can the modern civilization of the Chinese nation accumulate ideological and cultural strength for Chinese path to modernization in the context of continuing the historical context and composing contemporary Chinese chapters.

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