Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:33 PM

"Give my car an invisible car jacket." "I want the exterior of the car to look cooler."

This kind of conversation happens every day in a store called "Dark Matter". Yu Ao, General Manager of Shanghai Yuantianduo Information Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that this is a company specializing in car modification and beauty. In the eyes of some fashionable young people, personalized car customization has become a necessity.

The store just opened in March this year and is located in the Xinyang Industrial Park in Taopu Town, Putuo. Not far from it, there is a famous car dealership called "Buy a car, go to Hongliu Road" by car enthusiasts, gathering 13 famous brand 4S stores such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Jaguar Land Rover, Lincoln, and 11 upstream and downstream enterprises, integrating automotive commerce, maintenance, and communication experience.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

From the map, however, the 1 kilometer long Hongliu Road is located on the outer ring road. More than a decade ago, this place was a mixed bag of logistics and industrial manufacturing enterprises. Now, it has become a gathering area for automotive trade brands with annual sales exceeding 5 billion yuan. What is the development password behind it?

Transformation and upgrading bring about industrial agglomeration

In 1995, Xinyang Industrial Park was officially established, with furniture factories, logistics companies, cabinet manufacturing and other private enterprises as the main body.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

"At that time, a lot of land was sold to enterprises, which hindered development. After entering the year 2000, with the transfer of industries, we gradually began to reclaim land and incorporate it into the unified management of the park, laying a carrier foundation for the cultivation of the automobile trade industry cluster." Wang Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinyang Industrial Park, introduced.

Around 2008, the Shanghai Municipal Government began to promote the release of urban space and gradually relocate 4S stores from the city center. Wang Yan said, "In this era, we have decided to introduce the mid to high end automobile trade industry based on geographical advantages and the upgrading needs of the industrial structure of the park. Compared to logistics enterprises, the automobile trade industry has less pollution and is also a labor-intensive industry. It can not only improve the overall efficiency of the park, but also solve the problem of local labor employment."

The first automobile trading enterprise to settle in the park was the first 4S store of Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz. In 2009, there were many logistics companies in the park, with trucks coming and going everywhere. But the person in charge of the Xinghan Mercedes Benz 4S store said, "What we most value is the location of the park, located at the junction of Putuo, Baoshan, and Jiading districts, which is conducive to rooting in Putuo and radiating a wider customer base. The economic situation, population structure, and market potential of these areas are in line with our strategic layout."

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

The fact has proven that the decision made by Xinghan Mercedes Benz was correct. In 2012, the transformation and development of the Taopu region began. Numerous large parking lots have been closed, thousands of logistics and warehousing enterprises have been adjusted, and the transportation situation has changed. The park takes the opportunity to accelerate the pace of eliminating high polluting and high energy consuming processing enterprises, multiple logistics enterprises vacate their cages and replace birds, and introduce industries with high technological content and great tax potential. Various high-end car 4S stores have successively settled here.

Now arriving at Hongliu Road, there are more than ten high-end car 4S stores arranged adjacent to each other on both sides of the road. Walking into the roads inside the park, you can also see supporting secondary dealers, car beauty modification shops, used car sales, car clubs, etc. "The main line adheres to the high-end positioning of 4S stores, and the secondary line supports various industrial ecological enterprises, improving the service chain." Wang Ya, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinyang Park, said, "We have also introduced government public platforms, motor vehicle registration points, and car inspection centers, where consumers can truly experience a one-stop automotive service."

The agglomeration effect of such industries is constantly amplifying. In 2019, the BMW MINI Asia flagship store settled on Hongliu Road. The store is full of fashion atmosphere, from design to the number of car models placed according to the highest standards. According to He Jia, the office director of BMW MINI, the car purchase here adopts a factory direct sales model. Consumers can choose their preferred wheels, seats, and other accessories in the showroom, and then place orders on the platform to customize the vehicle.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

In Yu Ao's view, as an automotive aftermarket, choosing Hongliu Road for automotive beauty modification companies means more opportunities. "We have already partnered with a nearby car repair company and are also preparing to collaborate with more high-end car 4S stores nearby. We will strive to open branches in the future."

Deepening the benefits of "intensive" industries

The Xinyang Industrial Park, which covers only 0.92 square kilometers, is the smallest industrial park in the urban area of Shanghai. "Creating more value with the least amount of resources" is the development concept repeatedly mentioned by Wang Yan. "This is one of the distinctive features of Hongliu Road's famous car dealership that sets it apart from other auto trade clusters. We strive to achieve the concept of intensive development to the extreme."

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

In recent years, the park has enriched the types of automobile trade industries and focused on introducing new energy vehicle companies. BYD, NIO, and Xiaopeng have successively settled in the park; On the one hand, extending the automotive market from the industrial chain has led to the entry of car modification and ride hailing rental enterprises; At the same time, we are constantly striving for breakthroughs in technological innovation. The park is currently in talks with a German automotive exterior design company and an Austrian automotive seat design company. The introduction of such international high-end automotive design enterprises will bring about the optimization and upgrading of the overall industry.

Yang Meng, the showroom manager of Fulin BYD, introduced that as a representative of new energy vehicles, BYD has developed rapidly. "Our customer base is diverse, and the gathering of automotive brands around Hongliu Road has played a good role in attracting traffic. In the first half of this year, due to the adjustment of the new energy vehicle registration policy in Shanghai, the exhibition hall was able to achieve a monthly sales volume of about 1000 units."

High end automotive design companies often value both industrial agglomeration and site space requirements. For example, low-density building clusters are required, high-rise buildings are not required, but wind tunnel tests are required, and there are also requirements for building height. In Wang Yan's view, the enterprises attracted by the park in the future should develop towards small and sophisticated, high-precision and cutting-edge directions, that is, core industries with small scale but considerable energy.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

The North and South Hall Riverside Forest Belt Park in the park

The future of automobiles will develop towards intelligent autonomous vehicles, but there are still people who want to experience the joy of driving. The Xinyang Industrial Park is located at the junction of the urban and suburban areas, adjacent to the expressway, which not only has geographical and industrial advantages, but also provides sufficient space for testing due to the developed road network and good environment.

Caring and nurturing every industrial worker

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

Paying attention to people's feelings has become a key keyword for optimizing the business environment in Xinyang Industrial Park.

Within the park, there are currently over 2000 industrial workers engaged in automotive trade. Lu Changyun from Shanghai Xinghan Automotive Repair Service Co., Ltd. is one of them. From a junior technician to a senior technician, and then to being awarded the title of "Putuo Craftsman", his career development path has been opened up under the "deep cultivation and meticulous work" in the park.

In 2021, Lu Changyun won the "New Energy Vehicle Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting" competition in the "New Yang Cup" employee car maintenance skills competition in Putuo District. This year, he also won the Shanghai May Day Labor Medal. "I have always admired those skilled masters. Becoming a craftsman in the industry is my ideal," said Lu Changyun. The platform built in the park has helped me take a big step towards my ideals and also provided me with the opportunity to exchange ideas with peers and learn new energy vehicle maintenance techniques.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

The vocational skills competition held in the park

"Since 2017, the Xinyang Industrial Park has held an annual automobile skills competition, with rich content in each competition, covering the entire process from front desk reception to after-sales vehicle inspection and maintenance. The scope of activities has gradually expanded, and now it has achieved full coverage of automobile commerce and business enterprises in Putuo District." Wang Ya introduced that various competition projects have also been updated in response to changes in the times. For example, in the 2021 edition, the "New Energy Vehicle Fault Diagnosis and Troubleshooting" competition project was included for the first time, and it is also the park's "tailor-made" cultivation of technical workers. ".

"Industrial workers are the backbone of innovation driven development in the park," said Wang Ya. The park is focusing on negotiating cooperation with vocational schools to further facilitate professional channels for skill training and certificate acquisition for industrial workers in the park.

Why become a billion yuan famous car dealership| Observation of characteristic park ④, a 1-kilometer road on the outer ring expressway, Shanghai Xinghan Mercedes Benz | Enterprise | Road

Live streaming online at the North South Hall Riverside Forest Belt Park

Not only that, as early as 2020, the park actively cooperated with two levels of live streaming platforms in the urban area to conduct "online car viewing", solve the pain points of car sales, and make "buy a car, go to Hongliu Road" more deeply rooted in people's hearts. This year, the park learned about the bottleneck in automobile sales through visits and research, and also helped relevant automobile brands to connect and participate in the Putuo District's May 5th Shopping Festival. Breakthroughs in sales have been achieved through various forms such as offline participation in car exhibitions and online live streaming sales. Data shows that from April 28th to May 22nd alone, the sales of 4S stores in the park reached nearly 400 million yuan.

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Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

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