Deposit money into the account of his wife's sister. This fallen official only used cash to send money. The word "brother-in-law" opened the door to greed.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 11, 2024 13:56 PM

Today, Integrity Sichuan disclosed the case "Using the case as a mirror丨The sound of "brother-in-law" pried open the door of greed". The details are as follows:

Du Jianping, male, Han nationality, was born in August 1962 in Nanchong, Sichuan. He started working in November 1980 and joined the Communist Party of China in March 1986. He was the deputy director of Ya'an Highway Transport Management Office and the fourth-level researcher of the Municipal Transportation Service Center.

In May 2023, Du Jianping was suspected of serious violations of the law and was designated to be under the jurisdiction of the Ya'an Municipal Supervision Committee and the Ya'an Mingshan District Supervision Committee for supervision and investigation.

In July 2023, Du Jianping was subject to disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Ya'an Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Municipal Transportation Bureau due to suspected serious violations of discipline.

In August 2023, Du Jianping was expelled from the party and his benefits were revoked for serious violation of party discipline, constituting an official violation and being suspected of bribery.

In December 2023, Du Jianping was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison and fined RMB 500,000 for accepting bribes.

"Brother-in-law, you have many connections, can you help me find a business or project to do?" At the end of 2013, Du Jianping's brother-in-law Zheng Moumou came to him and asked for help in finding project investment.

"I am the head of the family and everyone respects me. When my brother-in-law asked me for help, I couldn't bring myself to refuse and I also thought I had the ability, so I agreed immediately." Du Jianping took Zheng's request very seriously.

In early 2014, the "Measures for the Dynamic Supervision and Management of Road Transport Vehicles" was promulgated and implemented, requiring that "road passenger transport enterprises, road dangerous goods transport enterprises and road freight transport enterprises with 50 or more heavy-duty trucks or tractors shall build a road transport vehicle dynamic monitoring platform in accordance with the standards, or use a qualified social satellite positioning system monitoring platform to conduct real-time monitoring and management of the operation of their road transport vehicles and drivers."

Through research, Du Jianping found that the market for dynamic monitoring equipment installation of vehicles in Ya'an was quite chaotic. As the person in charge of this work, Du Jianping thought of Zheng's request, and proposed to determine the installation service provider of dynamic monitoring satellite positioning system for passenger and freight vehicles in Ya'an through competition on the grounds of unified and standardized management.

Subsequently, Du Jianping informed Zheng of the relevant situation and introduced the heads of two communications companies who were familiar with and experienced in this field to Zheng, hoping that they would "bring more Zheng with them and become familiar with the business in this field as soon as possible."

"Brother-in-law, if you can help us win this business, we will return 30% of our annual profit to you..." Considering that he was a "family member" and trustworthy, Du Jianping agreed without hesitation. The word "brother-in-law" successfully opened the door to Du Jianping's greed.

Soon, the city's passenger and freight vehicle dynamic monitoring satellite positioning system installation service provider comparison work was launched. Transportation companies and county road transportation associations established a joint group to compare and select service providers in the name of the joint group. Du Jianping took advantage of his position to disclose key information such as the service provider qualification evaluation and scoring standards to Zheng Moumou and others in advance, and "said hello" to the joint team during the selection process, which ultimately helped Zheng Moumou and others' company successfully win the bid.

"Brother-in-law, our business has just started this year. Please keep the 30,000 yuan first. The benefits will get better and better in the future." At the end of 2015, Zheng went to Du Jianping's home to give him the first "thank you fee".

The first time Du Jianping received money, he was both happy and afraid. He was happy because he had received so much money at once, and there would be more and more in the future, so he would not have to worry about having no money to spend; he was afraid that as a public official, once the matter was exposed, he would be punished according to the party discipline and national laws. Although he was very conflicted, he could not resist the temptation of power and he thought he was a "family member", so Du Jianping could not stop, his greed grew secretly, and his behavior became more and more deviant.

Since Du Jianping and Zheng had reached an agreement privately to share the profits according to a fixed ratio, the higher the profit of Zheng's company, the more Du Jianping would get.

In order to help Zheng promote his business in the city, Du Jianping actually instructed Zheng to "take care of" the cadres of the transport management offices in various counties. Zheng followed the plan and used banquets, money and gifts to build relationships, which led to serious damage to the political ecology of the local transport management system. In this case, the Ya'an City Transport Management System filed 6 cases involving 6 people, of which 4 were given party discipline and administrative sanctions and 3 were transferred to judicial authorities.

Moreover, Du Jianping and his companions were so bold that they repeatedly promised the drivers of transport vehicles that "as long as they purchased equipment and services from Zheng, they would be awarded the 'gold medal' of exemption from punishment by the Ya'an Transport Management Office."

At one time, Zheng's company's business expanded across Ya'an City, and the business volume surged. At the same time, surprisingly, since the implementation of the "Road Transport Vehicle Dynamic Supervision and Management Measures", Ya'an City has not had a single administrative penalty case discovered through dynamic supervision.

At the beginning of accepting bribes, Du Jianping was also worried that his corruption would be discovered, so he tried all kinds of tricks to do this.

As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Du Jianping had only a partial understanding of party rules and regulations, laws and regulations. In order to avoid suspicion of bribery, he verbally agreed with Zheng Moumou and others that Du Jianping would hold 30% of the shares of his company, attempting to use the excuse of engaging in illegal profit-making activities as a "shield" for accepting bribes and making money. "Even if the truth is revealed, it will only be considered a violation of discipline and will be dealt with with a disciplinary punishment."

During this process, Du Jianping's family not only failed to stop it in time, but instead acted as "incorruptible helpers" and promoted the "integrity style", but instead enjoyed it. Du Jianping told Zheng to only use cash when sending money to avoid leaving transaction records, and also deposited the bribe money into the bank accounts of his wife, sister and others. In order to hide his identity from others, he registered the property and vehicle in the names of his son and wife, and the down payment for the house and the purchase price for the car were all paid by Zheng Moumou.

After investigation, it was found that from 2015 to 2022, Du Jianping accepted property from Zheng Moumou in the form of cash and payment for car and house purchases on 15 occasions, totaling RMB 4.8642 million.

"Not only did I not take good care of myself, but I also failed to take good care of my family. I harmed others and myself, which is an irreparable sin! I'm sorry for my family, I'm sorry for the organization..." Nowadays, whenever he thinks about his serious mistakes, Du Jianping always bursts into tears.

If the family tradition is pure, the rain will moisten everything; if the family tradition is broken, all the filth will come. Du Jianping has a bad family tradition and lax governance. He was obsessed with family affection and was pulled down by his brother-in-law. He even became the "leader" of family corruption. In the end, "love" turned into "harm", causing harm to himself and the family. Du Jianping seriously violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepted gifts and gifts that may affect the fair execution of official duties; violated the requirements of integrity and used his authority to seek personal gain for relatives and friends; used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted other people's property, the amount of which was extremely large. His behavior seriously violated the party's discipline, constituted a violation of official duties and was suspected of bribery. He did not restrain himself, did not stop, and did not stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It was of a serious nature and had a bad impact. In accordance with the "Disciplinary Punishment Regulations of the Communist Party of China", the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Government Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China for Public Servants and other relevant provisions, Du Jianping was expelled from the party and his retirement benefits were cancelled. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, Du Jianping's behavior should be determined to constitute the crime of accepting bribes.

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