New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Release time:Jun 10, 2024 05:56 AM

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to tourism, leading my country's tourism development into a fast lane and successfully embarking on a unique path for China's tourism development. The tourism industry and other industries have cross-border integration and coordinated development, and the scale of the industry continues to expand, increasingly becoming an emerging strategic pillar industry.

The Dragon Boat Festival is my country's first traditional festival selected as a world intangible cultural heritage. In Jiaxing, Zhejiang, the Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Festival kicked off. On the lake, 19 dragon boat teams cut through the waves with sonorous and powerful drumbeats. In the ancient city, intangible cultural heritage displays such as sachet exhibitions, dragon dances, and hand-carved lanterns were also performed wonderfully, allowing tourists from all over the world to feel the strong flavor of China.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Tourist Zhang Feiren: I came here from Fujian, and today I feel the beautiful mountains, water, and scenery here, and the "dragon" here is very broad and profound like our Chinese culture.

Use literature to shape travel, and use travel to highlight literature. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to tourism. He pointed out that the cultural industry and the tourism industry are inseparable, and we must persist in promoting the integrated development of culture and tourism so that people can appreciate the beauty of nature, appreciate the beauty of culture, and cultivate the beauty of the soul. We must adhere to integrity and innovation, improve quality and efficiency, and integrate development, strive to improve the modern tourism system, and accelerate the construction of a powerful tourism country.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Academy: On May 17, the central government held a National Tourism Development Conference in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on tourism work. We must learn to implement the spirit of the General Secretary’s speech and coordinate the government and market, supply and The relationship between demand, protection and development, international and domestic, development and security requires cultivating more new formats of "tourism" and "tourism" to promote high-quality development of the tourism industry.

Tourism culture has become an important carrier for people to understand Chinese culture and enhance cultural confidence. Various regions are actively carrying out the "intangible cultural heritage into scenic spots" activities, providing a broad platform and unlimited space for the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's traditional cultural scenic spots have grown significantly, from 2,064 in 2012 to more than 4,000 in 2023, achieving an average annual growth of 8%.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Just a few days ago, foreign travel business delegations from more than 50 countries and regions entered the ancient city of Phoenix in Hunan. The colorful folk culture feast, large-scale light and shadow fireworks and water shows and other interactive activities surprised the international guests.

John Barrett, representative of the British Touring Salesmen: I have never seen such a vivid performance. It was so shocking that I was dizzy.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Tourism villages, including Huangling Village in Jiangxi, Xidi Village in Anhui, and Dazhai Village in Guangxi, have been selected as the "Best Tourism Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Rural tourism has contributed more than 35% to the employment of local farmers and has grown into People's livelihood industry and happiness industry with trillion-level income scale.

In the tourism industry, my country has currently established 142 national industrial tourism demonstration bases, and a number of industrial sites such as Beijing Shougang Park have been revitalized and utilized, forming new tourism methods in multiple formats such as museum display, site tours, cultural and creative gatherings, and urban leisure.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Tourism transportation, tourist highway facilities are complete and the scenery is charming, allowing more people to set out "on the road". From 2021 to now, my country has launched a total of 57 5C and 4C self-driving car camps in three batches. It is expected that by 2025, the core market size of China's camping economy will rise to 248.32 billion. Self-driving tours and camping have become new ways to experience a better life.

Tourism sports, various places are actively creating outdoor sports events, allowing contestants to check out the city’s food and beauty and immerse themselves in the unique local customs after the competition. Yunnan Province has launched more than 30 high-quality hiking tourism routes to better meet the current diverse tourism consumption needs.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane

Tourism technology uses digital technologies such as augmented reality, virtual technology, and artificial intelligence to create new tourism products and new consumption scenarios. During this year’s May Day holiday, 42 national smart tourism immersive new spaces achieved a total consumption of more than 220 million yuan.

More and more fields are integrating with tourism, constantly creating new value and giving birth to new business formats. Up to now, my country has built 15,700 A-level tourist attractions, forming the largest, most diverse, and most innovative scenic spot supply system in the world.

New ideas lead a new journey | "1N" cross-border integrated tourism development enters the fast lane
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