At least 39 people died, UN agency: a ship sank in the waters near Yemen

Release time:Jun 11, 2024 14:16 PM

On the 11th local time, the International Organization for Migration, a UN agency, said that a ship carrying about 260 migrants sank in waters near Yemen on the 10th, killing at least 39 people, about 150 people missing, and another 71 people survived.

Saudi Arabia's "Arab News" website reported using an unnamed Yemeni aid worker as a source that the stowaway boat encountered strong winds and sank about 2 nautical miles off the coast of Shabwa Province east of Aden that morning. . The dead included 28 women.

The aid worker said survivors told them the boat was carrying 260 illegal immigrants. This means that 150 people fell into the water and were missing.

Hadi Hurma, the district chief in Shabwa province's Rudum, told Reuters that the search was ongoing and the United Nations had been informed of the sinking. He said more than 100 people were missing.

Shabwa province is controlled by forces supporting the United Nations-recognized government of Yemen.

According to Reuters, the illegal immigrants on board the boat were from the Horn of Africa in eastern Africa, which includes Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia and other countries.

Yemen is across the sea from the Horn of Africa and is an important transit point for illegal immigrants to enter the Arabian Peninsula. According to UN data, 97,000 illegal immigrants from the Horn of Africa sneaked into Yemen last year.

At least 39 people died, UN agency: a ship sank in the waters near Yemen
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