There is also the presence of technology, observe | ChinaJoy in addition to game exhibitions | games | technology

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:27 PM

This year's China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition is still a gaming event, with technological elements highlighted even more. The China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference, held concurrently with it, will include the ChinaJoy AIGC conference to reflect on the changes in content creation models caused by technological upgrades; The China Game Developers Conference under the ChinaJoy brand has added an AI session to explore how artificial intelligence can improve game development efficiency and optimize player experience; Add a digital technology innovation themed exhibition area; Publish research results on digital interaction engines

ChinaJoy has gone through 20 years, and the revenue of the Chinese gaming industry market has increased from 1.32 billion yuan in 2003 to 265.884 billion yuan today. How much technological contribution is behind the numbers? How will technology and gaming be mutually empowered in the future?

"Double helix structure"

When it comes to games, their entertainment attributes are more of concern to people, and their connection with technology is actually beyond our imagination.

In 1958, physicist William Higginbotham created a game called "Two Man Tennis" using a ballistic missile trajectory calculation system. This is considered the first truly electronic game, but it has not been commercialized.

In 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration first approved an electronic game called "Advancing Prescription" as a digital prescription drug for children aged 8-12 with attention deficit and cognitive impairment.

If you have a slightly intuitive understanding of the technological attributes of games, let's take a look at a few sets of data: a survey conducted by the Game Working Committee of the China Audio Video and Digital Publishing Association in March this year showed that over 60% of game companies have applied AI technology.

In July 2022, the research group Wang Yanyu from the China Academy of Game Industry Research and the Institute of Natural Science History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly released the report Game Technology - New Technology Clusters in the Process of Data reality Integration, which for the first time measured that game technology contributed 14.9%, 46.3% and 71.6% of scientific and technological progress to the chip industry, 5G and AR/VR industries, respectively.

2023 ChinaJoy on-site

There is also the presence of technology, observe | ChinaJoy in addition to game exhibitions | games | technology

Some people say that the relationship between games and technology is similar to a "double helix structure", forming new social productivity in symbiosis. Behind these iconic events, from Alpha Dog to ChatGPT, is the driving force behind the game.

At the recently held World Artificial Intelligence Conference, the Game Philosophy Research Center of Xiamen University, the Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Industry Association, and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence and Social Research Association jointly released a report stating that games and artificial intelligence are synergistically developing and mutually promoting in theoretical research, hardware iteration such as GPUs, and application scenarios.

"The top 10 AI innovation countries are highly consistent with the world game market rankings. The United States, China and South Korea are both AI countries and game market countries." At the "Game Re cognition Forum" of the ChinaJoy sub forum held on July 29, Liu Feng, a member of the research team of the Research Center for Virtual Economy and Data Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that because of the generalization of digital technology, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and the metauniverse have emerged on the basis of computers, which together support games.

Ma Xin, a researcher at the Digital Twin International Research Center of Beihang International Cross Science Research Institute, believes that game technology has driven the development of GPUs, effectively improving the computing speed of large-scale data, especially the combination of GPUs and artificial intelligence fields such as autonomous driving, facial recognition, speech recognition, etc. Game technology has greatly promoted the development of computer graphics and assisted the advancement of virtual reality and artificial reality technology. For example, astronauts can experience the space environment through human-computer interaction devices, and equipment maintenance personnel can achieve intelligent inspections remotely.

"I myself have a background in gaming and deeply feel the mutual influence between games and technology," said Ge Cheng, Director of the Digital Culture Laboratory of Tencent Interactive Entertainment's R&D Efficiency Department. For example, being a digital human is basically similar to being a game character in terms of technology. In the field of digital asset production, where game costs are very high, AI has improved the production efficiency of game original drawings through cultural graphics.

【 Cross border+strong driving force 】

What kind of intersection will happen between games and technology in the present and future? What other possibilities are there?

Last year, due to the impact of the pandemic and the overall economy, the overall attention to gaming topics slightly declined. However, there were still many actions in the gaming industry: in January, Microsoft announced the acquisition of gaming company Activision Blizzard for about $69 billion, and although it has gone through many twists and turns, it is still progressing. The European Parliament has passed the Game Act, urging member states to accelerate the formulation of development strategies for the gaming and esports industry. Canada, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil and other countries have introduced policies to support the development of the gaming industry.

2023 ChinaJoy on-site

There is also the presence of technology, observe | ChinaJoy in addition to game exhibitions | games | technology

Behind the optimistic outlook on games, there are both economic benefits and a strong driving force for technology.

At the ChinaJoy sub forum "Game Re cognition Forum", Liu Feng shared the team's latest research findings. Research estimates that the future gaming industry will have an average annual growth rate of approximately 16% in driving the artificial intelligence industry.

"As a brand new super digital scene, the connotation and extension of the roles played by games are constantly undergoing unexpected changes. The catalytic role of games in many aspects such as accelerating related technological upgrades, promoting industry fission, promoting the integration of data and reality, and enhancing industrial value is increasingly receiving widespread attention." Zhang Yijun, the first vice chairman of the China Audio Video and Digital Publishing Association and the chairman of the Game Working Committee, said of the game re cognition.

Liu Yi, a doctor in the history of technology from the Institute of the History of Natural Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared a set of data on the impact of the "super digital scene" on Beijing's construction of an international science and innovation center at the sub forum of the China Game Industry Annual Conference held in February this year. Among them, the penetration rate of super digital scenes in technological innovation reaches 73.33% in original basic science, and 100% in cutting-edge and key core technologies in key fields. In his view, the super digital scene with game technology as its core is becoming the "steam engine" of the new era, and has developed into a new driving force for cross industry development.

"The technological nature of gaming technology is often overshadowed by entertainment, and our brand slogan is' Technology House Saves the World '." Wang Xiaowei, Director of Public Affairs at MiHoYo, introduced that the company is exploring the integration of gaming technology and medical care, such as collaborating with Professor Lv Baoliang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University on brain computer interface research and establishing a depression treatment laboratory with Ruijin Hospital.

"Games are essentially a technology driven cultural expression. Games are constantly breaking through existing scenes and imaginative spaces, becoming super digital scenes," said Zhang Wei, Vice President of Tencent Interactive Entertainment, at the China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference on July 27th. Last month, based on Tencent's game engine and Southern Airlines' virtual image display technology, China launched its first fully self-developed full motion flight simulator visual system, which can provide more efficient and safe flight training for civil aviation pilots.

It is reported that the core technologies of internationally renowned companies such as Nvidia and Intel were initially deployed in games, accumulated experience, and then transferred to the development of updated versions. In the future, games can play a more experimental role in new technologies to reduce trial and error costs. As Sun Shoushan, Chairman of the China Audio Video and Digital Publishing Association, said at the China International Digital Entertainment Industry Conference, "Games are transforming from being applications of technology to being promoters of technological innovation and creators of emerging technologies.". In his view, game technology with high intelligence, high interactivity, and high realism has unique potential for cross-border applications.

What kind of new look will cross-border+strong driving force bring to gaming and technology? The grand event is happening both inside and outside.

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