Shenzhen's "double shared housing" certification has sparked heated discussions! Does it have reference significance? Owner | Shenzhen | Qualified Certificate

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:45 AM

On the tenth day of the implementation of the "dual certificate integration" policy in Shenzhen, the owners handling the business have already crowded the service hall, but the impact has not yet been transmitted to the second-hand housing market. "Most homeowners' certificates have not been obtained, and the second-hand housing transactions in Shenzhen have been relatively cold recently. The impact of these properties on the market is hard to say," a real estate agent in Shenzhen told Chao News on July 24th.

The so-called "double housing" refers to developers who, in order to avoid relevant policies, combine two houses into one for sale, but have two property certificates. After the purchase restriction, the circulation of this type of housing was hindered, leading to the call for the merger of two certificates into one, which is known as the "dual certificate integration".

"Double shared housing" is a historical legacy issue. In order to avoid the "70/90" policy, developers divided some large apartment projects into two or even multiple property certificates for sale. However, in recent years, multiple cities in China have implemented varying degrees of purchase restriction policies, with room tickets and high down payments becoming stumbling blocks for such projects. As a result, "double housing" has faced a cold reception in cities with purchase restrictions. Taking Hangzhou as an example, in 2021, a "one house, five certificates" row house was auctioned by the judiciary, which attracted attention. In the end, the house was sold at a market price almost 60% off.

Due to the need for time, the impact of this policy on the Shenzhen property market has not yet fully emerged. In fact, in Hangzhou, there are also a large number of "double houses" or even "multiple houses". These homeowners are also looking forward to the implementation of Shenzhen's policy in Hangzhou. Recently, the Hangzhou 12345 government service hotline received a lot of public consultation telephone. Shenzhen "double certificate in one" initiative, whether it has the possibility of universal promotion? Hangzhou related departments how to consider this, the current "double certificate in one" what controversy that is difficult? In recent days, the tide of news for this incident launched an investigation.

The whole process will take 10 days to complete the "certificate"

According to statistics from Zhongyuan Real Estate, there are at least 90000 double housing units in Shenzhen, involving more than 120 residential areas in the city, mainly concentrated in the three areas of Nanshan, Longgang, and Bao'an. Taking Nanshan as an example, there are the communities with the most shared housing units, such as Xiangshanli, Peninsula Chengbang, Yongjingwan, Yiyun Banshan, and Sanxiang Haishang. There are over 2800 shared housing units in the entire Shenzhen Bay.

What conditions need to be met for Shenzhen's "dual certificate integration"? Previously, it was reported that approval must be obtained from planning, fire protection, surveying and mapping departments, and only properties listed on the whitelist of the Shenzhen Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau can be processed.

"The whitelist circulating on the internet may not be accurate, and the results of on-site inquiries by the registration office should be used as the basis." On July 21st, a reporter from Chao News called the 12345 government service hotline in Shenzhen, and the staff of the real estate consultation channel replied.

However, the integration of dual certificates does require certain conditions to be met. According to the comprehensive information obtained by the reporter from the Shenzhen Government Service Hotline and Real Estate Registration Center, the entire process is generally divided into two steps.

Firstly, the applicant needs to bring their ID card and property certificate to the real estate registration point in the location of the property to be processed, and check whether the community where the property is located is within the scope of the property list recognized by the competent department. If it meets the conditions, it will be surveyed and registered. After registration is completed, within about 7 working days, the applicant will obtain the merged household cadastral survey results issued by the Surveying and Mapping Center, and receive a surveying and mapping receipt to complete the certification procedures. The processing time is approximately 3 working days. For the property itself, it is required that the property certificates to be merged belong to the same rights registrant, and there are no situations involving property seizure, objection, mortgage, residential rights, or other property rights restrictions.

Shenzhen's "double shared housing" certification has sparked heated discussions! Does it have reference significance? Owner | Shenzhen | Qualified Certificate

A staff member from one of the real estate registration points in Shenzhen said, "In the first two to three days, more than 300 people came to our registration point for consultation, but not all of them would handle it, and some are still waiting. Although the entire process takes about 10 working days, one owner who applied earlier has already completed the certificate."

In fact, before Shenzhen, in recent years, multiple cities across the country have introduced "certification" policies.

In October 2020, the Zengcheng District Branch of the Guangzhou Planning and Natural Resources Bureau took the lead in issuing a notice on the registration of "one house, two certificates, and dual certificates in one" property in Zengcheng District, clarifying that for properties that have been built and sold, if there are multiple property certificates but are actually used as one set, they can apply for merger registration as one set of properties.

Subsequently, Dongguan mentioned in the "Dongguan Seven Rules" that the double unit layout is calculated based on one set of certificates; The Shunde Branch of Foshan Natural Resources Bureau has also issued the "Guidelines for the Merger of 70/90 Commercial Housing Units in Shunde District".

In November 2020, the Changsha Municipal Government also clarified that "double housing" with the words "70/90" marked on the property certificate can be recognized as a house when conducting a buying and selling transaction.

However, the purchase restrictions vary from place to place. Some of the above-mentioned cities belong to non-restricted areas, and whether the "certificate" has little impact on market transactions.

Affected by the 7090 policy, the concept of "multi unit housing" has a long history

Why is there a phenomenon of "double housing" in various regions? This can be traced back to a document 17 years ago.

In May 2006, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice forwarding the opinions of the Ministry of Construction and other departments on adjusting the housing supply structure and stabilizing housing prices. It stipulated that starting from June 1, 2006, for newly approved and newly started commercial housing construction, the proportion of housing area with a building area of less than 90 square meters must reach 70% of the total development and construction area, which is commonly known as the "7090 policy".

The original intention of the policy is to curb the tendency of developers to blindly pursue large layouts and protect the interests of first-time homebuyers. However, developers have their own considerations in product positioning, especially for some mid to high end projects where larger units have a greater market potential. So, in order to break through the constraints of the "7090 policy", some real estate projects will apply for approval of units of less than 90 square meters according to the prescribed proportion, and then merge two or more of them into one house for design and sale, resulting in "double housing" and "multi housing".

Shenzhen's "double shared housing" certification has sparked heated discussions! Does it have reference significance? Owner | Shenzhen | Qualified Certificate

The 7090 policy did not withdraw until 2014, and over the past eight years, a large number of "double or even multiple shared housing" policies emerged across the country. According to statistics, influenced by the "7090 policy", there are dozens of "double housing" and "multi housing" real estate projects in Hangzhou, including well-known residential areas that Hangzhou people are familiar with, such as Xixi Chengyuan, Kunlun Mansion, Mingyue Jiangnan, Lijiang Apartments, Dongfang Fudi, Junxi, etc. What is the total number of "double shared housing" and "multi shared housing" in Hangzhou? According to estimates from the market, there are approximately 50000 sets in total. However, this number has not been officially confirmed.

"These houses from the approval to the completion of the acceptance and certification, a house corresponds to a certificate. The phenomenon of 'double-spell' and 'multi-spell' appears in the post-delivery residential use link, the system can not automatically identify these listings, so at present we can not grasp the specific number of this type of listing." Hangzhou City, the relevant departments told the tide of news reporters.

Under "purchase restrictions", "multiple shared rooms" have become hot potato

From 2006 to 2014, the implementation of the 7090 policy spanned 8 years, and the real estate market environment also underwent significant changes. Taking Hangzhou as an example, purchase restrictions began in 2011, leading to awkward situations for "double shared housing" and "multiple shared housing".

"I have been in the industry for 10 years, and splicing houses are basically the most difficult type to sell." Yu Gang, a second-hand housing agent in Hangzhou, told Chao News reporters that before the purchase restrictions, the impact of "one house with multiple certificates" seemed to be small. However, after the purchase restriction, even the local registered residence can only buy two houses, so the problem will follow. There will be no market for the spliced rooms that occupy two or more room tickets unless there is a huge price concession.

For example, in Mingyue Jiangnan, located in Binjiang District, one of the buildings has been converted into a "double unit house", and its transaction price is only 70% -80% of that of normal housing. For example, on a second-hand housing trading platform, the well-known "Red Plate" Feicui City has a "three piece house" with a building area of about 275 square meters, listed at a price of 8.6 million yuan, equivalent to a unit price of about 32000 yuan/square meter. It has been 8 months and has not been sold yet, and there has only been one show in the past 30 days; Another ordinary housing unit with a construction area of about 270 square meters was sold in February this year for a total price of 18.36 million yuan, equivalent to a unit price of about 68000 yuan per square meter.

Screenshot of second-hand housing trading platform

In the French auction market, such properties also face difficulties. In June of this year, Alifa auctioned and listed a set of Chinese style townhouses from Huayuan Hezhuang. The townhouses have a total of 6 certificates and have been connected for use. Surprisingly, the property being auctioned this time consists of four certificates, corresponding to the second and third floors. Although the villa was eventually withdrawn from the auction before the start of filming, even if it was not withdrawn, the outcome could be imagined - it's hard to imagine anyone taking the initiative to auction a villa without a first floor.

In addition, the listing and auction of a "one bedroom, five certificates" row house in Fuyue Xiangshu in 2021 also attracted market attention. At that time, the real estate market in Hangzhou could be considered a "shining moment". However, during the first auction, there were no buyers interested and the second auction was sold for a total price of 14.566 million yuan, which is equivalent to an 8.3% discount on the assessed price of 17.627 million yuan. Someone joked that in order to capture this villa, not only would there be sufficient wallets, but also room tickets from three generations of grandparents and grandchildren would need to be used.

Screenshot of Alibaba Auction Network

Shenzhen's "double shared housing" certification has sparked heated discussions! Does it have reference significance? Owner | Shenzhen | Qualified Certificate

Because of this, since the 2011 purchase, every year in Hangzhou, citizens have provided suggestions through various channels to "certify" various types of "double shared housing" and "multi shared housing". Even a very small number of homeowners have attempted to achieve their "certificate compliance" demands through administrative litigation, but the results did not meet expectations.

Relevant departments in Hangzhou: closely monitoring and requiring comprehensive analysis and judgment

From the perspective of cities such as Guangzhou, Changsha, and Shenzhen that have initiated the "certificate integration" initiative, there are mainly two modes: one is "when conducting second-hand transactions, two houses will be counted as one certificate", and the other directly allows "replacing two certificates with a single book".

The 'dual certificate integration' policy is generally in line with market demand and essentially belongs to the optimization of real estate registration work. It is also a correction of the past '7090 policy' that has seen some tricks. From the listing and trading of some second-hand houses, it can be seen that there is indeed a possibility of boosting their prices. In terms of the current regulation of the real estate market, the 'dual certificate integration' actually reduces the recognition of the number of housing units for homebuyers, which objectively helps to release the demand for subsequent house changes and improved housing Yan Yuejin, the research director of E-House Research Institute, believes that the integration of dual certificates has a positive impact on the current real estate market.

So, will Hangzhou follow up this time? In response to this, relevant departments in Hangzhou have responded to the Chao News reporter that they are currently closely monitoring the Shenzhen "double housing" certification incident, and have also paid attention to the demands of some homeowners. However, the root cause of this problem arises from real estate regulation and is highlighted by the purchase restriction policy, involving multiple departments such as housing security and housing management, urban and rural construction, and planning resources, requiring comprehensive analysis and decision-making.

The Chao News reporter learned that the issue of "certification" is indeed complex and complex, and the group situations involved behind it also vary greatly. For example, during the period from 2006 to 2011, which was before the purchase restriction, the prices of "double shared housing" and "multi shared housing" purchased were not significantly different from normal housing sources. But after purchasing in 2011, whether it is a new or second-hand house, the price is much cheaper than that of a normal housing source. If equal treatment is applied to "certification", it is indeed contrary to policy fairness. In addition, there are indeed some different voices in the market regarding the issue of "certificate compliance": if the 7090 policy can be unconditionally abolished, can the five-year sales policy also be unconditionally abolished in the future? As a measure taken by developers to avoid overheating in the real estate market at that time, will there also be a day for buying and selling their properties?

In the legal community, there is also controversy surrounding the "certificate of conformity" incident. Lawyer Xiao Lin, Senior Partner of Zhejiang Junan Century Law Firm, said, "The legal basis for the 'dual certificate integration' in Shenzhen is debatable. When homeowners purchase a 'double unit house', they are clearly aware and recognize that the house has two property certificates. Applying for a 'certificate integration' under the pretext of 'actually using it as a sub unit' is not legally valid. If this reason is valid, can a homeowner also request a 'certificate integration' after purchasing two houses on the same floor and connecting them for use? Such behavior will obviously undermine China's property registration system. In addition, a large number of 'double unit houses' are now caused by developers exploiting the loopholes in the 7090 policy. If Allowing' compliance 'means compromising and condoning violations, which must be treated with caution.

So, since there is controversy over the issue of "one house with multiple certificates" and there is also suspicion of a few people profiting from policy changes, is there a better solution to the problem of "one house with multiple certificates"? Some industry insiders believe that the dilemma of "double housing" and "multi housing" is caused by purchase restrictions, and with market changes, the cancellation of purchase restrictions is not impossible. Once the purchase restrictions are lifted, all issues will be easily resolved.

At the end of the day, discussing the solution to the problem of "one house with multiple certificates" solely based on the market demand of certain groups is not necessarily the best way. For those Hangzhou homeowners who call for "certificate compliance", they may need to be patient and wait for some time.

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