Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 10:27 AM

Last month, several provinces densely appointed deputy leaders of provincial governments.

On July 14th, Xu Xiangguo was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Heilongjiang Province; On July 25th, Chen Jie was appointed as the Deputy Mayor of Shanghai; On July 26th, Li Zhuo was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Henan Province; On July 27th, Lin Tao was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province, and Zhang Chengzhong was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Hebei Province; On July 28th, Ke Jixin was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Zhejiang Province, and Wang Haipeng was appointed as the Deputy Governor of Shaanxi Province;

Among them, Xu Xiangguo, Lin Tao, and Chen Jie were promoted from the top leaders of the provincial and inland level city party committees to deputy governors. Before taking office, Xu Xiangguo was the Secretary of the Daxing'anling District Committee, Lin Tao was the Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Committee, and Chen Jie was the Secretary of the Baoshan District Committee of Shanghai. At present, the three of them still hold the aforementioned positions.

Bai Luzhou Zhizheng noticed that there are currently 7 provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serving as the "top leaders" of the party and government of prefecture level cities nationwide, including Xu Xiangguo, the deputy governor of Heilongjiang Province, and Xu Xiangguo, the secretary of the Daxing'anling District Committee; Lin Tao, Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province and Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee; Chen Jie, Deputy Mayor of Shanghai and Secretary of Baoshan District Committee; Zhou Haibing, Vice Governor of Hunan Province and Mayor of Changsha City; Dan Ba, Vice Chairman of the Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region and Mayor of Naqu City; Si Lannima, Vice Chairman of the Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee; Gong Huicai, Vice Chairman of the Xizang Autonomous Region Government and Secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee.

From the perspective of the timing of his new appointment, in addition to the three who were promoted from the top leader of the prefecture level city party committee to deputy governor last month, the other four have undergone changes in their positions. In May of this year, Zhou Haibing concurrently served as the deputy secretary of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee and a candidate nominated by the mayor while serving as the deputy governor of Hunan. He was appointed as the acting mayor the following month and was elected as the mayor of Changsha on July 6th; Dan Ba and Gong Huicai were appointed as vice chairmen of the Xizang Autonomous Region government in January this year in Naqu, the mayor of Naqu, and Changdu, the secretary of the municipal party committee; Sri Lanima was appointed Vice Chairman of the Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region last December, and served as the Secretary of the CPC Shigatse Municipal Committee that month.

Among the seven individuals mentioned above, Zhou Haibing and Dan Ba serve as the "top leaders" of the prefecture level city government, while the other five also serve as the "top leaders" of the prefecture level city party committee. A prefecture level city where the deputy position of the provincial government concurrently serves as the party committee or government "leader" has its special status. Naqu is located in the north of Xizang and the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau. With an average altitude of more than 4500 meters and a land area of 353000 square kilometers, it is a prefecture level city with the highest average altitude and the largest land area in China. It is also an important window to show the comprehensive construction of a new socialist modernization Xizang.

And Changsha is the provincial capital city of Hunan. In addition, Zhou Haibing succeeded Zheng Jianxin, the former mayor of Changsha, who was dismissed in the particularly serious self built house collapse accident on April 29th. Hunan attaches great importance to the personnel adjustment in Changsha. At the Changsha Leading Cadres Conference held on May 31st, Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

Shen Xiaoming emphasized the need to take the lead in improving political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and to set an example. We should not only summarize successful experiences in our work, but also draw negative lessons from it. Especially, we should take the "4.29" particularly serious collapse accident of self built houses by residents as a lesson, and adhere to political thinking, planning work, and promoting development.

Shen Xiaoming stated that we should take the lead in preventing and resolving major risks, establish a solid bottom line for safe development, and set an example. We should strengthen our sense of responsibility and effectively prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers in areas such as political security, government debt, economy and finance, ideology, social governance, ecological protection, and safety production.

There have been multiple precedents in which the vice governor concurrently serves as the mayor of a provincial capital city. For example, in June 2009, Su Zengcheng, then Deputy Governor of Fujian Province, concurrently served as Acting Mayor of Fuzhou City. In January of the following year, he was elected as Mayor after being appointed as a full-time representative. He resigned in September 2011 and served for more than two years.

Zhou Haibing has taken up a new position twice this year and has experience in both government and enterprise work.

Zhou Haibing was born in February 1971 in Yueyang, Hunan. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a Master's degree in Engineering. He graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree from the Civil Engineering Department of Hunan University. After graduation, he worked at Hunan Construction Engineering Group. After 12 years, Zhou Haibing was promoted from a technician to the Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee of Hunan Construction Engineering Group.

In 2013, he transitioned from an enterprise to a government and worked in a district or city, serving as the Deputy Secretary of the Hengyang Municipal Committee and later as the Mayor. Afterwards, he worked in the offices of Hunan Provincial Department of Transportation, Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Provincial Committee of Finance and Economics.

Hengyang City is an industrial hub in Hunan Province. On March 10, 2017, at the Fifth Session of the 12th National People's Congress, Zhou Haibing, then a representative of the National People's Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Hengyang Municipal Committee, and Mayor, submitted a proposal to support Hengyang in creating a "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration city.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

In January of this year, Zhou Haibing was promoted to the rank of deputy provincial and ministerial level and appointed as the deputy governor of Hunan Province. Responsible for science and technology, industry and information technology, free trade pilot zones, investment attraction, ports, state-owned asset supervision and enterprise reform, power, communication, and "two cigarettes" work. Recently appointed as the new mayor of Changsha, this is the second job adjustment within the year.

At this point, there are a total of 7 vice governors in the Hunan Provincial Government team, including two born in the 1970s. One is Zhang Yingchun, a female cadre born in November 1970, and the other is Zhou Haibing, born in February 1971.

Xu Xiangguo has nearly 20 years of experience working in universities and has also assisted Tibet.

Xu Xiangguo was born in June 1971, a Mongolian from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. He holds a PhD in engineering and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Xu Xiangguo has been working in universities since 1994 and has served as the Minister of the Organization Department and Director of the Infrastructure Department of the Party Committee of Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, as well as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Heilongjiang Vocational College for Nationalities.

I started politics in 2012 and served as the Deputy Director of the People's Committee of Heilongjiang Province. In 2015, he was transferred as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Daqing Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department. In 2016, he helped Tibet, served as the leader of the sixth batch of cadres and talents in Xizang in Heilongjiang Province, and served as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shigatse Municipal Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Xizang Autonomous Region after arriving in Tibet. During this period, it was clearly designated as a department level in December 2017.

After going to Tibet, Xu Xiangguo led the sixth batch of Heilongjiang Province's aid work team to carry out public welfare activities, develop characteristic industries, and promote ethnic unity, and was awarded the title of 2019 National Model Collective for Ethnic Unity and Progress. The work team he led also created an industrial pattern of "one chrysanthemum, one grass, and one barley, with infinite charm in Shigatse", helping poverty alleviation, promoting rural revitalization, and promoting social development in Shigatse.

In July 2019, Xu Xiangguo, who had completed his aid to Tibet, returned to Heilongjiang Province and served as the Deputy Secretary of the Daqing Municipal Party Committee. In April 2021, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Daxing'anling District Committee and Commissioner of the Administration. In March 2022, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Daxing'anling District Committee, and in July of this year, he was appointed as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Governor of Heilongjiang Province.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

Lin Tao is committed to the strategic development of rural revitalization in Heyuan City.

Lin Tao was born in July 1971 and comes from Jieyang, Guangdong. He started working in July 1993 and joined the Communist Party of China in June 1996. He holds a doctoral degree while working.

Lin Tao has been working in Guangdong for a long time, serving as the Deputy Director of the Drug Administration of Jieyang City, the Deputy Director of the Foreign Fund Utilization Department of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, a member of the Party Group of the Provincial Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the leader of the Discipline Inspection Group, and the Supervision Commissioner.

In 2011, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of Propaganda of Shanwei City. In 2015, he also served as the Executive Vice Mayor of Shanwei City.

In 2016, Lin Tao was appointed as the Secretary and President of the Party Group of Guangdong Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade. In 2019, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee and later as the Mayor of Heyuan City. In June 2021, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Heyuan Municipal Party Committee. On July 27th this year, Lin Tao was promoted to the position of Deputy Governor of Guangdong Province.

Lin Tao attaches great importance to the development of the rural revitalization strategy in Heyuan City. "Implementing the rural revitalization strategy is a significant historical opportunity for Heyuan, which is a major agricultural city.". Heyuan City implements a work responsibility system of four level secretaries at the city, county, town, and village levels to promote rural revitalization, and implements a system of city leaders linking towns and land parcels to promote the implementation of the "last mile" of rural revitalization.

Chen Jie is a cadre who grew up locally in Shanghai.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

Chen Jie was born in April 1969 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and started working in March 1996 with a PhD in engineering.

Chen Jie has been working in Shanghai for a long time and has served as the Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch of the Shanghai Nano Center, Deputy Director and Director of the Development and Planning Department of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Director of the Base Management Department, Director of the Municipal Research and Development Public Service Platform Management Center, Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Rewards Office, Director of the Municipal Technology Market Management Office, Chief Engineer and Deputy Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Deputy Director of the Zhangjiang High tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Pudong New Area Committee, Secretary and Executive Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Municipal Lingang Area Development and Construction Management Committee, Deputy Secretary and Full time Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Lingang New Area Management Committee of the China Free Trade Experimental Zone.

He was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary, Deputy District Chief, and Acting District Chief of Baoshan District Committee in Shanghai in 2019, and was appointed as District Chief in 2020.

In August 2020, he was promoted to the position of Secretary of Baoshan District Committee in Shanghai, and in September of the same year, he no longer held the position of District Mayor. He was appointed as the Deputy Mayor of Shanghai in July this year.

Danba governs the prefecture level city in China with the highest average altitude and the largest land area.

Danba was born in September 1969, Tibetan, and a graduate student at the Central Party School. Danba graduated from the Central University for Nationalities, majoring in Tibetan Language and Literature in the Department of Language and Literature. After graduation, I returned to Tibet to work and worked successively in the United Front Work Department of the Shigatse region and the Autonomous Region Party Committee. In 2009, he was promoted to the deputy department level and appointed as the deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Autonomous Region Party Committee.

In 2010, he entered Beijing and served as the Director of the Political and Legal Department of the State Administration of Religious Affairs. In 2012, he went to the Central Party School, Department, and Bureau level Cadre Training Class for further studies. In 2015, he returned to Tibet and served as the Deputy Director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Autonomous Region Government. In June of the same year, he was promoted to the level of a department head and appointed as the Director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Autonomous Region Government.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

After the reform of state institutions in 2018, the Legislative Affairs Office of the Autonomous Region Government and the Regional Department of Justice merged to establish a new Department of Justice. Dan Ba served as the first director of the Xizang Autonomous Region Department of Justice after the institutional reform.

In June 2022, transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Nagqu City. On January 16 this year, Danba was elected Vice President of the People's Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region and continued to serve as Mayor of Naqu.

As mentioned earlier, Nagqu City is the prefecture level city with the highest average altitude and the largest land area in the country. In addition, Naqu is known as the "source of rivers", "plateau reservoir", and "Chinese water tower". It is the birthplace of the Yangtze River, Nujiang River, and Lancang River. It is also the core area of Xizang's water ecological security barrier and the national water resources strategic guarantee base.

In recent years, Nagqu City has made efforts and achieved results in ecological protection, water source protection, agriculture and forestry. The core area of Xizang's water ecological security barrier and the national water resources strategic guarantee base have been constructed to ensure the health and stability of the natural ecosystem in the main river source areas.

In the month of being promoted to the position of deputy to the provincial government, Slonima also served as the secretary of the municipal party committee at the prefecture level.

Sri Nima was born in February 1966, Tibetan, a graduate student at the Central Party School, and a member of the Communist Party of China. Formerly served as Deputy County Magistrate of Changdu County, Director of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection Bureau of Changdu Region, Director of Construction Bureau of Changdu Region, Deputy Secretary and County Magistrate of Changdu County Committee, Deputy Commissioner of Changdu Regional Administration, and other positions.

He has successively served as Deputy Secretary General of the Government of the Xizang Autonomous Region, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the District Housing and Urban Rural Development Department, Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the District Development and Reform Commission, etc.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

On December 9, 2022, Sloannima will serve as the vice chairman of the Xizang Autonomous Region government. On December 31, Shigatse City held a cadre meeting and announced that the Xizang Autonomous Region Party Committee decided that Mr. Sloannima will also serve as the member, standing member and secretary of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee.

Shigatse is located in the southwest of the Xizang Autonomous Region and is a border area with an average altitude of more than 4000 meters. There is the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, and the world's highest suspended lake, Changzhi Glacier Lake, which is a minority area mainly inhabited by Tibetans. In 2014, the Shigatse region and county-level cities were abolished, and a prefecture level Shigatse city was established.

In recent years, the economic operation of Shigatse has shown a strong trend. In the first half of 2023, the GDP of Shigatse reached 20.474 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.5%, an increase of 4.3 percentage points from the same period last year, and 1.1 percentage points higher than the entire region.

Gong Huicai has rich experience in political, legal, and disciplinary inspection systems.

Gong Huicai was born in August 1968 in Xuanhan, Sichuan, and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He has worked in Xizang for a long time. After graduating from Xizang University in 1990, he joined the Standing Committee of Lhasa Municipal People's Congress. He has successively held the posts of Deputy Director and Office Director of the Finance and Economy Committee of Lhasa Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Secretary of Mozhugongka County Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Duilong Deqing County Party Committee, etc.

So far, Gong Huicai has worked in Xizang for 33 years and has rich grass-roots work experience. Not only do I hold important positions in three cities and two counties, but I also have work experience in political, legal, and disciplinary inspection systems.

In 2006, Gong Huicai was appointed as the Secretary General of the Lhasa Municipal Government. In 2010, he was appointed as the Deputy Mayor of Lhasa and concurrently served as the Secretary General of the Municipal Government.

Seven provincial-level government deputy positions concurrently serve as the "top leaders" of the party and government in prefecture level cities (districts)

In January 2012, he resigned from his position as Secretary General of the Lhasa Municipal Government and concurrently served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In March 2012, he also served as Director of the Lhasa Municipal Public Security Bureau. In December 2012, Gong Huicai was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee, the first deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPC Lhasa Municipal Committee, a member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Department of the Xizang Autonomous Region, a deputy director and secretary of the Party Committee of the Lhasa Public Security Bureau.

After working for several months at the Public Security Department of the Xizang Autonomous Region, in May 2013, he became the Deputy Secretary of the Naqu Prefectural Committee, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, and the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Regional Public Security Department.

In April 2016, Gong Huicai went from the political and legal system to the discipline inspection system and served as the deputy secretary of the Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection. After the reform of the supervision system in 2018, he also served as the Deputy Director of the Autonomous Region Supervision Commission.

On April 21, 2022, Gong Huicai was appointed as the Secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee. Changdu City was established in 2014, and Gong Huicai is the fourth Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee since its establishment 9 years ago.

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