The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

Release time:May 26, 2024 06:09 AM

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on April 30 and decided to convene the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in July this year to focus on further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Less than a month later, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the local level for investigation and research, and listened to opinions and suggestions on further comprehensively deepening the reform.

"When the Party Central Committee makes major decisions and formulates important documents, it conducts in-depth research and listens to opinions from all sides. This is our party's consistent practice and fine tradition." The general secretary stated the profound meaning of this trip.

During the inspection of Shandong, he stressed that “we should take the further comprehensive deepening of reforms as the driving force and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Shandong” and encouraged “to strive to be the first in further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting high-level opening up to the outside world”; he hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts, emphasizing that “ Closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms."

Towards the grand voyage of Chinese-style modernization, we will further comprehensively deepen reforms, the wind is sailing, and the journey is like a rainbow.

On the afternoon of May 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech. Photo by reporter Ju Peng

Xianghaituqiang - "We should firmly believe that China's reform and opening up will be successful."

Managing the oceans and seeking to strengthen the seas is the essence of high-quality development and an inevitable requirement for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up.

It has more than 3,500 kilometers of coastline, accounting for about one-sixth of the country's coastline, 26 large and small ports, a large number of heavyweight marine scientific research institutions and innovation platforms, and rich marine resources... In the mind of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the ocean is a big The province of Shandong is “fully equipped to deepen and expand this major issue of marine development.”

In March 2018, during the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that "the ocean is a strategic location for high-quality development" when attending the deliberation of the Shandong delegation, emphasizing that "we must pay more attention to managing the ocean" and "accelerate the construction of a world-class ocean port and a complete modern port". The marine industry system and green and sustainable marine ecological environment will contribute to the construction of a maritime power."

Six years have passed. How has Shandong progressed in terms of "accelerating the construction of a world-class ocean port"? On the afternoon of the 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Rizhao Port on the coast of the Yellow Sea as the first stop of his Shandong inspection tour.

The display board at the Shijiu Port Area Wharf in Rizhao Port shows the layout of Shandong coastal ports.

The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

General Secretary Xi Jinping stepped forward and inspected carefully. Binzhou Port, Dongying Port, Weifang Port, Yantai Port, Weihai Port, Qingdao Port, Rizhao Port... Along the coastline, there are seven major ports in Shandong Peninsula.

From May 22 to 24, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shandong. On the afternoon of the 22nd, Xi Jinping cordially visited port science and technology workers, operations personnel, and shipping personnel at Rizhao Port. Photo by reporter Xie Huanchi

The responsible comrades of Shandong Port Group told the General Secretary that they have integrated the major ports on the Shandong Peninsula and developed collaboratively. In the past five years, not only has the throughput exceeded 500 million tons, but the scientific and technological innovation strength has also been significantly enhanced.

Not far away, the automated work area is busy:

Four 70-ton giant bridge cranes stand tall, steadily picking up containers from shore freighters and accurately placing them on unmanned container trucks. Then, the container truck automatically drove along the fixed route to the storage area... No one was operating the whole process, but it was in an orderly manner.

After the reform and opening up, Rizhao Port set sail in the tide of the times, caught up from behind, and quickly grew into the "youngest" 500-million-ton port and the world's first shoreside open fully automated container terminal. Its annual cargo throughput ranks seventh in the world. Bit.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Rizhao Port was built after the reform and opening up. Various comprehensive factors were gathered and optimized, and it suddenly emerged and became an important port. You are the vanguard of reform and opening up. From this, we should strengthen our belief that China's reform The road to openness will definitely succeed.”

Zhang Liangang, a great craftsman, is the leader of the innovation team for fully automated terminal construction of Shandong Port Group. He told the general secretary that he had no experience at the beginning, and when he wanted to visit the automated terminals in Europe, no one was allowed to get out of the car and take pictures. We must take a deep breath to be self-reliant and build our own automated terminal as a Chinese people.

“If you work hard, you will not necessarily do well; if you don’t work hard, you will definitely not do well!” It is with this spirit that Zhang Liangang led the team to overcome difficulties one after another, realize the localization of all software and hardware equipment, and promote related technologies to the “Belt and Road Initiative” Countries along the route, "Recently, European ports have invited us to 'pass on scriptures and send treasures'."

"This shows that through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, new productive forces can also be developed. If we want to move from a big country to a powerful country, we must pass this hurdle and take the road of independent innovation." The general secretary said approvingly, "Your contribution is great. , embodying the spirit of model workers and craftsmanship.”

In the harbor, blue waves are rippling. General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the shore and looked into the distance.

At the dock in the distance, 10,000-ton cargo ships from all over the world are lined up, showing the grandeur of the port's connectivity to the world.

The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

"We are all strivers. From the past to today, we have achieved such brilliant achievements. Our future goals are very clear and great. To achieve them, we must continue to work hard. To have such confidence and confidence, let us Let’s work together!” General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words were inspiring to the port science and technology workers, operators, and shipping personnel at the terminal operation site.

The green roads are verdant - "Grassing up reform and promoting development are, in the final analysis, to allow the people to live a better life."

On the coast of the Yellow Sea, there is a 28-kilometer-long Sunshine Coast Greenway, which runs from north to south. It is equipped with viewing platforms, sports trails, tourist rest squares and other facilities, making it a popular check-in spot for citizens and tourists to relax and vacation.

In recent years, the coastal city of Rizhao has vigorously promoted ecological protection and restoration of its coastline, boosted the development of cultural tourism, and turned the blue sea and sky into valuable assets.

The sea and sky are vast, the waves are roaring, and the shore is green and the sand is white. On the afternoon of the 22nd, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Sunshine Coast Greenway for inspection and investigation.

The local responsible comrades told the General Secretary that during the construction of the greenway, the "original ecology" tone was adhered to throughout, and key ecologically weak areas such as abandoned shrimp ponds and wastelands along the line were repaired and upgraded, and trees and shrubs were planted to maximize restoration and protection. the integrity and naturalness of the marine ecosystem.

From May 22 to 24, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, inspected Shandong. On the afternoon of the 22nd, Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with citizens on the Sunshine Coast Greenway in Rizhao City. Photo by reporter Xie Huanchi

Cycling enthusiasts, lovers taking wedding photos, children playing with windmills, elderly people walking hand in hand... The General Secretary walked along the greenway to inspect the ecological protection and restoration of the coastline, and warmly greeted citizens and tourists from time to time.

Returning the sea to the people and returning the scenery to the people, ecological protection has brought multiple benefits.

Citizens' leisure and fitness activities have improved their quality of life, and the tourism economy is also booming. In 2023, Rizhao City received a total of 53.33 million tourists, an increase of 66.5% over the previous year. The added value of the tourism industry increased by 25.7%, accounting for 5.1% of GDP.

In the small square beside the greenway, citizens and tourists gathered around and shouted hello to the General Secretary.

General Secretary Xi Jinping told everyone: "With a good ecological environment, people will have a real sense of happiness. The construction of greenways combines natural scenery with artificial facilities and meets the needs of citizens, which is a matter of popular support." ”

The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

Looking at the happy children in front of him, the General Secretary was particularly happy: "Their generation is very happy. By the time the second centenary goal is achieved, they will all have grown up. We are realizing Chinese-style modernization, and the younger generation is the backbone. Strength. We must work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make the people’s lives better and better.”

Chinese-style modernization puts people’s livelihood first. Comprehensively deepen reform and put people first. This is the original intention of the Chinese Communists, and it is also the driving force and starting point for the new journey of reform and opening up.

On the afternoon of the 23rd, at a symposium between enterprises and experts held in Jinan City, Shandong Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized: “Our focus on reform and promotion of development is, in the final analysis, to allow the people to live a better life. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Finally, I proposed that adhering to people’s supremacy, people-centeredness, and the people’s yearning for a better life are our goals, and they must be implemented in all aspects of the entire process of comprehensively deepening reform.”

The wind is rising and the sails are sailing - "In this reform, we will closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization"

"After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I have been thinking about further comprehensively deepening reforms. After the reform and opening up, all the third plenary sessions of the Party Central Committee have studied reforms. In this reform, we will closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization."

At the symposium between enterprises and experts, General Secretary Xi Jinping made it clear: "Listen to everyone's opinions and suggestions face to face, and please speak freely."

In the venue, there were representatives from state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises, specialized and new "little giant" enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, experts and scholars from the economic field, and representatives from relevant departments and localities. Responsible comrade.

Two representatives from private enterprises spoke one after another, and they both talked about the importance of promoting private enterprises to focus on their main business and improve their internal strength——

Ding Shizhong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ANTA Sports Goods Group Co., Ltd., still remembers that during the National Two Sessions in 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Fujian delegation and encouraged him: "Business and career are not just a matter of making a few dollars. Really. "It is our duty to focus on industry." Ding Shizhong suggested that by deepening reforms, we should further optimize the business environment and use technological transformation to upgrade traditional industries to strengthen the confidence of private enterprises in solid development.

Xu Guanju, chairman of Zhejiang Transfar Group Co., Ltd., said in his speech that the average life span of China's private enterprises is short, which is very sad. He suggested exploring the establishment of an evaluation and support system for corporate governance of private enterprises at the national level to help private enterprises develop healthily.

On the afternoon of May 23, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech. Photo by reporter Xie Huanchi

Regarding the views of the two representatives, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "The roots are deep and the leaves are luxuriant, and the main roots must be firm. This is a manifestation of entrepreneurial spirit."

The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

"When I was working in Fujian and Zhejiang, there were many private enterprises in the field of shoes, hats and clothing. From the initial processing of supplied materials to the establishment of their own brands, and then surpassing international brands, I observed these emerging enterprises, they are focused and focused. Be consistent and strengthen our main business.”

"If an enterprise collapses within a few years of its establishment, then our development of modern industries and cultivation of new productive forces will not be sustainable. The enterprise itself must improve its internal strength." said the general secretary.

When Zhang Bin, an expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, talked about optimizing the regional productivity layout and preventing "involution" homogeneous competition, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The connotation of new quality productivity can be discussed in more depth. New quality Is productivity equal to emerging industries? Transformation and upgrading of traditional industries can also develop new productivity. We cannot just focus on the "three new things", and we must not just shout about them, but they must adapt to local conditions and have their own merits. ”

The general secretary recalled the past: "When I was working in Zhengding, economist Yu Guangyuan proposed a concept - limited to China's economic strength and conditions at that time, more consideration should be given to the 'poor approach' to achieve modernization. I was in the 'poor approach' Later, a ‘local method’ was added, which is a method that is adapted to the local area and does not necessarily have to be comprehensive.”

Reform and opening up complement each other and promote each other. Adhering to a high level of opening up to the outside world and promoting in-depth reforms are unified in the great practice of Chinese-style modernization.

At the symposium, Xu Daquan, President of German Bosch Investment Co., Ltd., shared the story of how corporate intellectual property rights have been effectively protected in China, and put forward opinions and suggestions on optimizing the business environment for foreign-funded enterprises.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "We are committed to creating a level playing field and will not squeeze foreign-funded companies out of the Chinese market just because they are foreign-funded companies. Our door will open wider and wider."

The representatives spoke for more than an hour and a half. General Secretary Xi Jinping took notes from time to time, interjected again and again to ask questions, understand the specific situation, and exchanged in-depth responses. The venue was filled with a warm, lively, candid and pragmatic atmosphere.

After listening to everyone's speeches, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech and provided strategic guidance on how to draw a grand blueprint for further comprehensively deepening reforms:

Staying close to the theme of reform - promoting Chinese-style modernization is the banner that gathers the wisdom and strength of the whole party and the people of the country on the new journey, and it is also the theme of further comprehensively deepening reform;

Highlight the key points of reform - promoting economic system reform focuses on practical results, starting from practical needs, starting from the most urgent matters, deepening theoretical innovation and promoting institutional innovation while solving practical problems;

Keep a firm focus on value orientation - launch more reform measures that are urgent for the people's livelihood and what the people want, and do more practical things that benefit the people's livelihood, warm the people's hearts, and satisfy the public opinion, so that the reforms can give the people a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security. feel;

The wind is just right and the sails are sailing - General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shandong and hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts to document the coastline | Greenway | Xi Jinping

Pay attention to methods and methods - reforms must be broken and established. If you follow the rules, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't follow the rules, you will get twice the result with half the effort or even have negative effects. We must adhere to integrity and innovation, pay more attention to system integration, and focus more on planning than implementation...

There was a wave of applause in the venue. China's reform and opening up will open a new chapter.

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