A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

Release time:Jun 10, 2024 05:19 AM

It’s the Dragon Boat Festival again. Zongzi are fragrant in thousands of households, and dragon boat races are held across the rivers.

The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the primitive beliefs and sacrificial culture of ancient times. After more than two thousand years of spread and inheritance, it has become an important symbol of traditional Chinese culture. It is also the first traditional Chinese festival to be selected as a world intangible cultural heritage.

"The Chinese nation's continuous development, suffering setbacks and continuous rebirths are all inseparable from the strong support of Chinese culture." General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to promoting China's excellent traditional culture. He pointed out that China's excellent traditional culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation, an important source of maintaining the core socialist values, and a solid foundation for us to stand firm in the surge of world culture.

What kind of power does the ancient Dragon Boat Festival contain? As a vivid footnote of the integration of China’s excellent traditional culture into modern life, what can we learn from the Dragon Boat Festival culture? "Current Affairs Micro Observation" will taste the Dragon Boat Festival with you.

"Who said the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? It has been rumored forever that it is Qu Yuan." There are many theories about the origin of the folk customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, among which the commemoration of Qu Yuan has the most widespread influence.

Qu Yuan is a famous patriotic poet in the history of our country and a great and outstanding politician. His personality charm and ideological essence of caring about his family and country, caring for the people, being brave in exploration, and being upright and noble are admired by the world.

A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

In the long poem "Heavenly Questions", Qu Yuan asked about natural phenomena such as the separation of heaven and earth, the changes of yin and yang, the sun, moon and stars, as well as myths and legends, and historical stories, and expressed his own concepts of the universe, historical concepts and political opinions through questions.

"Nothing is impossible, you must have such a strong energy, just like Qu Yuan said, 'The road is long and difficult, and I will search up and down.'" General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted Qu Yuan's famous sayings many times to encourage and motivate the whole country. The Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country have the courage to change and innovate, and move forward bravely regardless of rain or shine.

△On May 22, 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the operation scene of the fully automated container terminal at Rizhao Port, Shandong.

In May this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Rizhao Port during an inspection in Shandong. The person in charge told the General Secretary: "I had no experience at the beginning. When I wanted to visit the automated terminals in Europe, people would not let me get out of the car and take pictures. We took a deep breath and decided to be self-reliant and build our own automated terminals as Chinese people."

"This shows that through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, new productive forces can also be developed. If we want to move from a big country to a powerful country, we must pass this hurdle and take the road of independent innovation." The general secretary said approvingly.

Adhering to smart empowerment and innovation drive, Rizhao Port has become a 500-million-ton port. It is a global supply chain hub for bulk raw materials, energy, food, etc., and is also a domestic container trade hub port along my country's coast. The changes in Rizhao Port are a microcosm of the in-depth integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation in all walks of life in my country.

A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

△The five-star red flag is unfurled on the Chang'e-6 probe that landed on the back of the moon.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, another good news came from my country's aerospace industry - Chang'e-6 completed the world's first sampling and take-off of the far side of the moon, and completed the "space relay" carrying treasures from the far side of the moon. This is the second time after Chang'e 5 that our country's spacecraft has achieved lunar orbit rendezvous and docking.

Recently, China's civilian drones completed the world's first cargo transportation at an altitude of 6,000 meters on Mount Everest, setting a new record for civilian drones transporting goods at the highest altitude.

"Searching from top to bottom" is turning into a vivid practice in China that continues to march towards the deep water zone of reform, to innovation and creation, and to face difficulties and challenges.

"I have a good heart, and even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets." Qu Yuan's deep patriotism still resonates after thousands of years. The Dragon Boat Festival and Dragon Boat Festival culture, which embodies the cultural blood and ideological essence of the Chinese nation, have also become a carrier to inherit, promote and inspire patriotic emotions, inspiring generations of Chinese people to move forward.

"Sincerity is both brave and martial, and ultimately strong and undefeatable. Although the body is dead, the spirit is the spirit, and the soul is resolute and the ghost hero." On September 3, 2014, in commemoration of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War 69 At the anniversary symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping slowly read out Qu Yuan's famous sayings passed down from generation to generation, praising the Chinese people for sharing the same hatred of the enemy and fighting for the national calamity. They were unyielding and regarded death as if they were home, and played a heroic song of triumph.

A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

In General Secretary Xi Jinping’s heart, patriotism comes first. "We are the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. We must understand the history of the Chinese nation, inherit the Chinese cultural genes, and have national pride and cultural self-confidence."

△On June 1, 2024, young students from both sides of the Taiwan Strait made rice dumplings and sachets at East China Normal University to experience traditional culture.

In April this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping met with Ma Ying-jeou and his delegation in Beijing, he emphasized that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have a common blood, a common culture, and a common history. More importantly, we have a common responsibility for the nation and a common expectation for the future.

Chinese culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation and the common spiritual homeland of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Recently, the fourth "Working Together to Realize Dreams—Exchange and Seminar for Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait" was held in Guangdong. People from both sides of the Taiwan Strait who participated in the event came to the tomb of the 72 martyrs in Huanghuagang, Guangzhou to pay their respects to the heroes. "The Huangpu spirit is a vivid embodiment of the Chinese national spirit, and patriotism is the most important core." "You have to come to the mainland to know where your roots are."... Inherit the glorious patriotic tradition, be confident, independent, and high-spirited with Chinese values ​​​​Endeavor is the consensus of everyone.

The common traditional festivals contain common cultural memories and passionate and profound patriotic feelings.

A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

As one of my country's important traditional festivals, the Dragon Boat Festival has been passed down for thousands of years and has accumulated profound cultural heritage. Sacrifice and prayers, reunion and filial piety, physical fitness, etc., together constitute the rich connotation of Dragon Boat Festival culture.

Nowadays, dragon boat races are held every Dragon Boat Festival and have become a "traffic code" to attract tourists; the ancient market displays a wide range of themed products and builds an innovative consumption scene of traditional culture; the museum unlocks a new model of midnight tour during the Dragon Boat Festival, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in traditional culture Culture...folk culture and other cultural tourism experiences connect traditional culture and holiday tourism, stimulating new vitality in the humanistic economy.

The traditional Dragon Boat Festival has gained new vitality and also demonstrated the strong cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “It is necessary to strengthen the excavation and elucidation of China’s excellent traditional culture, so that the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation can adapt to contemporary Chinese culture and coordinate with modern society, and integrate timeless charm, transcending national boundaries, and The cultural spirit with contemporary value should be carried forward and its inner strong vitality should be activated, so that Chinese culture, together with the colorful cultures created by people from all over the world, can provide correct spiritual guidance for mankind. "

On August 3, 2021, the first final day of the canoe flat water event of the Tokyo Olympics, three dragon boats appeared during the competition. Dragon boating is included in the Tokyo Olympics as a performance event. At the 2024 Paris Olympics, the Chinese Dragon Boat Race will also become a performance event. In October this year, the Dragon Boat World Cup will be held in Zigui, Hubei Province, Qu Yuan’s hometown...

These events will further promote the popularization and promotion of dragon boat sports and build a bridge of communication for exchanges and mutual learning of water culture between China and foreign countries.

A splendid chapter in the context丨Taste the Dragon Boat Festival and keep pace with the times

"Follow the rules of the ancients and create your own life." The cultural customs of the Dragon Boat Festival innovate and develop through continuous inheritance.

Remembering history is the key to opening up the future, and being good at inheritance is the key to innovation.

Rooted in the land of China and absorbing the cultural nutrients accumulated by the Chinese nation's long struggle, we have an extremely broad stage, an extremely profound historical heritage, and an extremely strong determination to move forward.

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