The "First Lady" wearing a fashionable body armor

Release time:May 26, 2024 08:49 AM

When Novoa saw her, all worries seemed to disappear.

The 36-year-old Ecuadorian President Daniel Novoa has been troubled a lot recently: On May 10, the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court ruled that his executive order declaring a state of emergency in five provinces 10 days ago was unconstitutional; he and Vice President Awad The relationship broke down completely, with the latter claiming that Novoa was conducting a "witch hunt" against her.

But luckily, his wife, Lavinia Valbonesi, was always by his side. When Novoa saw her, all worries seemed to disappear.

Oval face, high nose, long legs, blond hair... 26-year-old Lavinia is the world's first "Generation Z First Lady". She is tall and likes to wear coats, and her long blond hair is tied back, revealing With delicate and majestic facial features and a face like a supermodel, her aura is not inferior to that of female stars. Some people even call her the Ecuadorian version of "contemporary Diana".

On October 15, 2023, the 35-year-old Novoa won the election with more than 52% of the vote. As Ecuador ushered in the appointment of the youngest president in history, Novoa's beautiful wife Lavinia also quickly "came out of the circle". Many "face-conscious" voters said: "Novoa does not necessarily want to be president, but Lavinia must become the 'First Lady' no matter what."

Lavinia helped Novoa a lot in his career in politics. The two got married in 2021. That year, Novoa was successfully elected as a member of Congress, and Lavinia quickly transformed from a fashion blogger to a politician's wife.

During Novoa's presidential campaign, Lavinia launched an "all-white offensive" to help her husband increase his attention. Almost all of her outfits were white because white symbolizes purity and integrity.

On the eve of the general election voting, Ecuador's political scene was in turmoil. Three politicians were assassinated one after another within six days. Novoa almost always wears a bulletproof vest when going out, and Lavinia also wears a custom-made pure white bulletproof vest and accompanies her husband to travel around the country giving speeches and canvassing votes.

Even though she was pregnant, she still insisted on taking a helicopter to travel to various places to canvass votes for her husband. After the second round of the presidential debate, Lavinia suffered bleeding due to fetal movement and was very weak. However, she still insisted on attending the event and comforted the people with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I have overcome it."

·During her pregnancy, Lavinia still insisted on participating in various public events with her husband Novoa.

Novoa can stand out in the general election as a "dark horse", and Lavinia's ability to canvass votes cannot be underestimated. She topped the trending list in Ecuador and once launched a "First Lady Smoothie" in her snack shop, claiming the recipe was a "state secret." The smoothie went viral in the weeks leading up to the runoff, unwittingly spreading the message that she was the future First Lady.

After officially becoming the "First Lady", she said this: "I want to be called the 'First Servant' instead of the 'First Lady'. The 'First Lady' is all Ecuadorian women who take care of the family and go out Working and taking care of their families, I think they are our ‘first ladies’.”

Her husband came from a wealthy family and became the head of state. Faced with "both wealth and wealth", she said this: "My husband originally had no idea of ​​becoming president. The root cause that drove us to travel far and wide and risk our lives to participate in the election was that he believed When it comes to the needs of the people... they need help."

On the day of her husband's inauguration, Lavinia wore a ponytail and a simple white dress, revealing her elegant shoulders and neck lines, looking radiant. After the ceremony, the family of four took a "family photo" in the President's Office, which the couple proudly displayed on their social media accounts. "Without you, none of this would be possible." Novoa expressed an emotional expression to his wife.

·The Novoa family of four took family photos at the Presidential Palace.

It is worth mentioning that Lavinia has already become popular on the Internet. In 2014, she began to share her daily life on the social media "photo wall". With her perfect figure and outstanding appearance, she quickly accumulated a lot of fans, and now she has more than one million fans on all platforms.

Before her husband announced his candidacy for president, Lavinia was more willing to show off her socialite life, but now, she often "shows off" scenes of visits to hospitals, child welfare institutions, poor communities, etc., "worrying about the country and the people" The flavor is much stronger.

Lavinia is a true "small town girl". She was born in 1998 in the coastal town of Jone, Manabi Province, Ecuador, and is the only daughter in her family. Her father Furio is Italian and her mother Gloria is Ecuadorian.

"My seemingly happy family has another side that no one knows. After my parents divorced, I experienced the feeling of not having money to pay the electricity bill. But I had to live alone to be self-reliant and to pursue my dream career, which is nutrition. ” Lavinia once said frankly in an interview.

The training of life taught Lavinia to be independent very early. She lived alone in her mother's small apartment and began modeling at the age of 15 to pay for school fees. In order to achieve better T-stage effects, she began to work hard on fitness; in order to achieve better fitness effects, she began to participate in nutritionist training. She once revealed to Ecuador's "Universo" that after unremitting efforts, she overcame many difficulties and finally obtained the qualification certificate of a clinical nutritionist.

Later, she obtained a fitness coaching certificate and earned extra money as a coach. After seeing that the number of students reached a certain level, she raised money to open a fitness center in Tampa, Florida, USA.

With the clinical nutritionist qualification certificate, she began to think about how to connect with the industry she was familiar with - she decided that whether she was a model or a fitness professional, she must be very concerned about diet. So, she struck while the iron was hot and opened a light food restaurant called "Green Deli" in Guayaquil, Ecuador. She integrated nutrition, fitness, modeling and other elements into the marketing strategy, and soon accumulated 72,000 followers on social platforms. fans.

Today, Lavinia is one of the most photographed women in Ecuador, with countless Ecuadorians, especially women, praising her style. Her outfits are elegant and elegant, and she is not afraid to add bold patterns, colors or combinations. This sense of escape is very suitable for her age.

At the same time, many people have discovered that her fashion sense is very similar to that of British Princess Kate and even the late Princess Diana. Her stylist Alex Magari said in an interview that her most common reference was Diana. When choosing clothes for Lavinia, he would ask himself: "Is this what Diana would wear?" He also said that in addition to Diana, Kate and the former "First Lady" of France Carla Bruni also dressed themselves Lavinia's source of inspiration for styling.

·Lavinia wore white when attending public events recently. ‍

Lavinia once said that one of the people she admired most was Diana. After becoming the "First Lady", Lavinia also attached great importance to advocating the rights of women and children, claiming that she would do her best to help single mothers in Ecuador.

Lavinia said Ecuadorian women "can do anything." “We can be the backbone of our family, we can be mothers, we can work, we can study, we can achieve everything we want to achieve.” She added, “I witnessed how my mother took care of me while studying and studying day and night. Working, my mother’s story is the story of thousands of Ecuadorian women.”

Many people are curious about the love story of Lavinia and Novoa.

In 2019, Lavinia served as Novoa's personal nutritionist. She developed an effective fitness regimen and diet plan for Novoa. In just a few months, Novoa lost weight successfully and became obsessed with Lavinia.

Lavinia said it was not love at first sight, "but he was a very persistent person, and after a few months, he finally conquered me."

In August 2021, Novoa married Lavinia. After getting married, they gave birth to two sons in succession and became a couple of gods in the eyes of the public.

On the day of the presidential inauguration, Novoa and Lavinia's two-year-old son Alvarito became the focus of the camera. The little boy first entered the Houses of Parliament and the Palace of Carondelet wearing one shoe, and then did not wear the other shoe at all. Pictures of him pretending to direct a military band with his hands to play the national anthem to welcome the new president at the main entrance of the Carondelet Palace went viral on social media.

"This thing is particularly interesting. I specially made him a pair of shoes for that event, which were a bit big. To make sure, I put on a pair of socks for him, but the shoes came loose when he was walking. At that time, I It was too late to put it on. Halfway through, his other shoe fell off," said Lavinia.

This somewhat hectic haste is actually a microcosm of Novoa's path to the presidency. Last year's general election was held early due to a serious political and social crisis in Ecuador. Ecuador has seen a sharp rise in violence since 2020, particularly concentrated in the coastal city of Guayaquil. Local criminal gangs have clashed violently and even attacked officials as they compete for control of drug trafficking routes. In the first half of 2023 alone, more than 1,000 violent deaths occurred.

Novoa, who will take office in December 2023, will be in office until May 2025, which is only one and a half years. Now, he has announced that he will run again. According to Ecuador's relevant regulations, he should "suspend his activities as president" for 45 days before the election and hand over power to the vice president, but there are reports that he refused to hand over power to his deputy Awad. The "falling out" between the president and the vice president mentioned earlier was caused by this.

However, regardless of whether Novoa is re-elected or not, this family lives a wealthy and privileged life. After all, he is the son of Ecuador's richest man. ‍

Noboa was born in November 1987. His father, Alvaro Noboa, is Ecuador’s “banana tycoon”. He started out growing and transporting bananas and owns more than 100 companies in dozens of countries. Forbes magazine estimates Alvaro's wealth exceeds $1 billion.

Since 1998, Alvaro has run for president five times, three of which entered the second round of voting but was not elected. With a father so obsessed with being president, Novoa has been involved in politics since he was 9 years old. After receiving an MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business, he received a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University's Kennedy School in 2020, and then received a master's degree in public governance from George Washington University, known as the "cradle of politicians" and an M.A. in Political Communication.

Novoa, who received a business and political education in the United States, started an event organizing company at the age of 18 and later joined the family business, holding management positions in shipping, logistics and commerce. His political career began in 2021, when he was elected to Congress and served as Chairman of the Parliamentary Economic Development Committee. Two years later, he became president.

"Tomorrow we will fight for a new Ecuador and rebuild this country that has been severely devastated by violence, corruption and hatred." This was Novoa's vow after he was elected president.

Novoa is undoubtedly lucky to have Lavinia by his side on this road of struggle that is doomed to be difficult.

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