Why did McCarthy suddenly threaten to impeach Biden? Threatening to impeach Biden | McCarthy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:28 AM

Recently, US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy publicly stated that the investigation surrounding US President Biden has risen to a level where Congress can initiate an impeachment investigation. This is seen as McCarthy's most explicit impeachment threat against Biden since taking office, which has attracted public attention in the context of the upcoming US election next year.

Clear threat

"All along, we have only followed the information. However, this has risen to the level of impeachment investigations." McCarthy told Fox News on the 24th that impeachment investigations can provide Congress with powerful power to obtain other information needed to uncover the truth.

McCarthy also compared Biden to the protagonist of the Watergate scandal, former US President Nixon, accusing him of "weaponizing the government, benefiting his family, and weakening Congress's oversight capabilities.".

However, McCarthy did not provide specific charges or impeachment arrangements against Biden. But American public opinion believes that McCarthy's statement sends the clearest impeachment threat to Biden so far.

Since regaining control of the House of Representatives by a narrow margin earlier this year, Republicans have launched a series of investigations and inquiries into Biden's family, particularly into the business activities of Biden's son Hunter.

What considerations are there

McCarthy's remarks also marked a change in his attitude towards the impeachment of Biden. It is reported that McCarthy's previous attitude was cautious, for many reasons.

Firstly, although Hunter reached a preliminary agreement with federal prosecutors last month to admit two minor tax offenses and one gun related charge, Republicans have yet to link the misconduct of those around Biden to the president. It is worth mentioning that Hunter is scheduled to appear in court on the tax case on the 26th.

Secondly, the Republican Party only has a slight advantage in the House of Representatives, and once an individual defectes, the impeachment plan will be abandoned. Easily initiating impeachment may even exacerbate the divisions between the moderate and hardliners within the Republican Party, while also arousing the enthusiasm of Democratic voters.

Furthermore, in the Senate, where Democrats have a narrow advantage, it seems impractical to impeach Democratic President Biden. It is reported that impeachment of the President requires the support of a simple majority in the House of Representatives, and conviction requires the support of a two-thirds majority in the Senate.

According to US public opinion, in this context, Republicans have previously focused their attention on launching impeachment investigations against members of the Biden administration - Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayokas. This move is considered to have lower risk and higher success rate.

As for why McCarthy suddenly changed his attitude, opinions vary from all sides.

Firstly, US public opinion suggests that McCarthy is increasingly under pressure from Republican hardliners in the House of Representatives to further investigate Biden and his administration, and his statement to Fox News may have a calming effect.

Secondly, the Republican side may have accumulated certain clues and evidence. According to CNN, Republican Congressman Ralph Norman said, "Now is the time for the Speaker to weigh the evidence he has accumulated over the past seven months.".

Republican Congressman Mike Johnson also supports impeachment of Biden. "As a member of the Judicial Committee, we are certainly in the stage of impeachment investigation," Johnson said recently. "All the evidence points to big shots."

It is reported that the Republican side is currently focusing on two investigations involving people around Biden. One is that a member of the National Taxation Bureau reported that the Ministry of Justice had improperly intervened in Hunter's alleged financial transaction investigation. The second is the relationship between Hunter and the Ukrainian natural gas company Brisma. Although the Department of Justice had conducted an investigation into the incident during Biden's predecessor Trump's administration and did not find any evidence, it seems that new clues have recently surfaced - an anonymous FBI informant's disclosure.

Once again, according to insiders, Republicans in the House of Representatives now have an idea that they still need to spend a lot of time, energy, and resources dealing with impeachment, so it's better to point the finger directly at the president rather than the government minister.

Furthermore, in the current intensification of party politics in the United States, McCarthy's remarks are also directed towards party politics. Especially considering that Trump was relentlessly pursued and attacked by Democrats during his tenure - twice impeached.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Jamie Harrison likened McCarthy's "baseless impeachment threat" to a "political gimmick" and stated that this move aimed to distract public attention in the context of the Republican Party's lack of substantive agenda and Trump's numerous challenges.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams also criticized that House Republicans should focus more on curbing inflation, creating employment opportunities, and other livelihood issues than pursuing the president without considering the truth and putting in a lot of effort.

It is worth mentioning that Trump recently stated that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has made him a target of investigation into the congressional riots, indicating that he may soon face a new round of charges.

Harrison also stated that McCarthy's remarks were aimed at helping Trump return to the White House. He said that Trump has used the Republican Party's narrow advantage in the House of Representatives as a tool for the 2024 campaign, and McCarthy is also happy to serve him. Harrison mentioned recent reports from American media that as Speaker of the House, McCarthy intends to help Trump erase two impeachment records through a vote.

"Obviously, Trump is the true Speaker of the House," Harrison said.

The Associated Press also noted that last week, during a Fox News program, Trump questioned why Biden had not yet been impeached. According to reports, impeachment and condemnation threats were rare in the past, but in recent years they have become almost routine.

Furthermore, in the eyes of some Republicans, the current is a good time to impeach Biden. Compared to economic and other issues, impeachment seems unlikely to attract much attention in election years.

"If we don't hold the highest position accountable now, when will we wait?" Norman said.

But if Republicans want to impeach Biden this year, they don't have much time left. Next, the House of Representatives will adjourn for six weeks.

Not easy

US media reported that McCarthy may make Biden the fourth president to be impeached in US history, but it seems unlikely to happen in the short term. Because Republicans first need to find the "real hammer" of Biden's misconduct and persuade moderate Republicans who are skeptical of impeachment... If this complex and time-consuming action fails to make progress, it may cause frustration and dissatisfaction among the hardliners within the Trump Popularization Party.

Republican congressman Don Bacon urged the House of Representatives to act cautiously instead of launching impeachment investigations as easily as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi did.

"This requires a thorough review by the Judicial Committee... We should compare the situation with the 'Watergate incident'," Bacon said.

In this context, McCarthy seems to have conceded on the 25th. He said, "I didn't announce it, I just said that the actions of this government that I have seen - hindering these institutions from cooperating with us - will escalate to the level of impeachment investigation."

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