Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:46 AM

Early this morning, in Lane 749, Tianmu Middle Road, Jing'an District, the Fangua Lane community was filled with a joyful atmosphere. Several moving vehicles dressed in red flowers rushed out, and the sound of bidding farewell kept coming one after another.

The Fanggua Lane community, built in the 1960s, evolved from the "rolling earth dragon" before the founding of New China. It was the first five story worker's new village in Shanghai, and now it has undergone another transformation. As the largest reconstruction project of thin plank houses with small beams in the central urban area of Shanghai center this year, Fangua Lane recently achieved a signing rate of 100%. The old house, which used to have no dedicated kitchen and bathroom, and no elevator, will be demolished and rebuilt on its original site, becoming a high-rise new house with a single door, dedicated kitchen and bathroom, and an elevator and parking garage. On the 16th, residents of the community held a collective relocation ceremony. Leaving is to come back better. After three and a half years, when the comprehensive renovation of the community is completed, they will move back into a new house.

Post construction rendering

Say goodbye to the life that is difficult to describe in a single word

Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

71 year old Zhou and his wife happily boarded the moving car and waved goodbye to the street neighborhood committee officials.

Lao Zhou has been living in the community for over 60 years. I still vividly remember the glory of moving in back then: there was a wide road in front of the community, shaded by green trees, with gas and a flush toilet indoors, while his original home was still using a coal stove.

Time flies, and Lao Zhou got married and had a daughter here. The sense of superiority of the past also disappeared with the passage of time. A one and a half room, about 20 square meters, crowded with three people. The inconvenience of sharing the kitchen and bathroom with two other households can be imagined. "It's rare to take a shower in a shared restroom. Once, as soon as I turned on the shower, my neighbor next door complained of stomach pain and was in a hurry to use the restroom. I had to quickly tidy up and come out, which was very embarrassing," said Zhou's wife.

Ms. Chen, who is 42 years old, is also among the residents who are moving. Since birth, she has been living in Tanggua Lane. Less than 20 square meters, there are three generations of five people living there. The crowded living space goes without saying, and the most inconvenient ones are cooking and using the toilet. "We like to eat some spicy dishes. Once I cooked a crayfish. The next day, my neighbor's grandmother politely asked me if we could make less spicy dishes in the future. The elderly people couldn't stand that smell." It turned out that the kitchen shared by the three families was only a few square meters old and poorly ventilated. When one household cooked spicy dishes, the whole hallway was filled with a choking smell.

Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

Uncle Qi, who is in his 60s, sat in a moving car with his wife. In the Fan Gua Lane, which has a common residential area of only 15 to 40 square meters, Uncle Qi's house is considered the "ceiling" of the community. For three generations, there are two one bedroom households with an area of approximately 15 square meters each, and one two bedroom apartment with an area of 80 square meters.

Uncle Qi's wife is a native "melon farmer". After marrying Uncle Qi, three generations were originally squeezed into two one bedroom households, with the kitchen and bathroom shared with other households. Seven years ago, Uncle Qi used all his savings to buy a property owned house upstairs. They have over 80 square meters, two bedrooms, and a dedicated bathroom and kitchen. They plan to use it as a wedding room for their son. My son didn't have a girlfriend at the time, so Uncle Qi and his wife moved into a property ownership house together. The neighbors are very envious of them. The entire Fangua Lane community has 1122 certificates of housing, with only 145 certificates of property rights. But Uncle Qi and his wife also have difficulties. The two of them had been hoping for their son to get married soon, but privately they also murmured: should they live in an old house without a dedicated kitchen and bathroom after their son gets married? Accustomed to living in a house with a dedicated kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom, can you still get used to it when you go back?

Although the size of the houses and family circumstances vary, the residents of Fangua Lane are very eager to improve their living environment.

After the renovation, the incomplete rental houses where Mr. Zhou and Ms. Chen live will be equipped with dedicated kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies. The usable area of each household will also increase by 1-1.5 square meters. In the future, they can purchase after-sales public housing for tens of thousands of yuan and conduct transactions after obtaining property rights certificates. After renovation, complete property rights houses like Uncle Qi's house have been optimized in terms of layout, orientation, and living functions while ensuring that the interior area does not decrease. The community will also add elevators, parking lots, and commercial supporting facilities, making the environment comparable to newly built commercial housing communities. "I don't have to move out of the central urban area or spend money on renovation, so I moved into a new house. It's so lucky to have such a good thing!" said Old Zhou.

Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

After the project took effect, so many stories happened

Behind the residents' lamentation of luck, there are many unknown stories.

On the night of May 15th, it was a sleepless night for the residents of Tianmu West Road Street and the staff of the old housing renovation project team in Fanggua Lane. As of 24:00 that evening, the second round signing rate of the project had reached 98.6%. According to relevant policies, when the signing rate of such projects reaches 95%, it is considered effective.

98.6% is a relatively high effective rate for large-scale old housing renovation projects with 1122 certificates. But the cadres of the Tianmu West Road neighborhood committee and the staff of the project team do not stop here. "The renovation project team of the old houses in Fangua Lane is not only a livelihood project, but also a popular project. We hope that every household can benefit from it happily and be 100% satisfied," said the relevant person in charge of Tianmu West Road Street.

Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

After the project takes effect, the cadres of the Tianmu West Road neighborhood committee and the project team continue to make great efforts to resolve the difficulties faced by households who have not signed contracts.

A property rights house owned by an elderly couple who have both passed away. They have 5 children, all of whom have the right to inherit the house. A few children always find a work group together and argue at their doorstep for an hour or two, with only one demand: to solve two houses. The working group staff patiently explained the policy over and over again: demolish the original building and trade in the old for the new. After a renovation, only one property can remain. Internal conflicts within the family should be resolved through negotiation and handled properly.

The five children later selected their eldest brother as the family representative to communicate with the work group, but their demands remained unchanged. The staff just tried hard and soft, sending WeChat messages to this big brother every day to inform him of the progress of the project signing and explain the policies to him. At first, he didn't reply to WeChat. But over time, perhaps because he had read too much of these WeChat contents, his attitude began to ease. The staff insisted on a fair bottom line, patiently explained to him face to face time and time again, and finally convinced this big brother. After completing family negotiations, he signed the contract on behalf of the entire family.

In the last week of June, the last household signed a contract, and the old housing renovation project in the Fangua Lane community achieved a 100% signing rate.

Residents will live in new houses at their original location, leaving to better return! Three and a half years later, residents of Shanghai's Fangua Lane will collectively move to the community | Fangua | Moving

After the residents sign the contract, when it comes to preparing to move, the street neighborhood committee cadres and project team staff still have to put in a lot of effort.

There is an elderly person in his 80s who lives alone in a melon field and has a son; But there is a gap between the two, and they haven't been in contact for many years. Neighbors have been moving one after another, and the elderly are also anxious. They have asked someone to find a house in their hometown in the Yangtze River Delta and plan to move there. After hearing about it, the neighborhood committee officials and project team members became anxious. "The elderly person has inconvenient legs and feet, and is very old. Will there be any accidents on the way alone when going out of town? What is the situation with the local houses?" The neighborhood committee officials and project team staff found the elderly person's son and asked him to be responsible for the elderly person's move. At first, the old man's son refused. He hasn't had any contact with his old father for many years and doesn't want to meddle in his father's affairs. The neighborhood committee cadres and project team staff communicated with him multiple times, reasoning and moving, and finally convinced him to safely deliver the elderly to his hometown and arrange the house properly.

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