The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 19:39 PM

On the afternoon of August 28th, the Fengnan Village Neighborhood Committee in Yangpu District heard a burst of celebratory gongs and drums. The staff completed the "star pasting" work for newly signed households before the "star wall" promotion column of the old housing demolition and reconstruction project. As of 6pm, 1772 households had completed the signing of the updated agreement, with a consent rate of 97.74%. On the first day of signing, a high proportion of them met the conditions for the agreement to take effect. In order to celebrate the "opening ceremony", residents spontaneously held a celebration event. Aunties and uncles happily shared cakes and milk tea, and some people shed tears excitedly, saying, "I've been looking forward to it really, really long, long!"

Good location, residents are reluctant to move away

The Fengnan Village Project is the largest demolition and reconstruction project in the city this year, and also the largest demolition and reconstruction project in the city after the Shanghai Urban Renewal Regulations came into effect. The community was built in the 1950s, and there are a total of 35 houses within the renovation area. The total construction area of the houses to be renovated is 68000 square meters, involving a total of 1813 households.

The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

"In the past, the conditions here were not good, old, poor, and dirty," resident Aunt Yang told reporters. The plot of the community was low-lying, and every time it rained, water would flood the door. After returning it, the whole room smelled of mold. The facilities inside the building are outdated and not fully functional, and the coal bathroom is shared by multiple households. Mr. Fang said that it is very inconvenient to always compete with each other.

However, most residents are also reluctant to move out of here. Aunt Yang said that the location here is good, within the inner ring road, close to the subway station, and there is also a school next to it. Mr. Fang said that after living for most of his life, he has become accustomed to the surrounding environment and his neighbors are very familiar with it. "Next to him is Xinhua Hospital, and medication is also very convenient."

In response to the voices of residents, Yangpu District has made a great determination to benchmark the highest standards for demolition and reconstruction. Through planning adjustments, the Fengnan One Village renovation project will be transformed into a model for the renewal and renovation of old houses in Yangpu District, forming a demonstration effect of "breakthrough in points and guidance in aspects". Wu Chuanting, Deputy Director of Yangpu District Housing Management Bureau, stated that all departments have fully listened to the opinions and suggestions of residents, comprehensively considered the concerns of residents regarding parking, charging piles, separation of people and vehicles, aging friendly, and child friendly issues. They have actively sought a balance point between regional planning and residents' needs, and have undergone more than ten disruptive adjustments and hundreds of fine adjustments to details, ultimately forming the existing plan.

The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

Building a modern community that separates people and vehicles

Meng Qingyu, Deputy General Manager of Wei Baixin Group, introduced that the plan is to demolish the original houses and build 8 new residential buildings with 20-26 floors, with a total construction area of 197000 square meters. After the renovation, there are a total of 20 types of unit designs, including one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom, and one living room, all of which are complete sets of single use units. The functional layout is clear, the dynamic and static zones are clear, and the public spaces such as the living room and kitchen are relatively independent of the private spaces in the bedroom, with good natural ventilation and lighting.

The community has set up a vehicle entrance on Huangxing Road on the east side, a vehicle exit on Fengcheng Road on the west side, a vehicle entrance on Zhoujiazui Road on the south side, and an emergency fire exit on Kongjiang Road on the north side. Pedestrian access is available in all four directions, improving travel convenience. More than 800 underground parking spaces are planned to solve the problem of parking difficulties in residential areas; Install an underground garage entrance near the entrance of the ground community to achieve the purpose of separating people and vehicles, and improve the safety of the community.

The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

Considering the large number of elderly and children in the community, 100% barrier free design has been achieved in public spaces and residential units. In addition, more than 6000 square meters of community public service facilities, including elderly activity rooms, cultural activity rooms, life service points, nurturing and custody points, health service stations, party and mass service stations, citizen fitness centers, Kongjiang Road Library, community canteens, community neighborly centers, and elderly day care facilities, will be equipped to create a "fifteen minute community living circle". At the same time, according to the detailed control plan, educational land will be reserved in the neighborhood, and a standardized primary school will be proposed to fully enhance the education level in the region.

The reporter learned that in order to make residents live comfortably, relevant departments have merged and sorted out 128 types of housing in Fengnan Village based on their original housing types, orientation, area, and other basic information. They have extensively solicited opinions from residents and carried out targeted polishing of housing types, such as adding loft housing types, optimizing the layout of large housing types according to the standard of fully open large living rooms, and changing end household housing types to fully open housing types. The 20 types of rooms ultimately designed have all increased their living area.

"White+Black" poster promotion project

The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

"You don't have to move far away, you don't have to pay extra. With a larger living area and new facilities in the community, it's really cost-effective," said Aunt Yang, representing the voices of the residents in the community.

On the basis of the popularity of the renovation plan among residents, the 186 sunken parts of Kongjiang Road Street were divided into 8 mass work groups, working together with the contracted units on the front line of the project, promoting various work of the project through "5+2" and "white plus black" posters. In less than half a year since its launch, all lessee and property owner information has been sorted out, and implementation plans have been updated and prepared. In the face of various doubts from residents, dozens of policy lectures, resident communication meetings, and symposiums were held to clarify and clarify doubts.

With their efforts and the positive response of residents in the community, the first round of intention solicitation launched on April 28th achieved an important milestone victory of 100% agreement rate 7 days in advance. On August 14th, the project officially launched the second round of pre signing, and in just 12 days, it exceeded 95% of the effective conditions of the agreement. On August 28th, the contract came into effect on the first day of signing.

The approval rate is 97.74%, which will take effect on the first day. Shanghai's largest old community demolition and reconstruction project renewal agreement signing project | Housing | Renewal

According to Yangpu District, sporadic old house renovations in the entire district were completed last year, and the complete renovation of old houses has become a landmark livelihood project for Yangpu District to comprehensively accelerate the "two old and one village" renovation work. As the first place to propose the important concept of the People's City, Yangpu District insists on leaving the best resources to the people, serving the people with high-quality supply. Following the work principle of "making changes as much as possible, making changes quickly as possible" and the work philosophy of "putting the people first, improving the appearance, leading innovation, and coordinating regions", through the work strategy of "one community, one plan", the project implementation is rolled forward. The plan is to complete the remaining 134000 square meters of incomplete housing renovation within ten years of two governments, and strive to create a new and livable appearance that matches the Yangpu People's City model room.

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