Shanghai Baoshan strives to break through and further improve, creating a city wide green and low-carbon transformation model innovation | low-carbon | model

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:15 AM

Deeply implementing the spirit of the Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session, the 6th Plenary Session of the 8th Baoshan District Committee held on July 6th reviewed and approved the Implementation Opinions on Building a City wide Green and Low Carbon Transformation Model Zone.

From the external environment, the introduction of carbon tariffs is imminent, and there is an urgent need to establish basic systems such as green information disclosure, evaluation and certification, and benefit accounting. In terms of the construction of the "Science and Technology Innovation Center Main Base" in Baoshan District, the first round of the three-year action plan is about to come to an end, moving from "pillar erection" to "carving and painting pillars". Next, we need to focus on the key links of achievement transformation, focus on the key areas of Wusong and Nanjing University, and better cultivate core functions. The construction of the city's green and low-carbon transformation model area is in its early stages and the task is arduous. Aiming for the next three years, the Opinion clearly states that by 2025, the construction of Baoshan District's green and low-carbon transformation model area will achieve preliminary results, and strive to achieve a scale of green and low-carbon industries exceeding 100 billion yuan.

"The transformation to the north" should not only be done in practice, but also in difficult situations. In the view of Chen Jie, Secretary of the Baoshan District Party Committee, "a model is to take the lead, demonstrate and lead, gather innovation, strengthen industries, set rules, and strive for breakthroughs and further improvement with extraordinary efforts." Strengthening the execution, creativity, and penetration of leading by example can break the "ceiling" and enhance innovation advantages.

Gathering Innovation: Accelerating the Construction of an Innovation Research and Development Matrix

To carry out major reforms, it is even more important to pay attention to organizational structure and system integration, in order to maximize the overall effect.

In promoting the construction of the "main battlefield of the science and technology innovation center", Baoshan District has achieved a series of innovative results by strengthening the four major functions: in the first half of this year, Baoshan District added 301 specialized, refined, special and new enterprises, a year-on-year increase of 114%; 243 new high-tech enterprises added; 1590 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises were included in the inventory, exceeding the annual target ahead of schedule; Add 5 municipal level enterprise technology centers; The transaction volume of technology contracts increased by 174% year-on-year; 29 projects have won the Shanghai Science and Technology Award. The number of science and technology innovation enterprises and the level of functional platforms have achieved a "dual improvement in quality and efficiency".

Benchmarking against higher standards still faces many shortcomings, such as insufficient original achievements and scattered resources. The relevant person in charge said, "Benchmarking is not only a simple comparison of indicator data and copying of empirical models, but also a deep consideration and logical starting point for studying the first mover and advanced regions, capturing their strategic pattern of planning and development."

Continuous benchmarking has provided practical solutions for innovation models, such as the meeting's clear goal of focusing on innovation strategies and accelerating the construction of a new research and development matrix, including accelerating the construction of the Shanghai Wusong Materials Laboratory. The Opinion also lists relevant measures, such as focusing on key low-carbon transformation technologies in key areas, vigorously introducing and cultivating high-energy new research and development institutions, and promoting pilot reforms in the construction of innovation consortia; Establish a number of integrated innovation platforms, fully leverage the scientific research advantages and innovation strategy capabilities of university science and technology parks. Strengthen the efficient linkage between the Environmental Science and Technology Park and Shanghai University, carry out key technological breakthroughs and core equipment research and development, and build a new highland for green and low-carbon scientific research.

The relevant person in charge of the Baoshan District Science and Technology Commission explained, "This type of integrated innovation model is precisely to break the linear paradigm and PI model in traditional scientific research activity organizations, thereby strengthening the collaborative effect of innovation across fields, levels, and disciplines."

Strong Industry: Low Carbon Supply Chain Pilot

Seize the opportunity, win strategic initiative, and take the lead in developing new technologies and applications in new directions, cultivating new technologies and applications into new industries.

Data shows that from January to May this year, the industrial output value of leading industries such as biopharmaceuticals, new materials, high-end equipment, and new generation information technology in Baoshan District increased by 8.3%, 5.2%, 37.9%, and 66.9%, respectively. Next, we will identify our unique advantages and shape our strengths, focusing on areas that have comparative advantages, long-term sustainability, and are not easily imitated, and pursuing a path of distinctive development.

The transformation of traditional old industrial bases is not only a spatial and industrial transformation, but also a rare new opportunity. Baoshan proposes to enhance its functional image through the green and low-carbon transformation of key sectors such as Wusong and Nanjing University. The development of green and low-carbon transformation involves various aspects, and "low-carbon supply chain pilot" is the key direction. Baoshan District, adjacent to the central urban area and backed by the Yangtze River Delta, will further gather, cultivate, and optimize resource allocation. Adhere to the layout of "South Headquarters+North Manufacturing", accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy, focus on segmented tracks, increase investment in strategic emerging industry layout, and consolidate and expand the advantageous position of traditional industries, promote greening with intelligence, and drive intelligence with greenness.

The concrete description in the Opinion is to promote the implementation of clean production transformation such as energy conservation, water conservation, pollution reduction, and carbon reduction in existing parks and enterprises; Actively promote the construction of low-carbon industrial parks, layout and construct a number of green parks and factories, and create a number of characteristic industrial parks or boutique micro parks.

The Opinion also clarifies the need to give full play to the driving role of leading enterprises, including supporting Baowu Group in building a national low-carbon metallurgical technology innovation center and a world-class hydrogen energy industry park, and promoting the coordinated development of industries such as hydrogen energy, new materials, and circular economy; Promote enterprises in the power industry such as Huaneng to accelerate the promotion of ultra-low coal consumption power generation technology.

To accelerate the transition of laboratory achievements to production lines, the Opinion also proposes the establishment of a group of professional incubators that focus on green and low-carbon, highlight professional capabilities, and achieve significant incubation results, driving the formation of several incubation clusters that link professional technology platforms, concept verification, and pilot bases.

Setting rules: better coordinate "bringing in" and "going out"

Gathering innovation and strengthening industries should be viewed with a broader perspective.

When promoting Baoshan to the outside world, district leaders often talk about "two sectors". This is a spatial plan made by Baoshan based on its own location conditions. External sector, that is, relying on the Baoshan high-speed railway station to connect with cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt; To the inner sector, it receives the "central radiation" towards the south, builds "two wings flying together" towards the east, and links with Jiading New City towards the west to attract and gather more factor resources.

As more and more companies see Shanghai as a gateway to enter the international market, Baoshan District is also facing a new challenge - whether it can represent Shanghai in the formulation of more international rules and standards? Starting from this, it is not difficult to understand that building a "city wide green and low-carbon transformation model zone" not only means seizing the opportunity in hard technology, but also means making a difference in rules and regulations.

From a global perspective, the core issue of expanding openness is extending from the "border line" to the "behind the border". This involves deep level reforms in international economic and trade rules, as well as domestic rules and regulations, which pose higher requirements for investment management systems and business environments. In order to better coordinate the expansion of channels for "bringing in" and the construction of platforms for "going out", the Opinion clearly supports the participation of industries and enterprises in the research and development of cutting-edge low-carbon, zero carbon, and negative carbon technology standards, and encourages international and domestic organizations, industry alliances, and other institutions related to green and low-carbon to land. The meeting also emphasized that we should support the development of productive Internet service platforms, vigorously develop the "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt", and promote the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce.

The Opinion also clarifies that it supports the development and growth of professional service institutions and assists enterprises in going global. For example, actively undertaking the pilot work of green finance reform and innovation pilot zones, exploring the establishment of a regional characteristic green finance system, actively creating "carbon neutral" bank branches, encouraging financial institutions to develop carbon finance products and derivative tools, and supporting leading enterprises in the area to issue green bonds.

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