The lives of the stationed officers and soldiers on the island are quietly undergoing changes. On the little-known "three nots" island of Shanghai, officers and soldiers | activities | lives

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:42 PM

Starting from Changxing Island by boat, heading east, the sea winds and waves gradually increased, and seawater occasionally flooded into the cabin. After sailing for over two hours, a rocky island gradually became clear through the sea fog.

Sheshan Island, located in Shanghai, is rarely known. This small island is only 500 meters long from east to west and 200 meters wide from north to south, with a total area of less than 0.1 square kilometers. It can be walked in less than an hour. This small island, known as the "first outpost of Shanghai," is the only base of China's territorial waters in Shanghai. Since 1950, officers and soldiers from a certain observation station of the Eastern Theater Command Navy have been stationed here.

Recently, Miao Jing, Secretary of the Chongming District Party Committee, led the leaders of the district's four teams to Sheshan Island to participate in the 2023 Military Day event. The reporter went together to record the transformation of this former "Three Nos" small island in the eyes of coastal defense officers and soldiers.

Shorten the supply cycle to 1 day

"This is the basic information of our station and the honors we have received." On Sheshan Island, the officers and soldiers pointed to the certificates and medals displayed in the honor exhibition hall and introduced the history of Sheshan Island to Miao Jing and others. These rewards were hard won: batch after batch of officers and soldiers overcame the loneliness of "looking up at the sky and looking down at the sea" and remained steadfast on the island.

The lives of the stationed officers and soldiers on the island are quietly undergoing changes. On the little-known "three nots" island of Shanghai, officers and soldiers | activities | lives

"When I first arrived, sometimes it was a bit difficult to use water." In 2009, 19-year-old squad leader Xiao Yang first set foot on this small island after enlisting. He told reporters that the island is about 20 kilometers away from the nearest land, and all kinds of supplies such as fresh water and food need to be transported for supply. Transport ships go to the island about once every two weeks, and in case of strong winds and waves, they will stop sailing. "I remember one summer, due to weather conditions, fresh water couldn't be transported into the island for a long time. One afternoon, it rained heavily, and everyone went to collect rainwater to save water."

Food is the second biggest issue. Many veterans told reporters that a long time ago, fresh vegetables and meat could only be eaten on the first day of supplies arriving. Transport ships transport a large amount of vegetables and fruits each time, but due to limited refrigerator capacity, vegetables that cannot be stored in the refrigerator and cannot be eaten in a timely manner are easily spoiled and cannot be consumed. "When there is not enough food, we need to control the amount of food. The way is to cook one or two less dishes every day. At the most difficult time, we will eat white rice with pickled vegetables."

The officers and soldiers are transporting supplies. Respondents provide pictures

When some officers and soldiers return to their hometown on vacation, the vacationers will tacitly bring back many local specialties to improve their food. Sichuan cured meat is their favorite, while Henan native Xiao Yang brings donkey meat the most. "There are a total of 247 steps on the island, named 'Love Island Road', which were handmade by veterans. Previously, transporting supplies had to rely on manual labor to move them to the barracks on the mountaintop. Now, there is a dedicated cableway for transporting supplies, which saves a lot of effort."

Newly built material specific cableway. Respondents provide pictures

The lives of the stationed officers and soldiers on the island are quietly undergoing changes. On the little-known "three nots" island of Shanghai, officers and soldiers | activities | lives

In terms of ensuring the lives of officers and soldiers, no matter how difficult it is, we must find a solution. Therefore, Chongming District integrates advantageous resources, gathers multiple forces, and strives to improve the living conditions of officers and soldiers.

To solve the problem of daily drinking water for officers and soldiers, Chongming District has contacted enterprises in the field of seawater desalination engineering, introduced professional technology and advanced equipment, and invested nearly 800000 yuan to build a seawater desalination supply station on this small island; In order to enable officers and soldiers to frequently eat fresh vegetables, the Chongming District Agriculture and Rural Committee transported the soil from Chongming to the island and cultivated vegetable fields; In order to solve the problem of poor signal on the island, Chongming District requires relevant departments to build "signal through trains" for officials and soldiers.

After 15 years of guarding the island, class monitor Xiao Yang witnessed the changes on the island: the addition of cold storage to store more food, the installation of air conditioning in each dormitory, the renovation of outdoor basketball courts, and the addition of seven or eight kittens on the island... Moreover, since April this year, Sheshan Island's transportation ships and unmanned transport planes have officially opened, and the establishment of this route has changed the previous single transportation and supply mode. The material supply cycle has been shortened from 10 days to 1 day, and the personnel entry and exit cycle has been shortened to 3 to 5 days.

Unmanned transport flights for transporting goods. Respondents provide pictures

After dinner every day, the class monitor Xiao Yang and his comrades' "reserved program" is to enter the "Sheshan Fitness Club" for fitness. In 2021, the Shanghai Shuangyong Office, in collaboration with the Chongming District Shuangyong Office, purchased fitness equipment such as treadmills and dumbbells and shipped them to the island. The gym officially opened on the island, further enriching the lives of island guarding officers and soldiers.

The lives of the stationed officers and soldiers on the island are quietly undergoing changes. On the little-known "three nots" island of Shanghai, officers and soldiers | activities | lives

Coordinate resources to solve the "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the military

On Military Day, the leaders of Chongming District visited the Centennial Lighthouse, the Base Stone Stele, and the Military Honor Room to understand the preparation, duty, and work and life of the officers and soldiers, and paid tribute and greetings to all the stationed officers and soldiers who stood guard day and night on the island. "The stationed officers and soldiers have been rooted on the island for a long time, firmly guarding the 'first outpost of Shanghai' and defending the eastern gate of the motherland, making outstanding contributions to the national defense cause," said Miao Jing. The Chongming District Shuangyong Office presented military support activity forms to the stationed troops on the island, including cultural performances in military camps, medical services in military camps, psychological counseling in military camps, military civilian friendly basketball games, veterans visiting Shanghai, and comforting families of disadvantaged officers and soldiers. A series of heartwarming activities were sent to the stationed officers and soldiers.

"There were officers and soldiers who guarded the island in the past. After many years of serving in Shanghai, I still don't know what the Great Shanghai looks like and where the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is. I was very touched by that." Huang Songduo, director of Chongming District Double Support Office, told reporters. To ensure that veterans do not have regrets, Chongming District regularly organizes retired officers and soldiers to visit Shanghai and Chongming. "We have organized officers and soldiers to visit Dongping National Forest Park and Xisha Wetland before. This year, we plan to take them to Shanghai center Building, the Bund, Nanjing Road, Oriental Pearl TV Tower TV Tower, the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, etc. in two days."

The figure of guarding the island. Respondents provide pictures

The Sheshan Island Incident is a microcosm of Chongming's dual support work. At present, the Chongming District Committee and Government make good use of all available resources to provide thoughtful and meticulous services to the stationed troops in Chongming. "At the beginning of each year, we sort out the military support projects for the whole year, and then promote the implementation of the projects in a planned way. For example, at the beginning of the year, there were visits to the troops, military and political symposiums, learning from Lei Feng together, afforestation and other activities. In the middle of the year, there were activities such as wrapping Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat race, basketball game, military and civilian fellowship to celebrate August 1. At the end of the year, there were activities such as veterans watching Shanghai, and 'hometown instructors' watching recruits." Huang Songduo said. For example, in April of this year, the "Health Service for Shanghai Island" event was held on Sheshan Island, bringing spiritual food and mental health knowledge to officers and soldiers. That event was also the first of the "2023 Chongming District Emotional Sheshan Island Series Activities".

The lives of the stationed officers and soldiers on the island are quietly undergoing changes. On the little-known "three nots" island of Shanghai, officers and soldiers | activities | lives

"All matters related to ensuring military training are handled on a special basis!" Huang Songduo explained that the high iron towers around Shanghai Chongming Air Force Airport have had a certain impact on aircraft flight. The Chongming District Double Support Office coordinated multiple departments to invest more than 200000 yuan and implemented measures to lower the height of the iron tower. The rectification was completed within 20 days to ensure worry free military readiness training. In addition, a certain unit previously needed to build a communication fiber optic cable, which involved three townships and more than 200 households along the way. After learning about this matter, Chongming District quickly listed it as a "practical military support" project, comprehensively coordinated and completed the demolition of sheds along the line within 60 days, ensuring that the construction of the troops was not affected.

Regarding the concern and assistance from the local party committee and government, squad leader Xiao Yang kept in mind that during the epidemic, Chongming District tried every means to purchase epidemic prevention materials such as antigens, disinfectants, and masks and sent them to the island, providing strong support for the epidemic prevention of the military; The government replaces the filter element of seawater desalination equipment every year to provide reliable water for island guarding officers and soldiers; Staff from relevant departments will regularly visit and comfort families of disadvantaged officers and soldiers to alleviate their worries. "Sheshan Island is my 'second hometown' and I am honored to witness it getting better and better! I also plan to take my 4-year-old daughter to Chongming and Shanghai to see more and witness more beauty in this city," said class monitor Xiao Yang.

The officers and soldiers are on duty. Respondents provide pictures

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