There are over 3000 resident friends on WeChat, including Shanghai's "internet celebrity doctor" doctor | WeChat | resident

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 18:10 PM

Ma Longfei, the attending physician of the Community Health Service Center on Ruijin Second Road in Huangpu District, is affectionately referred to as a "internet celebrity doctor" by many community residents because he has more than 3600 resident friends on his mobile phone WeChat. Many of his friends were added by him after he took out his phone to diagnose and treat residents. While providing daily diagnosis and treatment for residents, he led other physicians to form a family doctor service team called "Tiantuan", which promptly resolved residents' health consultation issues on WeChat. In the past four years, this family doctor service "Tiantuan" has interacted with residents over 100000 times on WeChat, and has actually solved over 2000 problems for residents. Ma Longfei said that as a community doctor, his wish is to be a "gatekeeper" for the health of residents and help them achieve "disease-free prevention".

Providing zero distance services to residents free of charge

Ma Longfei, who is 41 years old, has a round face and wears a pair of black round framed glasses. He looks younger than his actual age, and many community residents who often come to him for medical treatment affectionately call him "Little Doctor Ma".

Doctor Xiaoma is very busy with work and often arrives at the workplace before 8 o'clock in the morning. After the designated end of work time, he still needs to stay to handle some work affairs. "Usually, he can't go home until 19 o'clock," and he can't leave his phone when he gets home. There may be patients calling or sending WeChat messages. But no matter how busy he is every day, he will definitely find time to reply to health consultation questions raised by residents in more than a dozen residential groups.

What is the story behind a doctor's mobile phone with over a dozen active communities, with a total of over 3600 people, and most of them being actively added by him?

In 2017, the Community Health Service Center of Ruijin Second Road Street began exploring the "family doctor" signing service work, and Ma Longfei was responsible for one of the signing teams at that time. After work every day, he doesn't have time to eat, so he brings a stethoscope, a blood pressure monitor, and other "service packages" and goes door-to-door knocking on the doors of community residents to serve them. He has signed contracts with 1194 residents before and after.

Quickly, Ma Longfei discovered some "problems": after signing the contract, residents often encounter many health problems and need to consult with the contracted doctor, "it is best to consult immediately.". At that time, "family doctor" was still a new term, and many residents did not understand what it was and had doubts: "What services can family doctors provide for us?" "After signing a family doctor contract, can we only go to designated tertiary hospitals for treatment?"

There are over 3000 resident friends on WeChat, including Shanghai's "internet celebrity doctor" doctor | WeChat | resident

In order to achieve the goal of "signing but keeping an appointment", Ma Longfei also hopes to promote the innovative system of "family doctor" signing service. Ma Longfei takes advantage of the all-weather, unlimited distance convenience of Internet communication to provide free health consulting services and health science popularization for residents on WeChat during the fragmented time of work and rest time.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to contact patients outside the outpatient department, signing contracts with "family doctors" at residents' homes, and meeting neighbors downstairs, Ma Longfei actively and extensively added WeChat accounts of community residents. Many elderly residents who come to see outpatient clinics do not have WeChat or even know how to use smartphones. Ma Longfei simply prints out his WeChat QR code and sends it to the elderly residents, asking them to take it home and have their children add WeChat. If you have any health related WeChat, you can consult him anytime on WeChat.

Gradually, more and more residents have become WeChat friends, and WeChat groups are also constantly increasing. With the support of hospital leaders, he established a "joint service team" for each WeChat group. In addition to him, the team members also had other colleagues, totaling 17 family doctors, known as the "Tian Tuan" for family doctor services by residents.

"If a medical staff member is unable to fully answer a resident's question, other medical staff members can supplement and improve it to ensure medical quality and safety to the greatest extent." In WeChat groups, in addition to answering residents' questions, Ma Longfei often organizes a series of health education activities to popularize prevention and health knowledge and healthy lifestyles to residents. He posts health tips, shares professional articles, and holds online lectures to help residents increase their awareness and knowledge of disease prevention. Many elderly residents, after adding Ma Longfei's WeChat account, also recommend their spouse, children, and neighbors to join WeChat groups, using "one person" to drive "a family" and "a group of people" to enhance health awareness and self-management abilities.

There is an elderly person in his 90s who lives alone in the jurisdiction of Ruijin Second Road Street, and his children have been living abroad for many years. The elderly live alone in China, and their children are not very at ease. They heard that there is a "Little Horse Doctor" in the community hospital who can answer health questions for residents online. They added Ma Longfei's WeChat account through neighbors and made "Little Horse Doctor" a contracted family doctor for the elderly. If the elderly have any discomfort, they will receive timely response and help by telling Ma Longfei through their children on WeChat. What surprised the elderly and children was that there was a time difference between the United States and China. Sometimes, when their children sent WeChat messages in the middle of the night, "Doctor Pony" would also reply promptly!

Improving the quality of life for elderly residents

As a doctor, to provide good resident services, one must have strong skills. Ma Longfei is well aware that in the context of the new era, medical knowledge is constantly updating. Only by maintaining a strong thirst for knowledge and the ability to adapt to changes, constantly learning and practicing, constantly striving for innovation, and comprehensively improving one's professional literacy and business abilities, can one always stand at the forefront of medicine.

There are over 3000 resident friends on WeChat, including Shanghai's "internet celebrity doctor" doctor | WeChat | resident

In the jurisdiction where Ma Longfei is responsible, it is common for elderly people to have indwelling catheters. "Some elderly people in the community often encounter the problem of failed catheter removal after indwelling catheters for various reasons, which leads to patients needing to rely on catheters for a long time and causes difficulties in their daily lives. To solve this problem, Ma Longfei consulted a large number of relevant domestic and foreign literature, and combined with the characteristics of the community, established a unique method.". On the basis of the traditional method of catheter removal, he introduced a scheme of catheter self detachment and early oral medication, greatly improving the success rate of catheter removal and reducing the pain of patients.

92 year old Mr. Wang has been indwelling a catheter for two years and often experiences urinary tract infections and hematuria. He has visited several hospitals and made multiple attempts to remove the urinary catheter; But they all ended in failure. Uncle Wang's quality of life has greatly declined, and he himself is also very discouraged. After learning about it, Ma Longfei took the initiative to come to Mr. Wang for evaluation and physical examination. After comprehensive analysis, he decided to use his own method to remove the catheter for Mr. Wang. Successfully completed the tube removal at once! At that moment, Uncle Wang cried excitedly. "It's not a big deal, but it has effectively improved the elderly's quality of life."

Ma Longfei not only delves into the medical field, but also uses his spare time to self-study various skills such as automated office software and programming languages. Through these efforts, he applies interdisciplinary knowledge to daily work and provides better services for community residents.

After the COVID-19 prevention and control policy was adjusted to "Class B and Class B", the community health service centers in Shanghai faced a problem: how to accurately rank the elderly population within the jurisdiction, and divide them into key, sub key and general populations, so as to provide accurate medical services. There are 16840 elderly people aged 65 and above in Ruijin Second Road Street, accounting for over 40%. Accurate positioning is particularly challenging. Ma Longfei, with solid medical business capabilities and rich experience in data analysis and modeling, has found a solution to the problem: he has collected important information such as health records, medical records, clinical diagnosis, and drug use of residents in his jurisdiction, and used this data to construct the first population classification model.

Through the application of AI technology, Ma Longfei is able to provide AI telephone health education to classified residents, and further analyze and improve the model construction of the collected information through deep data mining. In order to better respond to emergency situations, he coordinated with the community health service center to establish a "rapid warning mechanism" and timely adjusted personnel allocation. The current Ruijin Second Road Street Community Health Service Center has formed a family doctor service team to respond promptly to the needs of residents for services. Ma Longfei also participated, answering residents' questions through various methods such as answering phone calls, replying to WeChat messages, and providing health consultations. For residents who cannot move, he will also provide medical services at their doorstep.

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