What are the common demands? Putuo's "urban brain" operates efficiently... Behind thousands of complaints about "noise disturbing the people", noise | analysis | complaints

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:56 AM

Imagine, when office workers who rely on shared bicycles to solve the "last mile" dilemma can easily find spare bicycles when they step out of the subway station during the peak hours of each workday, it is highly likely that they will exclaim that they are very lucky. But have you ever thought that perhaps there is a pair of "invisible hands" that, through the arrangement and combination of data, mobilize these bicycles to park in the right place at the right time, waiting for citizens in need.

In Putuo District, these "hands" do exist. Recently, in order to effectively solve the problem of illegal parking of shared bicycles at subway entrances, the Putuo District Urban Operation Management Center team has integrated pedestrian flow data from various subway station entrances and bike usage data from various shared bicycle operators in the area. Through algorithm analysis, they have developed a phased and regional shared bicycle placement and management plan, which can not only meet the needs of citizens, but also reasonably allocate management personnel and regulate parking order.

And this is just a small microcosm of the Putuo Urban Transport Center team's continuous improvement of the city's "one network unified management" ability and the improvement of digital governance level. The team integrates massive data, builds algorithmic models to analyze and predict problems before they occur, and continuously improves the ability to prevent and manage urban operation problems. As Zhang Jun, the director of the Putuo District Urban Sports Center, said, "We empower the 'urban brain' with technology to truly 'think'. Helping urban governance become more refined and forward-looking is what this young team, with an average age of 36, continues to do.".

Unified Digital Intelligence Base, Expanding Urban Brain

Residents living in Putuo will find that the Suzhou River has been revitalized. Along the 21 kilometer stretch of the Putuo section of the Suzhou River, problems such as illegal bicycle parking, noise disturbance from square dancing, and floating garbage on the river are gradually disappearing. Strolling along the Suzhou River Trail is refreshing and comfortable.

But Zhang Jun admitted that originally, management was not easy. For example, the governance along the Su River involves 7 departments and 4 towns, and there are numerous information barriers between each department, which cannot be uniformly collected and utilized; However, common problems such as disturbance to the public and road occupation mainly rely on manual discovery, resulting in low efficiency in disposal. In addition, in terms of incident handling, different functional departments have their own independent dispatch systems, which may result in redundant dispatch information within each system and unclear responsibilities due to multi head management.

What are the common demands? Putuo's "urban brain" operates efficiently... Behind thousands of complaints about "noise disturbing the people", noise | analysis | complaints

To solve such problems, relying on the construction of the "One Network Unified Management" platform, the Putuo District Urban Transport Center team has built a more efficient urban operation comprehensive management system with "1 district level platform+10 street and town platforms+N business platforms" as the standard, gathering 780 million pieces of data, 24000 public videos, and 53000 IoT sensing devices from cities, districts, and enterprises, generating nearly 800 urban physical indicators. While integrating urban public data for sharing, the team has also established a unified dispatching system to achieve point-to-point closed-loop from "online discovery" to "offline disposal" of problems. "It not only clears the barriers between departmental levels, solves problems such as data dispersion and interoperability, but also promotes business collaboration among districts, streets and towns, and committee platforms, making it easier for grassroots management," said Yin Keqiang, Deputy Director of Putuo District Urban Transport Center.

Now, as you enter the Putuo District Urban Sports Center, you can see a clear panoramic view of the city on the large screen of the command center. Intelligent IoT sensing devices monitor various signs of urban operation in real time. Once abnormal information is identified, problems will be detected and transmitted back to the "urban brain" in the first time. Through the "one click dispatching" system, intelligent distribution will be made to corresponding staff for disposal, which not only shortens the disposal process but also improves work efficiency.

At present, the Putuo District Urban Transport Center team has established a unified digital intelligence base with a massive amount of work data, which has made many co organizers feel the efficient empowerment brought by data in their work. Yin Keqiang introduced that with the support of the team, the "fire intelligent command system" of the district fire rescue detachment has been basically built. In practical application scenarios, the system can instantly push 119 police situations to the district urban transportation center and various street and town urban transportation centers, dispatch the nearest rescue forces in a timely manner, and through automatic positioning, check the spread of the fire, trapped personnel, and the progress of micro fire station battles on site. At the same time, the system can also prompt the selection of the best police driving route, push the location of fire hydrants in the surrounding area, the status of community passages, key personnel, water and electricity, and other information to firefighters, providing comprehensive support for the pre deployment of firefighting forces before arrival and precise combat after arrival.

Digging deep into the potential of numbers and listening to the voices behind them

However, in order to truly achieve the refinement of urban governance like embroidery in the process of digital transformation, relying solely on powerful databases is not enough. The Putuo Urban Transportation Center team is well aware that the "urban brain" with massive data has the advantages of a large amount of information and sufficient integration of public data; On the other hand, when it comes to specific issues, mining effective information from millions of scattered data is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

For example, a ranking always leaves them with a grudge. Last year, the media counted the total number of complaints related to "noise disturbance" on the 12345 hotline platform in each district, and Putuo District ranked in the top three. This has made the team feel distressed, and the same pressure has also fallen on the relevant line work departments.

What are the common demands? Putuo's "urban brain" operates efficiently... Behind thousands of complaints about "noise disturbing the people", noise | analysis | complaints

With the determination to find solutions at the root of the problem, a roundtable meeting within the team was held. "Why is the number of complaints about noise disturbance still high? What causes the problem to remain unresolved after complaint handling? What are the true demands of complainants?" Around these issues, team members reviewed thousands of hotline complaints related to "noise disturbance". By comparing and categorizing the content, the vague outline gradually became clear - most complaint work orders pointed to the overhead line landing project on a certain road at that time, and the complainants were mostly residents of residential areas along the way, with students from families accounting for the majority. At this point, behind thousands of complaints about "noise disturbance", the common demands of citizens have emerged.

Zhang Jun told reporters that according to the previous approach of hotline handling, after receiving a dispatch, only the individual complained about will be dealt with, and for specific demands, single point resolution is not a problem. However, this road spans multiple streets, and the construction project duration is not short. The noise disturbance problem generated has become a collective demand. In the situation of massive complaints and limited personnel, solving each problem one by one is inefficient and the effect is not obvious. "In this situation, the key is to first clarify the common issues in the complaint, so that the 'point' demands can be transformed into 'surface' rules, and then comprehensively rectify them."

To this end, the Putuo District Urban Transportation Center team has established a new algorithm analysis system, focusing on the noise disturbance problem. From four categories: roads, construction time periods, the location of the building where the citizen complained about, and whether there are students at home, the team has sorted and analyzed all recent relevant hotline data on the "One Network Management" platform in the district. Finally, the situation is reported to the relevant street and industry regulatory departments to help them solve the noise disturbance problem in a targeted manner.

New ideas and skills continue to emerge, accelerating the digital transformation

In addition to technological empowerment, as a young team with an average age of 36, the injection of youth power also provides younger new ideas for urban digital governance.

30 year old Xu Liheng is a member of the urban transportation center team in Putuo District. Recently, he is researching a new algorithm model - based on the number of recipient information for household online shopping express delivery to assist in evaluating the existence of group rental situations.

What are the common demands? Putuo's "urban brain" operates efficiently... Behind thousands of complaints about "noise disturbing the people", noise | analysis | complaints

The inspiration for this model comes from himself and other young colleagues in the team. "During a certain e-commerce shopping festival, we suddenly realized that if a household in the community has multiple express delivery accounts at the same time, it may indirectly prove the existence of group rental." Xu Liheng said that for large communities, it is not easy to accurately locate the group rental situation to a certain building or household. Compared to the previous manual on-site visits and investigations, building a data sharing platform with e-commerce and courier companies and using algorithm models for intelligent analysis will become a more intuitive and efficient new way to discover the phenomenon of group rental.

Nowadays, relying on the massive data and various algorithm models built on the "One Network Management" platform, the Putuo District Urban Transport Center team has established a more effective prevention mechanism based on the observation and management of urban problems. For example, He Junhui, Deputy Director of the Urban Transportation Center in Putuo District, introduced that this spring, the backend algorithm calculated the hot word "termite" and issued a warning. The team launched the warning push as soon as possible, sharing information on termite prevention and control methods and disposal departments with grassroots units, effectively achieving early intervention in the problem.

"We need to see problems through data and solve them through data." Empowered by technology, Zhang Jun calls this ability the thinking power of the "urban brain", which connects online data integration and sharing, online algorithm analysis and contingency plans, and offline management linkage in urban governance. In the future, he will lead the team to further tap into the digital potential and enable the "urban brain" to play a stronger role.

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