The body lacks protein | Eat healthily, 5 phenomena will tell you

Release time:May 18, 2024 16:09 PM

Protein is the material basis of life. It can be said that without protein, there would be no life. People who are deficient in protein may experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, anemia, etc. Especially when the following phenomena occur, if it is not caused by a disease, it is necessary to consider whether the body is deficient in protein, and timely intervention is required as directed by a doctor. So, what are these phenomena, and how can we supplement protein on a daily basis?

The main component of nails is protein. If protein is lacking for a long time, nails will become soft, brittle, grow slowly, and break easily.

The main component of hair is also protein. If there is a lack of protein, in order to conserve energy and store protein, the body will reduce the protein content in the hair. This will make the hair yellow, brittle, thin, dry, dull, and easy to fall off.

Protein is the key to building and repairing muscle tissue. If there is a lack of protein, muscles will decrease, relax, and lose strength, affecting exercise ability.

Blood also contains protein. Long-term lack of protein will reduce the osmotic pressure of plasma, causing water in blood vessels to penetrate into tissues outside blood vessels, causing edema. Usually edema starts in the lower body first. You can press your body with your hands, such as the front of your calf. If the dent does not subside for a long time, it may be edema.

If protein intake is insufficient, immune cells cannot repair and proliferate quickly, making people often sick.

Generally speaking, the protein intake of adult women should not be less than 55 grams per day, and the protein intake of adult men should not be less than 65 grams per day.

Special groups such as the elderly over 65 years old and vegetarian groups need to increase their protein intake.

Protein supplementation is not always better. Especially for people with abnormal kidney function, excessive protein supplementation will burden the kidneys and worsen the condition.

Steamed buns and rice can also provide protein for the human body, but the protein in these staple foods is not high-quality protein. Food sources of high-quality protein include eggs, milk, soybeans, fish and lean meats. The intake of high-quality protein should reach 1/2 to 2/3 of the total protein required by the human body in a day. It is generally recommended for adults to consume the following 6 types of food every day:

Appropriate amount of staple food Calculated based on raw weight, men should consume more than 300 grams per day and women should consume more than 250 grams. These foods can provide about 20 grams of protein.

Drink 1 to 2 bags of milk and 300 to 500 grams of milk every day. 300 grams of milk can provide approximately 10 grams of protein.

One medium-sized egg can provide about 7 grams of protein. Elderly people with high cholesterol can eat one egg every other day.

150 grams of lean meat, aquatic products, poultry meat, and livestock meat can be chosen, which can provide about 30 grams of protein.

25 grams of soybeans is equivalent to 100 to 150 grams of soy products and can provide about 10 grams of protein.

500 grams of vegetables and 250 grams of fruits and vegetables can provide about 5 grams of protein.

The above protein content is a rough estimate. The specific content will vary with different ingredients and different brands of food. In daily life, you can also refer to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" to arrange your diet and supplement enough protein. For special groups of people who need to avoid food due to illness, their diet should follow the doctor's advice.

Author: Yu Kang, expert in the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database and chief physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

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