The role of Qingpu as a "hub gateway" is becoming increasingly prominent, with the construction of the intercity line in the demonstration zone and the opening of the Liantang Station of the Shanghai Suzhou Lake high-speed railway next year

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:39 PM

In two months, the 6th CIIE will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center located in Qingpu District. Near the "Four Leaf Grass" area of Xiaolaigang, the "Import Expo Heat" can now be clearly felt: various flower and grass landscapes are being laid out in an orderly manner, and the nearly 6 square kilometers of the Xujingxi Hongqiao area have significantly improved their urban appearance under the "integrated maintenance and cleaning" model. In industrial spaces such as the Hongqiao International Exhibition Industrial Park, the spillover effects of the Import Expo are constantly amplifying.

This "popularity of entering the Bo market" is also a reflection of the "popularity of Qingpu". Qingpu District is bordered by Dahongqiao to the east and Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to the west. It is an important gateway for Shanghai to open up domestically and externally. In recent years, multiple major strategies have been implemented, ushering in a window of development for Qingpu. On September 5th, the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences held a special session in Qingpu. Xu Jian, Secretary of the Qingpu District Committee, and others introduced the relevant situation of high-quality development in Qingpu District.

The layout of "one city, two wings" is steadily advancing

From the map, Qingpu District appears in a butterfly shape, approximately 45 kilometers long from east to west. The development stages and paths of Qingdong, Qingzhong, and Qingxi regions are different. The construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub and the CIIE, new city construction, and integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta happen to be distributed in the three regions of Qingdong, Qingzhong, and Qingxi. Xu Jian, Secretary of the Qingpu District Committee, stated that Qingpu District is fully leveraging its strategic empowerment role to create a high-level open platform.

Qingpu East Wing is the venue of the CIIE and also the core area of the Hongqiao International Open Hub. Qingpu has signed the "first order" of the Shanghai Trading Group for five consecutive CIIE sessions, with a cumulative intention to purchase orders exceeding 4.4 billion US dollars. Driven by the radiation of the China International Import Expo, the siphon effect of industrial projects continues to strengthen. Since 2019, the cumulative amount of new foreign direct investment in Qingpu has reached 4.05 billion US dollars. The Qingpu area of the Hongqiao International Open Hub has gathered 5 listed companies and 22 headquarters enterprises.

Qingpu West Wing is a pioneering area for the demonstration zone of ecological green integration development in the Yangtze River Delta. This year, the Qingxi region has focused on the key area of "water town living rooms" and started the construction of the Qingpu area's innovation engine. The Huawei R&D center will be put into use next year, and 30000 to 40000 technology R&D personnel will be stationed in the future, injecting vitality into the innovative development of Qingpu.

Qingpu New City is the center of the "One City, Two Wings" strategic layout, currently focusing on the "1+3" key area layout and accelerating the improvement of urban functions. Among them, "1" is the central business district of the new city, where the future Line 17, demonstration zone line, and Jiaqing Songjin line will achieve three line transfers; "3" refers to three functional zones, namely the Southern Urban Renewal Practice Zone, the Western Future New City Model Zone, and the Northern Industrial Innovation Park.

The role of Qingpu as a "hub gateway" is becoming increasingly prominent, with the construction of the intercity line in the demonstration zone and the opening of the Liantang Station of the Shanghai Suzhou Lake high-speed railway next year

Xu Jian said that the construction of the demonstration intercity line connecting the east, west, and east, and connecting to Dahongqiao has begun. In the future, high standards will be promoted for the planning and development of various stations, driving the improvement of urban functions along the line.

Innovation driven development of new industrial tracks

In the first half of this year, Qingpu's GDP grew by 14.7%, ranking second in the city in terms of growth rate; The general public budget revenue at the district level increased by 18%, ranking fourth in the city in terms of growth rate. Behind the data lies the surging momentum of industrial development in Qingpu District.

Qingpu District focuses on developing three industrial clusters: "Big Digital, Big Health, and Big Commerce.". In terms of "big commerce and trade", Qingpu is the headquarters of "three connections, one access, and one rabbit" express logistics, which is promoting the transformation of the logistics industry towards digitalization, informatization, and high-end. Last year, the revenue of the express logistics industry was 156.8 billion yuan, accounting for 85% of the city and 15% of the country. In terms of "big health", Qingpu targets the fields of biomedicine, fashion beauty, health and leisure, and other industries. Enterprises and platforms such as Qingpu Life Science Park, Shanghai Jiahua, and Nivea are developing steadily.

Of particular note is the "big numbers". In recent years, Qingpu has been committed to building an intangible industrial corridor - the Yangtze River Delta Digital Trunk Line. Relying on the G50 Shanghai Chongqing Expressway, it has formed close cooperation with cities along the line, connected industrial parks and chains along the line, and collaborated to create a digital innovation development belt. "We have laid out spatial carriers such as Beidou Innovation Base, Shixi Software Park, Qingpu New City Digital Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Community, and Xicen Science and Technology Innovation Center from east to west," said Yang Xiaojing, the district mayor of Qingpu District. In the first half of the year, the revenue of software and information enterprises above designated size in Qingpu District increased by 45.3% year-on-year, while the revenue of integrated circuit enterprises increased by 47%. Among them, Huawei Hisilicon increased by 84.2% year-on-year.

At the same time as "digital industrialization", Qingpu is also committed to promoting "industrial digitization" and actively promoting digital transformation of traditional commercial and service industries. For example, Qingpu is taking the construction of a commercial service-oriented national logistics hub as an opportunity to promote the extension of express logistics to digital supply chains and to digital logistics equipment.

Good support policies are an important guarantee for industrial development. Recently, Qingpu District has introduced special policies such as biopharmaceuticals, integrated circuits, cross-border e-commerce, and Beidou Navigation. It has also actively revitalized its stock, studied and formulated policies such as "two to two" and "industrial upgrading" to further expand the development space of the manufacturing industry. At present, Qingpu can provide approximately 4000 acres of functional landing space for manufacturing, science and technology innovation, and headquarters, as well as 5 million square meters of commercial office and standard factory buildings.

The role of Qingpu as a "hub gateway" is becoming increasingly prominent, with the construction of the intercity line in the demonstration zone and the opening of the Liantang Station of the Shanghai Suzhou Lake high-speed railway next year

Investment vitality is fully stimulated

The Qingpu Xihongqiao Business District was originally an area where farmland was scattered and farmers and "low scattered" enterprises gathered. Now, with the support of strategic empowerment and location advantages, it has changed from before. A group of leading enterprises such as Midea Group, China National Nuclear Engineering Corporation, ANTA Group, and YTO Technology have already laid out in Xihongqiao. Not long ago, 30 key projects such as Heidelberg Technology and Ruisko Medical have concentrated in buildings in the Xihongqiao Business District, with a settlement area of over 100000 square meters.

Like the Xihongqiao Business District, the investment vitality of the entire Qingpu District has also been fully stimulated in recent years. Since the 14th Five Year Plan, the total social fixed investment in Qingpu District has reached 145.9 billion yuan, an increase of 27.5%, ranking among the top in the city.

The reporter learned at the press conference that since the 14th Five Year Plan, Qingpu District has implemented a total of 290 major projects.

In terms of transportation infrastructure, the 18 kilometer long Songze Elevated Line has been fully opened to traffic, and it only takes 20 minutes from Qingpu New City to Hongqiao Hub. The foundation of the Shanghai Suzhou Lake high-speed railway has been basically completed, and the Liantang Station will be opened to traffic in July next year. In the past three years, Qingpu District has invested nearly 12 billion yuan in upgrading and upgrading rural roads, with a total length of 252 kilometers.

In terms of social undertakings, Qingpu has rolled out three rounds of three-year action plans for social undertakings. In the last round, more than 10000 degrees were added in the field of education, more than 3000 approved beds were added to medical institutions in the field of health, the total number of beds in the field of old-age care accounted for 5.4% of the elderly population with registered residence, and 30000 square meters of public cultural facilities and 1.32 million square meters of sports venues were added in the field of culture and sports.

"We will further strengthen the traction and support role of major projects and key projects, enhance economic scale through high-quality and large-scale industrial projects, and enhance urban functions through basic and comprehensive livelihood projects," said Yang Xiaojing.

The role of Qingpu as a "hub gateway" is becoming increasingly prominent, with the construction of the intercity line in the demonstration zone and the opening of the Liantang Station of the Shanghai Suzhou Lake high-speed railway next year
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