Just because of a complaint, a hotel in downtown Shanghai was maliciously turned into a "mourning hall" by a former employee

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:28 PM

After seeing a "complaint" posted by his former boss on WeChat Moments, Wang, a retired employee of a certain hotel, responded and felt that he was being ridiculed. So he had the idea of ​​​​revenge, sneaked into his former workplace, and placed his boss's portrait and portrait in the lobby. There were two large wreaths, paper money scattered on the ground, and "Have a Happy Journey" spray-painted on the wall, which attracted crowds to watch. This outrageous behavior eventually led to him being punished by law.

Recently, the Xiaodongmen Police Station of Huangpu Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau received an alarm from a hotel and immediately rushed to the scene to evacuate the crowd and checked the public video in the hotel. The video shows that the suspect committed the crime at around 1 a.m., wearing a sun protective clothing, hat and mask.

The police repeatedly checked the video and found that the suspect was very familiar with the hotel's internal facilities and surrounding environment. After interviews and investigations and relevant clues provided by store employees, the police quickly identified Wang, a resigned employee of the hotel.

Soon after, the police arrested Wang in a community in Songjiang. When questioned by the police, Wang admitted that he did the ridiculous behavior because he was dissatisfied with the hotel manager and wanted to vent his anger. What is puzzling is that the cause of this farce was actually a comment made by the hotel manager in the circle of friends. Wang felt that the other party was "connoting" himself, and the seeds of hatred were planted in his heart.

Currently, Wang is subject to administrative detention by Huangpu police in accordance with the law for the illegal act of insulting others.

Just because of a complaint, a hotel in downtown Shanghai was maliciously turned into a "mourning hall" by a former employee
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