The city center's scenic area is facing difficulties in governance... There are many internet celebrity stores with high traffic, incomplete old houses, and many staff members in historical buildings | Information | Houses

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:49 AM

Nanchang Road in Huangpu District combines fashion and fireworks, with specialty coffee shops and trendy small shops standing along the street. Ordinary households live in the red brick and brown tile alleys behind it. The diversity of business formats, architectural styles, and integration of commercial and residential areas have created the unique style and charm of Nanchang Road, but this has also led to many governance challenges: high pedestrian flow in commercial districts and difficult street management; A large number of old houses are not complete and the living conditions are complex; There are many historical and cultural relics protection buildings, and the task of preservation and protection is heavy; The proportion of elderly residents is high, and there is a high demand for precise community services

The governance of Nanchang Road is a microcosm of the governance of Ruijin Second Road Street. In recent years, Ruijin Second Road Street has used houses, population, and legal persons as the digital governance base, accurately classified governance labels, and constructed a new digital governance model of "housing management for people", striving to solve the problems encountered in the governance of historical style blocks in the city center.

Accurate service to residents

Aunt Zhang, a solitary elderly person living in Changle Village, suddenly fell ill. Ding Leyan, a social worker in the Jinjiang residential area, quickly dialed the 120 emergency number. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Xiaoding called Aunt Zhang's daughter again, but the phone was not connected. Xiaoding quickly opened the "Huangpu Ruijin" app on his phone and opened a page containing information about Aunt Zhang through the "Real Estate Manager" app. He found the phone number of Aunt Zhang's son-in-law and successfully contacted the other party. After Xiaoding accompanied Aunt Zhang to the hospital, Aunt Zhang's family also rushed to the hospital. After seeing the family members, Aunt Zhang's previously worried emotions significantly eased. The "housing management personnel" application used by Xiaoding is an important component of the digital governance model of Ruijin Second Road Street.

"Compared to personnel changes, houses are fixed. Therefore, we have used houses as a framework and accumulated three major databases, including houses, population, and legal persons, as the foundation of digital governance. We have formed 286 community governance labels, with a total accumulated data of more than 3.5 million, providing accurate and useful information data for community cadres to serve residents." Yao Wei, director of the street office, introduced.

"This application can help us quickly find information related to residents," Xiao Ding told reporters. Neighborhood committee officials and social workers provide services to community residents in a "lump sum" manner. In the past, when encountering situations similar to Aunt Zhang, if it was a neighborhood committee official or social worker who had frequent contact with Aunt Zhang, the contact information of Aunt Zhang's family members may be stored on the phone; But if you are not a "block" neighborhood committee cadre or social worker, you must call the neighborhood committee and ask other colleagues to help find out. In this way, it may delay some time.

Not long ago, Xiaopan, a social worker in Ruicheng residential area, also provided precise services to Gong Abao, a solitary elderly person in her 90s, through "housing management personnel". During a visit, careful Xiao Pan noticed that Gong's mental state was not very good. After inquiring, he found out that several tenants had moved in downstairs from her house a few days ago. The tenant comes home late every day and there is a lot of noise. The sound insulation of the old house is already poor, and the sleeping grandmother is often disturbed. On the same day, Xiao Pan arrived downstairs and found that the tenant had not yet returned home. He inquired with his neighbors and learned that there was an excessive number of tenants in the house. Xiao Pan quickly found the contact information of the landlord on the "Real Estate Manager" app and arranged to go to the tenant's place together the next day for face-to-face communication. The next morning, Xiao Pan and the landlord came to the door together. He informed the landlord that the number of tenants exceeded the limit and some tenants needed to be removed. He also issued a residential notice to the tenants, hoping that the remaining tenants could minimize noise. The landlord and tenant have both expressed willingness to cooperate. Gong Grandma was very happy and said, "I didn't expect such a headache to be solved so quickly!"

The city center's scenic area is facing difficulties in governance... There are many internet celebrity stores with high traffic, incomplete old houses, and many staff members in historical buildings | Information | Houses

Community conflicts are perceived in advance

Based on the digital system of "housing management personnel", Ruijin Second Road Street has developed many application scenarios in combination with governance challenges. For example, in the application scenario of "full decoration process", many neighborhood committee cadres and social workers find it "useful".

One day, Cheng Youjie, the Secretary of the Party Branch of Nanchang Neighborhood Committee, received a message from the "Decoration Full Process" module of the "Housing Management" application that a certain household in the jurisdiction is undergoing decoration. This is actually a reminder for "decoration reporting". On that day, both community officials and property management staff received this message. Xiaocheng and the property management staff then conduct inspections at this household every three days.

"In the past, in the process of residential renovation, if there were problems such as large garbage retention and structural damage to the house, it may have to wait until the problem became apparent before community officials or property management could know about it. When this problem was conveyed by community officials and other relevant departments for processing, another process was needed. Through the 'Decoration Whole Process' module, we moved the handling of contradictory problems to the source and solved them in the' sprouting 'stage." Yao Wei said.

After the launch of the "Full Decoration Process" application scenario, the illegal construction situation in the jurisdiction of Ruijin Second Road Street has also significantly decreased. "We have many old houses here, and the space is relatively cramped. Some residents may engage in illegal construction during decoration, causing certain safety hazards and affecting the use of public areas by others. We have learned through the 'decoration process' system that there are residents who are renovating their homes, and we will intervene in advance to explain to them that they cannot be built arbitrarily. We also regularly visit and supervise residents to standardize decoration, reducing the losses caused by residents demolishing after building." Cheng Youjie said.

On the basis of the "housing management personnel" digital system, combined with the application of intelligent devices, we have helped the community solve some governance problems that used to require a lot of manpower to solve.

For Ruijin Second Road Street, fire safety in old houses is of utmost importance. The complete set rate of old houses in the entire street is surprisingly less than 30%, and many residents are still sharing kitchens with multiple neighbors. "Over the years, the public kitchen in the alley houses has been a key safety prevention area and also one of the governance difficulties in our community."

The city center's scenic area is facing difficulties in governance... There are many internet celebrity stores with high traffic, incomplete old houses, and many staff members in historical buildings | Information | Houses

The street has installed smoke alarms in all public kitchens within its jurisdiction, which can connect the street's urban transportation center, property management companies, and neighborhood committees. Once an alarm is raised, the urban transportation center and neighborhood committee will receive a reminder through the system and arrange for staff to come to the nearest place for inspection as soon as possible. Not long ago, while working on a house, an uncle who was cooking received a phone call and hurriedly left, forgetting to turn off the gas stove he was using. A few minutes later, the smoke alarm sounded a reminder. At this time, the staff in the monitoring room of the property management company received an alarm prompt from the "housing manager" digital system. Quickly, security guard Xiao Zhang, who was patrolling the community, was sent to this household to inspect. A cloud of smoke emerged from the kitchen, and Xiaozhang quickly turned off the gas stove. Last year alone, streets, property companies, neighborhood committees, and others received more than 11000 effective alarms, avoiding multiple fires that may have been caused by improper gas use.

Ruijin Second Road Street has many historical and cultural relics protection buildings. In order to prevent these "old treasures" from being damaged, the street has installed "three-axis inclined house vibration" devices on some key protected buildings. Once the houses undergo minor changes due to decoration, the devices can sense and send information to the "housing management personnel" system to remind residents. Neighborhood committee officials and relevant law enforcement personnel will come to inspect and stop the destructive behavior in a timely manner.

Efficient disposal of urban governance

At 7 o'clock that morning, an unmanned aerial vehicle was patrolling over the streets of Ruijin Second Road. 10 minutes later, it discovered a pile of construction waste on the street.

On the elegant street, a pile of garbage suddenly emerges, which is a common street governance scene. The traditional approach is for street patrol personnel to quickly report to relevant departments, go through a process, and have a professional cleaning company dispatch vehicles to remove construction waste. The entire process may take half a day. And where exactly does this pile of construction waste come from? "It's difficult to trace the source," the relevant person in charge of the street told reporters. Unable to find the source often means that similar situations will occur in the future.

Through the digital system of "housing management personnel", Ruijin Second Road Street has explored methods for rapid disposal and tracing of such street problems, reducing the recurrence of similar situations.

The drone immediately transmitted the footage back to the street urban transportation center command station through the system. The command station staff notified the nearest patrol personnel to come to the scene for inspection. Five minutes later, the inspector arrived at the scene and after questioning, he traced the construction waste to a neighboring community. He feedbacked the information to the community committee officials through the command station of the urban transportation center. The neighborhood committee officials are quite familiar with the situation in the community and quickly locate which household is currently undergoing renovation. They immediately checked the information of the household head and contacted him by phone. At the same time, the professional transportation company received a notice from the street urban transportation center command station and has dispatched a vehicle to the street scene. In no time, the neighborhood committee officials, urban management, and property management staff arrived at the scene with the arriving homeowner. The homeowner confirmed that it was their own decoration worker who illegally dumped construction waste on the street and admitted their mistake.

The city center's scenic area is facing difficulties in governance... There are many internet celebrity stores with high traffic, incomplete old houses, and many staff members in historical buildings | Information | Houses

20 minutes later, the cleaning vehicle cleared the street garbage. At this point, it only took an hour from the discovery of construction waste to the completion of the clearance. At 9am, the homeowner appeared in the office of the relevant department in the street and filled out the decoration registration form. Subsequently, the street staff entered the decoration information of the homeowner into the "Housing Management Personnel" system, and the property management staff and neighborhood committee officials will visit every three days to check whether the decoration operation of this household is standardized.

Reduce the burden and increase the capacity of community cadres

Since the beginning of this year, the digital system of "housing management personnel" has been upgraded again, and application scenarios have been developed to reduce the burden on community cadres.

A thousand lines above and a needle below are about the daily work of community cadres. The street conducted research and sorted out grassroots work processes, and found that two categories of issues most involved the energy of community cadres: first, various fragmented service scenarios, such as finding people and searching for information, many of which were mechanical and inefficient; The second is to fill out various forms, which are redundant and repetitive.

In response to pain points and difficulties, the street has solved the problem with digital governance. On the one hand, a "search engine" that can automatically perform queries has been created in the digital system of "housing management personnel". On mobile apps and computers, community officials can quickly search for the basic information of a resident by entering some information about the service, understand all historical information about the resident's access to public services, as well as related housing information and cohabitant information, and achieve a "panoramic scan" of the service object. On the other hand, the street has created a "filling assistant" for community cadres. By checking and selecting, various composite work information forms can be generated, which can basically meet the needs of filling out reports for various types of community work.

"Our residential area recently held a re election of the community property committee. Due to the diverse properties, large number of residents, and irregular houses in the community, the workload of sorting out the residents' situation is very large." Li Huamin, a resident of Sinan residential area, said that if manually combined with the computer's general program for sorting, it may take three to four days. However, after using the "Housing Manager" application system and selecting the address, the required resident situation table can be exported with just a few minutes.

The street has also opened up a data channel between the street functional departments and the neighborhood committee. If the street functional departments need to search for data in a certain aspect, they can check the corresponding module in the "Housing Manager" application to generate data, download and print it, and no longer need to ask for data reports from the neighborhood committee cadres.

The city center's scenic area is facing difficulties in governance... There are many internet celebrity stores with high traffic, incomplete old houses, and many staff members in historical buildings | Information | Houses

The foundation of digital governance is data, and the precise service of residents relies on community cadres to come up with data. Not long ago, Huangpu District launched a large-scale visit to the entire district, with over 3000 street neighborhood committee officials visiting residents, achieving full coverage. As of the end of June, officials from the neighborhood committee of Ruijin Second Road Street have visited 16459 households, 767 building enterprises, and 1119 shops along the street, updating over 80000 pieces of various data. "The 'big visit' has allowed us to accumulate more frontline data, update and supplement existing data, and further consolidate population basic information," said Yao Wei. The purpose of visiting is to better understand the needs of residents and solve livelihood issues. Next, the street will combine the "housing management personnel" digital system to more accurately and quickly provide services to residents.

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