Keep yourself awake, Gong Xinru: In a carnival where entertainment comes first

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 14, 2024 15:27 PM

Traffic signs, humanoid outlines, twisted arrows, etc., which may seem to many people to be the most common image symbols from daily life, have gained a new life in Gong Xinru's works.

On May 12, "Entertainment First" - Gong Xinru's solo exhibition was opened to the public in Hall A of Shanghai 3723 Art Museum. Artist Gong Xinru brought 19 new works using plexiglass as the main creative medium.

The exhibition is hosted by 37723 Art Museum, with Huang Yi serving as the curator. In the curator's view, symbolization and kitsch are pervasive in this era and have become distinctive features. "This entertainment trend makes people more and more addicted to short-term and stimulating sensory pleasures, which leads to the neglect of in-depth thinking about social life."

Experimental artist Gong Xinru graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy's Department of Stage Art in 1998 with a major in graphic design. He currently lives and works in Shanghai. In this solo exhibition, Gong Xinru uses his keen artistic sense and profound social insight to convey his criticism and reflection on the entertainment trend through his works. He cleverly uses plexiglass as a creative medium to display kitsch visual elements and symbolic images, revealing the phenomenon of the public gradually losing themselves in entertainment carnivals.

In his works, traffic signs symbolize "rules", the outline of a human face represents the universal "public group", and the twisted arrows imply "inner entanglements". These are the visual tools used by Gong Xinru to reflect on the current social situation.

"Choosing plexiglass, a material in the post-industrial era, as a creative medium is also a reflection of fast food culture." Gong Xinru said.

As a special creative medium, plexiglass plays a vital role in Gong Xinru's works. This material has a flat and smooth surface, flexible and diverse colors, providing artists with rich creative space.

The "Portrait" series displayed in this exhibition takes characters as the core, and through unique perspectives and creative techniques, it presents a visual effect that is kitsch but without losing depth. Gong Xinru skillfully combines the outline of the human face with kitsch elements, showing the phenomenon of modern people gradually losing themselves in a social environment where entertainment is paramount.

Another "Lost" series on display in this exhibition is inspired by traffic signs. Through twisted arrows and symbolic images, it metaphors the disorientation and inner tangle of people in modern society.

Interestingly, all works are carried through portraits, which also gives the exhibition a special unity. "The avatar is a common symbol in my works." Gong Xinru said. He hopes that through his works, he can arouse people to pay more attention to the real society, rethink the relationship between entertainment and life, and regain the lost self and rationality.

Gong Xinru said: "The pace of urban life is getting faster and faster. I want to make everyone 'slow down' through my works, and also appeal to more humanistic warmth through the texture of plexiglass."

Shanghai 37723 Art Museum is committed to exploring and realizing more vibrant artistic languages ​​and humanistic emotions to bloom here, sharing artistic philosophy, joy and insights with the audience. The organizer said: "I believe that every audience can find their own artistic journey here and feel the beauty and power of life."

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