The old land is about to take off, and the beautiful scenery is heading south. The Bund, which is familiar to Shanghai people, has transformed into a "different" enterprise | Finance | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:21 PM

The Bund is a familiar landmark for Shanghai people, and it has taken on a new look. On August 1st, during the Huangpu special event held at the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences, the reporter followed relevant leaders of Huangpu District along the Bund all the way south and discovered that the South Bund, especially the Dongjiadu area, is now different from before. This old land that emerged from the old land parcels is now lined with high-rise buildings, leading financial and technological enterprises gather, and the neighborhood environment is walkable and the buildings are readable. This is about to become a thriving area in the center of Shanghai.

The Bund is a golden belt along the Huangpu River, flowing with gold and silver. As a core functional area for the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center's "One City, One Belt" initiative, Huangpu District has actively promoted the construction of the Bund Financial Agglomeration Zone since 2009. After more than a decade of development, the GDP of the financial industry in Huangpu District has exceeded 100 billion yuan, reaching 134.857 billion yuan in 2022, accounting for nearly 1/6 of the city's total, with 721 licensed financial institutions. The "gold content" of the Bund will be further enhanced. The leaders of Huangpu District told reporters that Huangpu District is actively promoting the thickening and lengthening of the Bund Financial Agglomeration Zone: thickening, that is, on the basis of the renovation of the "first facade" of old buildings along the Bund, actively promoting the functional replacement of the "second facade" of the Bund. To grow is to expand the development space of the Bund financial agglomeration zone. "The spatial carriers represented by the surrounding area of Dongjiadu have rapidly risen, and new projects have gradually been completed, attracting financial institutions that match their functional positioning to settle in and develop."

On that day, the reporter arrived at the "Green Bund Center", which is located in the Dongjiadu area, on the west side of Zhongshan South Road, and is the largest commercial complex along the riverbank in the center of Shanghai. The Green Bund Center covers an area of 126700 square meters, with a building area of approximately 1.2 million square meters, including approximately 460000 square meters of super high-rise landmarks and high-end corporate headquarters office buildings, approximately 170000 square meters of large commercial centers, approximately 42000 square meters of luxury hotels in the air, approximately 120000 square meters of high-end residential buildings, and approximately 50000 square meters of public greenery. It also houses two historical protected buildings, the Dongjiadu Catholic Church and the Merchant Boat Club, as well as cultural and leisure spaces along the riverside. The enterprises that have already settled in include Donghao Lansheng, Jianxin Life Insurance, PICC, Haitong Securities, Shanghai Bank, Guohai Securities and other enterprises.

The old land is about to take off, and the beautiful scenery is heading south. The Bund, which is familiar to Shanghai people, has transformed into a "different" enterprise | Finance | Shanghai

The Green Bund Center has a rich cultural atmosphere. Inside it is the Merchant Shipping Guild Hall, built in 1715, which was the most powerful industry organization and the leader of various guild offices before the opening of Shanghai. It was renovated in 2019 and regained its glory;

The Dongjiadu Catholic Church, founded in 1847, is the first cathedral in the Shanghai Diocese, with a Spanish style exterior design. Today, the original architectural style is preserved here, providing citizens with a cultural space to touch and understand history; A new art center has been built with a building area of approximately 2000 square meters. As an important venue for transmitting artistic lifestyles and showcasing world culture, art exhibitions from ancient and modern times, both domestically and internationally, will take turns to take place, providing the public with an open platform for cultural and artistic learning. It is a multifunctional composite art and aesthetic cultural center;

The newly built commercial center "Chaofang" has been transformed into a Shanghai style cultural center and a gathering place for high-end lifestyle and nightlife on the Bund. It includes an Italian cultural center and Art Space cultural space, introducing creative, fashionable, and distinctive innovative retail, leisure and entertainment, high-end catering, and other flagship stores and distinctive business formats.

The old land is about to take off, and the beautiful scenery is heading south. The Bund, which is familiar to Shanghai people, has transformed into a "different" enterprise | Finance | Shanghai

More changes in the Dongjiadu area are hidden in Grade A office buildings.

Yang Guowei, Director of the Financial Office of Huangpu District, introduced that a number of high-energy financial institutions, leading enterprises in technological innovation, and leading professional service institutions have been successfully introduced in the vicinity of Dongjiadu. The industrial agglomeration continues to increase, and the financial industry continues to enrich, covering high-quality institutions in traditional and new financial fields such as factor markets, banks, securities, insurance, funds, financing leasing, financial technology, private equity, etc. The regional planning goals and functional positioning are further strengthened.

Leading enterprises in various formats such as financial services, technology services, and professional services have gathered within the Fuxing plot. The Shanghai Gold Exchange, a financial market established by the People's Bank of China and specialized in trading precious metals such as gold, is a leading comprehensive asset management company in the industry in terms of public offering scale and China's first-class comprehensive asset management company - Huitianfu Fund Management Co., Ltd., Haitong Securities, a wholly-owned controlling shareholder of Haitong Securities, and the first securities background financing leasing company listed in China - Haitong Hengxin International Financing Leasing Co., Ltd., a Shanghai state-owned asset investment platform - Shanghai State owned Capital Investment Co., Ltd. Ant Group, a leading enterprise in the financial technology industry, has many core scientific and technological sectors under Ant Group, including Ant Shengxin, Ant Wealth, Ant Blockchain Technology, and Double Chain Technology. It is also a globally leading Sino foreign joint venture human resources service enterprise - Beijing Foreign Enterprise Deke Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., Ltd., among others.

The old land is about to take off, and the beautiful scenery is heading south. The Bund, which is familiar to Shanghai people, has transformed into a "different" enterprise | Finance | Shanghai

A group of headquarters financial institutions have gathered in the "Green Bund Center" plot, including Shanghai Bank and its wholly-owned wealth management subsidiary - Shangyin Wealth Management Co., Ltd., industry leading securities firms - Haitong Securities Co., Ltd., Zhongtai Securities Co., Ltd., Guohai Securities Co., Ltd., China Construction Bank's life insurance company - China CITIC Life Insurance Co., Ltd., People's Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., as well as a group of high-energy headquarters financial institutions such as Donghao Lansheng Group and Shanghai Foreign Service, will settle in.

Continuing south along the Bund, the under construction Nanpu plot will actively create an asset management and financial cluster, bringing together a group of high-level financial institutions represented by asset management. Intending enterprises to settle in include CITIC Bank Wealth Management, Huitianfu Fund, Oriental Securities Asset Management, etc.

"The Bund Financial Agglomeration Zone will focus on the Dongjiadu area in the next 10 years, providing 1.5 million cubic meters of high-quality office space," said Yang Guowei.

The old land is about to take off, and the beautiful scenery is heading south. The Bund, which is familiar to Shanghai people, has transformed into a "different" enterprise | Finance | Shanghai

Huangpu District Party Secretary Gao Yun told reporters that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, Huangpu District will focus on three tasks: serving the real economy, preventing and controlling financial risks, and deepening financial reform. It will actively build the "two poles and three highlands", namely, creating two growth poles of financial technology and asset management, building a highland for RMB asset pricing and payment settlement services, a highland for financial services for the real economy, and a highland for financial comprehensive ecology, continuously improving the international influence of the "Bund Finance" brand, enhancing the global resource allocation function of the Bund Financial Agglomeration Belt, and serving the construction of Shanghai International Financial Center.

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Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas

Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry
It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry

On June 30th, the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in Shanghai held a concentrated groundbreaking ceremony for major industrial projects in 2023. Seven manufacturing projects, including Foster, Junjian Junze, and Aohua Endoscopy, began construction simultaneously, involving major equipment, biopharmaceuticals, new materials, fine chemicals, and productive service industries. It is understood that the 7 projects under construction this time have a total investment amount of 1.868 billion yuan, covering a total area of 134.48 acres. Among them, four new land acquisition projects and three existing renovation and expansion projects are expected to increase taxes by about 400 million yuan and increase production value by about 5 billion yuan after production. All 7 projects are in line with Minhang's "4+4" industrial positioning. The Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has started construction on 7 industrial projects in the same area, making manufacturing a key driving force for the park's economic development, while promoting the high-end and intelligent manufacturing industry in Minhang

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In summer, Yang Quan, a delivery rider from Lincang, Yunnan, has once again encountered the toughest delivery season of the year. However, his heart is steadfast: the "Warm New Nest" new employment group service station in front of the Zhaofeng Square in Zhongshan Park is a harbor for him and his colleagues to shelter from wind and rain throughout the year, regardless of the extreme cold or heat. This is one of the many "warm new nests" in Changning District. Yang Quan, born on the banks of the Lancang River and born in the 1990s, did not know that in the bustling city center of Shanghai, many people used to live in shabby houses, some of whom also faced insurmountable difficulties such as serious illness and unemployment. The Huayang Road Street in Changning District, where Zhaofeng Square is located, is one of them. 30 years ago, grassroots cadres in Huayang visited day and night to understand the living conditions of all the disadvantaged groups and helped them solve difficulties one by one. From then on, a person who understands people

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On the afternoon of June 19th, the 2023 "Yangui Jinshan · Employment in the Bay Area" theme day for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the annuity mountainous area was held at the Haikuo Dong'an Cultural and Creative Industry Park. A series of activities were held on site, including the release of employment brochures, sharing of employment and entrepreneurship experiences, high-quality enterprise roadshows and talent recruitment, display of employment work achievements, comprehensive launch of seedling raising ceremony, and special recruitment activities, attracting a large number of key enterprises, internship bases, and college students to attend. It is worth noting that 52 companies participated in the on-site job fair that day, providing 212 positions and recruiting 570 people, with salaries generally ranging from 7000 yuan to 10000 yuan; Nearly 300 people entered the venue, received 238 resumes, and initially reached employment intentions for 75 people. At the launch ceremony, a skit titled "You and I on the Road to Job Seeking" was performed,

The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum
The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum

On June 13th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Oceanic Bureau, the "Exploration of Deep Blue: China Ocean Science and Deep Diving Exhibition" jointly organized by the China Maritime Museum and the Shanghai Marine Management Affairs Center was officially launched at the China Maritime Museum. The exhibition will be held in the second temporary exhibition hall of the museum and will last until October 8, 2023. This exhibition is the second exhibition of the "Contemporary China Maritime Equipment Series Exhibition" launched by the China Maritime Museum, following the "Blue Ship Theory". The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Comprehensive Science Examination", "Professional Science Examination", "Special Science Examination", and "Guarding the Blue Ocean". From the perspectives of technology, equipment, and nature, the exhibition focuses on showcasing the brilliant achievements of contemporary China's marine science examination and deep diving industry, explaining the harmonious coexistence between humans and the ocean, strengthening ocean awareness education, and helping to promote marine culture