What other tricks can be burned? Have you tried the new summer products from Shanghai's time-honored brands? Luffa, edamame, river shrimp, sturgeon, dragon fish, ribbon fish | Mantou | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

The "summer solstice" is coming. Many famous time-honored brands in Shanghai, such as Shanghai Old Restaurant, Lvbo Gallery, Shanghai Dexing Restaurant, Nanxiang Mantou Store, Chunfeng Songyue Restaurant, Songhe Restaurant and so on, have recently launched a batch of seasonal dishes suitable for tasting in the hot summer.

Luffa and edamame are both frequent guests on the summer dining table of Shanghai people. The Centennial Benbang Restaurant - Shanghai Dexing Restaurant, inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, Meilin has blended the traditional famous dish of luffa and edamame with the famous snack "Chasan". Mei Lin introduced that "tea san" was originally a Dim sum in Jiangsu Province. It has a history of 100 years and is very popular among local people. The "tea san" produced in Huai'an is the most famous. Add pre fried "tea san" to the light luffa and edamame beans, and then cook. A dish of "luffa and edamame bean stewed tea san" is ready. From this dish, not only can you feel the fragrance of luffa and edamame, but you can also taste the unique taste of "tea san".

Soy braised vegetables are a summer appetizer for Shanghai people, and hairtail is one of the popular ingredients in this dish. The pickled hairtail not only retains its freshness and tenderness, but also adds a touch of saltiness. Today, this homely steamed hairtail in fragrant grains is wrapped in small steamed Mantou by the masters of Nanxiang Mantou shop in Yu Garden. You Yumin, the sixth generation inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Nanxiang Xiaolong production technology, introduced that the "Mantou with fish in sesame seed paste" launched this summer was made by mixing the fish in sesame seed paste with sandwich pork in a ratio of one to one. Take only the thick middle section of the hairtail and soak it in homemade brine overnight, even the fish bones are filled with the fragrance of the lees. The next day, manually remove the fish meat and mix it evenly with the sandwich meat, without adding any additional seasoning to the filling. When tasting, you should follow the order of "opening the window first, then drinking the soup". A spoonful full of soup is clear and transparent, with a fresh and salty taste, but a refreshing aftertaste, especially suitable for tasting in the scorching summer.

In addition to the salty and delicious Mantou, Nanxiang Mantou store also included the Cantonese dessert, Yang Zhi Gan Lu, in the small Mantou. The steamed bun skin made of glutinous rice flour is wrapped with classic poplar branch mannose - grapefruit, mango, cream, etc. It tastes soft, delicate and fruity.

What other tricks can be burned? Have you tried the new summer products from Shanghai's time-honored brands? Luffa, edamame, river shrimp, sturgeon, dragon fish, ribbon fish | Mantou | Shanghai

Chunfeng Songyue Restaurant, a century old vegetable restaurant, has launched a number of innovative new products, such as Steamed dumplings in four seasons, wheat and fennel meat buns, Wufu Shaomai, Snow Mountain Cold Mixed Noodles, mung bean and lily soybean milk, making vegetarian food out of a fancy line.

The Chinese time-honored Shanghai Old Hotel located on Fuyou Road has also refreshed its menu in recent days. Luo Yulin, the fifth generation inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage "Shanghai Benbang Cuisine Traditional Cooking Techniques", and his chef team have explored the "new face" in the ingredients - sturgeon fish tendon, presenting a different summer solstice flavor to diners. Sturgeon fish tendons are relatively rare in the market. Luo Yulin told reporters that sturgeon fish tendons are actually the backbone bone marrow of sturgeon, with a soft texture but a certain degree of toughness. They cooked sturgeon fish tendons and turtle skirt edges together, creating a contrast in taste between the soft and sticky edges of the turtle skirt, allowing a dish to have two opposite flavors at the same time. The addition of black garlic further enhances the aroma of the dish. "This dish has its own unique cooking techniques, but the taste is more modern, international, and inclusive," said Luo Yulin.

In order to welcome the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, the old hotel in Shanghai also introduced a Dim sum: soft fire beef magic cube dumplings. The zongzi leaves, woven with special techniques, look like a Rubik's Cube on the outside, and are steamed with glutinous rice and low heat beef. The ordinary appearance contains the craftsmanship of a time-honored brand.

The most popular ingredient in summer is shrimp. The Songhelou Noodle Shop, owned by the Chinese time-honored brand Songhelou originating from Suzhou, has launched an upgraded version of the Three Shrimp Noodles - Five Shrimp Noodles.

What other tricks can be burned? Have you tried the new summer products from Shanghai's time-honored brands? Luffa, edamame, river shrimp, sturgeon, dragon fish, ribbon fish | Mantou | Shanghai

The traditional three shrimp noodles are made with shrimp kernels, shrimp seeds, and shrimp brain, and each family has its own recipe, but the pursuit of freshness is consistent. In early summer, river shrimp hold seeds, and people brush the shrimp seeds, peel off the shrimp brain and shrimp, and make them into stir fried three shrimp. They can be eaten alone or used as a noodle topper. Three shrimp noodles are a unique summer delicacy that many literati and literati cannot forget. This time, Songhe Noodle Restaurant challenged the upper limit of the freshness of river shrimp and created an upgraded version of "Five Shrimp Noodles". Compared to three shrimp, it added shrimp soup and shrimp oil, making a bowl of noodles from toppings to noodles to noodle soup have their own freshness. This bowl of noodles has been pre listed in some areas of Shanghai, but due to high raw material requirements and high production difficulty, it is limited in daily supply.

Green Wave Corridor has upgraded the cooked drunken crayfish and selected the "nine headed" crayfish, which is a large-sized crayfish that can produce 9 pieces per kilogram. According to Si Jiong, the head chef of the Green Wave Corridor brand, after cleaning and selecting crayfish, they should be cooked first and then soaked. They should be soaked in a specially made drunken sauce for 4 hours to make each crayfish taste non alcoholic but with a strong aroma. The shrimp meat is also resilient and chewy.

Braised Tea Sandwich with Luffa and edamame

Braised Sturgeon Fish Tendon with Black Garlic Skirt

What other tricks can be burned? Have you tried the new summer products from Shanghai's time-honored brands? Luffa, edamame, river shrimp, sturgeon, dragon fish, ribbon fish | Mantou | Shanghai
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