Digital empowerment development data activates potential energy - observations from the 7th Digital China Construction Summit Digital Economy | Elements | Potential Energy

Release time:May 26, 2024 06:12 AM

Fuzhou, May 25th: Title: Digital Empowerment Development Data Activates Potential Energy - Observations from the 7th Digital China Construction Summit

From May 24th to 25th, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit with the theme of "Releasing the Value of Data Elements and Developing New Productivity" was held in Fuzhou, Fujian. Representatives from various fields focused on new technologies, new models, and new business formats. The collision provides a vane for observing China in the digital age.

Robots, drones, etc. all appeared, and artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, etc. competed on the stage... The on-site experience area of ​​the summit created a new digital life and cultural experience for the audience, showing the wisdom of the digital age.

At the exhibition, various robots became the undisputed "popular kings". Answering questions, performing Tai Chi, brewing coffee...robots in "thousands of industries" are doing their jobs conscientiously.

In the Feixiang Planet exhibition area, one-on-one artificial intelligence composition tutoring attracted many visitors. "This is the teacher's right-hand assistant." According to the staff, the artificial intelligence system built by Feixiang Planet based on the domestic self-developed education model can help students understand the topic, diversify their thinking, and write down writing through multiple rounds of heuristic dialogue.

Some exhibitors also demonstrated the possibility of digital empowerment for the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises. At Jiuzhang Yunji's booth, the company's customized digital solutions for enterprises were displayed on the display. Relying on this solution, traditional manufacturing companies can not only grasp production data in real time, but also quickly find solutions in situations such as production machinery failure.

Industry insiders believe that with the accelerated development and improvement of digital infrastructure and capabilities such as big data and the Internet of Things, a large number of scientific and technological achievements have found practical application scenarios, bringing about new technologies, new industries, and new business formats such as artificial intelligence and digital economy. rise.

In Changle, Fujian, an important cluster of the national textile industry, local textile companies have accelerated their innovation-driven transformation by leveraging the industrial Internet.

When the "AI quality inspector" "finds faults" in the products in the textile workshop, the result is that "the accuracy of defect identification reaches more than 95%, and the number of defects detected also ranges from 10 per 100 meters manually to 40 per 100 meters using AI." In the textile workshop of Fujian Donglong Knitting Co., Ltd., several warp knitting machines that took the lead in piloting digital intelligence are equipped with "AI quality inspectors" one by one to look for defects in the newly produced warp knitted lace and issue Grid location alerts and prompts.

"Since the application of the system, 100% of fabrics have been fully inspected online, and the overall efficiency has been greatly increased by 2 to 3 times." said Liu Xiaoqiang, chief information officer of Fujian Donglong Knitting Co., Ltd.

Experts and scholars attending the meeting believed that digital technology is increasingly integrated into various fields of economic development, providing soil for accelerating the formation of new productive forces and continuously expanding the space and potential for economic development.

The scale of my country's intelligent manufacturing equipment industry has exceeded 3.2 trillion yuan, and it has cultivated 421 national-level demonstration factories, more than 10,000 provincial-level digital workshops and smart factories... From the supply chain to the production line, the integration of digital and real has further accelerated and continuously promoted industrial improvement. Quality and efficiency.

The "two-wheel drive" of digital industrialization and industrial digitization has injected new momentum into China's economic development. The "Digital China Development Report" released during the summit showed that my country's digital economy will maintain steady growth in 2023, and the added value of the core industries of the digital economy will account for 10% of GDP.

Change because of numbers, thrive because of numbers. Whether it is the development of artificial intelligence technology, cloud computing services or industrial digital transformation, data elements are permeated. Experts believe that for data elements to be “used well”, the key is to “flow freely”.

Qi Xiangdong, chairman of Qi'anxin, said that in the digital age, everything is being digitized, data resources are becoming more and more abundant, and data elements are flowing faster and faster, bringing unlimited possibilities to promote economic and social development.

The "National Data Resources Survey Report" released at the summit shows that in 2023, the country's total data production will reach 32.85ZB, a year-on-year increase of 22.44%.

How to activate the value of data elements and release more effective data supply has become a must-answer for the development of the future digital economy.

Li Ligong, general manager of China Electronics Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., believes that the management of data elements can be strengthened through legislation, supervision and other methods, and data desensitization and decryption can be accelerated, which can facilitate pricing, confirmation of rights, and speed up data circulation.

Fujian has released several measures to promote the circulation and trading of data elements, Anhui has accelerated the promulgation of public data authorization operation and management measures, and Hangzhou has accelerated the construction of a high-standard "China Digital Valley" to promote the circulation of data elements... All regions are taking active actions to use data as the starting point to promote High-quality development of the digital economy.

Chen Ronghui, deputy director of the National Data Administration, said that in order to build a unified, open, competitive and orderly data element market, a data property rights system will be introduced, policy documents will be formulated to promote data compliance and efficient circulation and transactions, and a data element revenue distribution and security governance mechanism will be established.

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