Resolutely prevent casualties, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee: Ensure the relocation and resettlement of residents in flood storage and detention areas | Ensure the situation | People | Xiong'an New Area | Emphasize | Heavy rainfall | Ni Yuefeng

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:43 PM

On August 1st, Ni Yuefeng, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, inspected flood prevention and disaster relief work in Xingtai City, Baoding City, and Xiong'an New Area.

Panghui Bridge in Xindu District, Xingtai City, located deep in the Taihang Mountains, is the intersection of four mountains and rivers. The continuous heavy rainfall for several days has led to a surge in river water and flash floods, causing severe damage to the surrounding areas. Ni Yuefeng arrived at Panghui Bridge to conduct a detailed inspection of the disaster losses. Ni Yuefeng pointed out that this round of heavy rainfall is coming fiercely, and the rainfall in many places has exceeded historical extremes, with some points exceeding 1000 millimeters. The flood control situation is exceptionally severe. Ensuring the safety of the people should be the top priority at present, and efforts should be made to ensure the relocation, living security, medical treatment, and emotional comfort of the affected population. Each affected village and house should be inspected one by one, scientifically assessed and evaluated, and secondary disasters should be strictly prevented. We must maintain a high level of vigilance, thoroughly investigate and rectify risks and hidden dangers, conscientiously summarize the experience and lessons of flood prevention and disaster relief, and improve prevention measures in a pragmatic manner, fully safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property.

Affected by floods, multiple roads and bridges in Xindu District were destroyed. Ni Yuefeng to G340 Highway and Jingyu Bridge, carefully understand the damage to infrastructure and emergency repair work. He emphasized the need to fully allocate emergency rescue forces, quickly repair damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity, and restore normal production and living order as soon as possible. We should pay attention to scientific rescue, strengthen construction support, and ensure the safety of rescue personnel themselves. We need to optimize the infrastructure design of key areas such as rivers, reservoirs, and geological hazard prone areas to enhance our ability to resist disaster risks.

The Qiannanyu Hotel in Xindu District is one of the temporary resettlement sites for the affected population, where more than 200 people have been properly resettled. Ni Yuefeng walked into the resettlement room and restaurant for the masses, gaining a detailed understanding of their living conditions, and had in-depth exchanges with grassroots party organization secretaries. Ni Yuefeng said that currently, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Government are organizing various social forces to fully carry out emergency rescue and disaster relief. He hopes that everyone will have firm confidence and determination, and work together to overcome difficulties. Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres should step forward and take the initiative to go to the areas where the disaster is most severe and the people need it the most. They should take good care of the lives of the relocated people with care and emotion, fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and initiative, focus on doing a good job in post disaster reconstruction, and use their hands to build a better home.

Baoding City is adjacent to Beijing and Xiong'an New Area, and the flood control task is arduous and heavy. Ni Yuefeng visited Longmen Reservoir in Mancheng District and Xiaoqing River Flood Storage and Detention Area in Zhuozhou City to inspect the flood discharge and utilization of the reservoir. Ni Yuefeng emphasized the need to dynamically adjust the flood discharge of the reservoir based on weather changes and upstream water inflow, and play a role in flood interception, peak shifting, and peak shaving. We need to strengthen inspections of reservoir dams and flood channels, comprehensively resolve risks, and ensure the safety of surrounding areas. We need to strengthen communication with the National Flood Control Administration, in accordance with relevant work requirements, orderly activate flood storage and detention areas, reduce flood control pressure in Beijing, and resolutely act as the "moat" of the capital.

The continuous heavy rainfall has turned the Baigou River into a vast ocean. More than 500 military officers and soldiers, as well as reserve members of the militia, are busy on the embankment, reinforcing the embankment and preparing for the upcoming new wave of floods. Ni Yuefeng expresses warm condolences and sincere gratitude to everyone. He said that our province has experienced rare heavy rainfall this year, posing a serious threat to the safety of people's lives and property. Wherever there is danger, there are soldiers of the people; Where there are soldiers of the people, there is a powerful force to overcome difficulties. I hope everyone will grit their teeth, continue to fight hard, and win the tough battle of flood prevention, rescue, and disaster relief with strong willpower. At the diversion outlet of the Baigou River, Ni Yuefeng listened to the work report and emphasized the need for scientific flood control, careful and meticulous relocation and resettlement of people in the flood storage and detention area, and resolutely prevent casualties.

Xiong'an New Area is the top priority of flood prevention work in our province. Ni Yuefeng went to the Xingaifang Water Conservancy Hub and Flood Control Canal to inspect the flood prevention work in Xiong'an New Area. Ni Yuefeng emphasized that with a high sense of political responsibility, we should further investigate weak links, accelerate the reinforcement of river embankments, the cleaning and dredging of ditches, and the management of urban waterlogging hazards, to ensure that the millennium plan and national affairs are foolproof. We need to consolidate responsibilities layer by layer, organize and mobilize cadres at all levels to strengthen inspections and protection, and deal with any dangerous situations as soon as possible. To effectively respond to this round of heavy rainfall, test the quality of various projects in Xiong'an New Area, timely identify and improve the level, and truly make "Xiong'an quality" a golden signboard.

Provincial leaders Zhang Guohua, Yan Pengcheng, and Hu Qisheng participated in the survey.

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Hebei Province has opened 7 flood storage and detention areas for orderly diversion of river floods

Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, Hebei Province has recently experienced heavy rainfall with a wide range and intensity, resulting in varying degrees of flooding in some river channels.As of now, Hebei has successively opened seven flood storage and detention areas, namely Ningjinbo, Dalu Ze, Xiaoqing River Flood Diversion Area, Langouwa, Dongdian, Xian County Flood Diversion Area, and Yongding River Flood Diversion Area, completing the transfer of 847400 people, playing a significant role in flood diversion and detention, greatly reducing the flood control pressure in Beijing and Tianjin.

Flood storage and detention areas refer to low-lying areas and lakes where floodwaters are temporarily stored outside river embankments, most of which were historically submerged and stored by river floods. When the flood is too large, it is necessary to adopt the method of "combining dredging and blocking, with dredging as the main approach". By constructing water retaining structures, a part of the flood is diverted to low-lying areas for storage, playing a role in flood detention and diversion. Timely diversion and reduction of flood peaks can ensure flood control safety in key areas, large and medium-sized cities, and important trunk lines, and minimize disaster losses.

At 11:58 am on July 30th, the village committee of Yuankou Village, Suqiao Town, Wen'an County, Langfang City broadcasted transfer notices to villagers through WeChat groups and loudspeakers. At the same time, the village "two committees" cadres and relevant staff were organized to go door-to-door to persuade and organize the orderly transfer of the masses.

"We have specially arranged staff to prepare emergency supplies such as bedding, mineral water, and instant noodles in advance. For critically ill patients and elderly people with limited mobility, special vehicles will be arranged for transportation to ensure that key populations arrive safely and smoothly at the transfer and resettlement site." Feng Jianbin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Yuankou Village, Suqiao Town, Wen'an County, Langfang City, introduced that at 17:45 on the same day, the village completed the transfer and resettlement of all residents. After the implementation of the orange warning in the Dongdian flood storage and detention area, Wen'an County began accelerating the early transfer of residents along the Zhaowang New River from July 30th.

To ensure the flood safety of the Daqing River and Yongding River, Langfang City issued an orange warning for the use of the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area on July 30, and a red warning for the use of the Yongding River floodplain on July 31, requiring the six counties of Guangyang, Anci, Gu'an, Yongqing, Wen'an, and Bazhou to immediately carry out mass transfer, resettlement site construction, and hidden danger investigation.

The Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area is located on both sides of the Daqing River at the border of Hebei and Tianjin, with a total area of 379 square kilometers. According to the plan for the opening of the flood storage and detention area, at 2:00 am on August 1st, the northern part of the Daqing River in the Dongdian flood storage and detention area was opened. After the flood of the Daqing River entered a part of the Dongdian flood storage and detention area in Hebei Province, it was diverted and slowed down, and is expected to arrive in Tianjin around August 9th.

On July 30th at 20:00, Hebei Province activated the flood storage and detention areas west of Fuyang River in the mainland and Ningjinpo. After the opening of the flood storage and detention areas in the mainland and Ningjinpo, the Fuyang River floods can be effectively controlled and dispatched, achieving staggered flood discharge between the Fuyang River and the Hutuo River, and reducing the pressure on the Ziyaxin River to withstand the arrival of major floods.

On July 31st at 12:00, Hebei opened the Xiaoqing River flood diversion area. The Xiaoqing River diversion area is located in the middle and upper reaches of the Daqing River system and is one of the important flood storage and detention areas in the Haihe River Basin. After the opening of the Xiaoqing River flood diversion area, it can effectively divert and store the floods of the Yongding River and the local rivers in the Hebei branch of the Daqing River.

At 23:30 on July 31st, the Flood Control and Drought Relief Command of Gaobeidian City in Baoding activated the Dongwu Flood Diversion Port to discharge floodwater into the Langouwa Flood Storage and Detention Area. According to the emergency plan for flood control and rescue, more than 6000 party and government officials, public security police officers, and grassroots militia in Gaobeidian City rushed to 80 villages in the flood storage and detention area that needed to be transferred and rescued. In groups of 5 households, professional vehicles were dispatched to quickly transfer and resettle 46000 people.

"Before the use of flood diversion outlets, the relevant towns will transfer all the residents in the villages at risk, resolutely ensuring that no household or person is left behind. At the same time, they will quickly evacuate personnel engaged in activities along the river, and strengthen emergency duty in key areas and embankments to ensure flood control safety." The relevant person in charge of the Flood Control and Drought Relief Command in Gaobeidian City introduced that during the flood discharge period, people will be sent to guard at each intersection to guide the masses to stay away from the dangerous areas of flood diversion outlets and storage areas.

Based on the water conditions of the Beijuma River, Liuli River, and Baigou River, and taking into account the upstream inflow situation, at 23:30 on July 31st, the Baoding Flood Control and Drought Relief Command activated the Langouwa Flood Storage and Detention Area to divert and retain floods. The Langouwa Flood Storage and Detention Area is located in the middle reaches of the northern branch of the Daqing River system, with an area of 228 square kilometers and a detention capacity of 323 million cubic meters. It is a super standard flood detention depression in the northern branch of the Daqing River system, responsible for blocking the floods of the Baigou River and the Nanjuma River.

According to the inflow situation of the Hutuo River in the Ziya River system, at 11:00 am on August 1st, the Xian County flood area was opened in Hebei Province. The flood control area is located in the lower reaches of the Hutuo River, with a total area of 331.5 square kilometers, involving two cities and three counties, Hengshui and Cangzhou, and a flood storage capacity of approximately 540 million cubic meters. By using reservoirs such as Gangnan and Huangbizhuang in the upstream and using them in the Xianxian area, the safety of the Hutuo River embankment can be effectively ensured, and flood control safety can be ensured in areas along the Hutuo River such as Shijiazhuang and downstream areas.

"In order to activate the flood storage and detention area, it is necessary to do a good job of transferring personnel within the area in advance. All personnel should be evacuated and must be evacuated." The relevant person in charge of the Office of the Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Command introduced that after meeting the conditions for activation, the flood storage and detention area should be used in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations. At the same time, patrol and defense work should be carried out to ensure the timely, safe and orderly use of the flood storage and detention area and the safety of people's lives.

Orderly relocation and resettlement of over 200000 people in Langfang

At 10:00 am on August 1st, the reporter arrived at the flood prevention relocation site of Suqiao Town Middle School in Wen'an County. After verifying their identity by the security guard, they registered and entered the dormitory building entrance. "The food here is very good, with two dishes, one soup, and main course for three meals a day. After meals, fruits such as apples, bananas, and watermelons are also provided." Yang Xiaoling, a villager from Yuankou Village, told reporters that some village officials and volunteers are responsible for the security issues in the village and have transferred the villagers' property to a higher place for resettlement, minimizing property damage.

The dormitory building of Suqiao Town High School's flood prevention relocation site has three floors and a building area of 2553 square meters. Except for the functional rooms, all of them are used for the resettlement of 71 residents. Each room is equipped with vertical air conditioning and fans, and the hardware facilities are complete, which can meet the needs of the resettlement population to the maximum extent. At present, Wen'an County has set up 5 centralized transfer and resettlement sites, with a total of 648 residents resettled. Each resettlement site has unified service management standards for food, accommodation, shower, and other services. There are sufficient living materials, and there have been no cases of people returning or sudden illnesses. The resettled residents live here with warmth, comfort, and peace of mind.

To ensure the flood safety of the Daqing River and Yongding River, on July 30th, Langfang City issued an orange warning for the use of the Dongdian flood storage and detention area, and a red warning for the use of the Yongding River floodplain on July 31st. The city launched mass transfer, resettlement site construction, and hidden danger investigation work for six counties including Guangyang, Anci, Gu'an, Yongqing, Wen'an, and Bazhou. As of now, more than 200000 people from 213 villages and streets in 19 townships and 6 counties have been orderly transferred and resettled, and each centralized resettlement site can meet the basic living needs of the people.

Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, from 8:00 on July 29th to 9:00 on August 1st, the average rainfall in Langfang City was 218.6 millimeters, with a maximum rainfall of 392 millimeters and a maximum hourly rainfall of 80.4 millimeters. Starting from July 29th, there has been a large-scale rainfall process in the city and upstream areas, with major flood discharge channels and upstream main rivers experiencing significant flooding. Starting from 23:00 on July 30th, the emergency response level for flood prevention in Langfang City has been upgraded from level II to level I.

The Langfang Flood Control and Drought Relief Command Headquarters conducts a rolling analysis of the flood control situation, coordinates various forces, and establishes a frontline command headquarters to rush to the scene and promptly organize and implement emergency response measures; All member units are on joint duty, and 10 emergency work teams from the city are stationed at the city's prevention and control center for centralized office work. At the same time, forward work teams and expert groups are promptly dispatched to key areas to inspect and guide flood control and disaster relief work.

Faced with the severe flood situation, Langfang City strictly defends key areas of flood discharge channels, organizes patrol teams to conduct network style inspections at points such as the top and slope of embankments, grouping and rotating day and night. 24-hour uninterrupted inspections are carried out on high-risk areas such as dangerous sections and buildings passing through embankments, closely monitoring the development and changes of dangerous situations, and making every effort to ensure the safety of embankments and channels.

Recently, the Beisan River, Yongding River, Daqing River, Ziya River and other rivers in the Haihe River Basin have experienced significant flooding processes, posing a serious threat to their flood discharge capacity. In order to ensure stable horizontal discharge from the upstream of the North Canal, the Langfang Water Resources Bureau promptly dispatched the collapse operation of the Xianghe Chaobai River No.1, No.2, and No.3 rubber dams, as well as the Caodian rubber dam of the North Canal. The Tumen Tower hub of the North Canal, the Wucun hub of the Chaobai River, and the West Wharf gate of Wen'an County are open to welcome the flood. Currently, the water situation of all flood channels in the city is stable.

At 17:00 on August 1st, at the Xiyu Dangerous Work Site on the right embankment of the Gu'an section of the Yongding River, three excavators were raising and reinforcing the embankment. Party members, cadres, and volunteers were nervously filling sandbags with equipment. "The day before yesterday, the river water flow here was 20 cubic meters per second, but now it has reached 1200 cubic meters per second, an increase of nearly 60 times, and the river water has risen by about 4 meters." Ma Jianjun, the director of the Emergency Management Bureau of Gu'an County, introduced that in order to face the flood peak, Gu'an County has set up 36 duty points on a 22.3-kilometer long embankment, each with 5 to 10 people, closely monitoring key areas, eliminating risks and ensuring flood safety.

At present, Langfang City has specially established a business guidance group composed of water conservancy experts to carry out work in relevant counties such as Yongqing and Wen'an, assisting various regions in improving flood prevention measures and effectively eliminating safety hazards. In response to the opening of the Yongding River floodplain, an emergency inspection and supervision team was dispatched to ensure the orderly progress of the rescue work.

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