Pudong provides a package of practical training, employment, and entrepreneurship services for young people, striving to become the first stop for college students after graduation | Pudong | Youth

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:15 AM

Not long ago, after submitting his application, Xiao Yaheng, a student at Tsinghua University, was fortunate enough to be selected for the 8th Pudong New Area College Student "Eagle Training Camp", officially starting a 3-day Pudong experience tour, 2-day career development training, and 3-week enterprise training.

More than ten enterprises have provided practical training for these students, covering various key industrial categories in Pudong New Area. As one of the training companies, Wang Lin, the Human Resources Manager of Daerguan Information Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters that the training is highly professional and the positions provided can also provide access to key business areas of the enterprise, which benefits both the enterprise and students.

Since the beginning of this year, in order to promote the employment of college graduates and implement the Implementation Opinions on the Comprehensive Promotion of Socialist Modernization Construction in Pudong New Area in the New Era, Pudong has launched a group of college student training, employment, and entrepreneurship services, including the "Eagle Training Camp", with the aim of becoming the "first stop" in the lives of young students who step out of the school and into society, and also attracting more outstanding talents for the construction of Pudong's "leading area".

At present, Pudong has launched the employment work for the 2023 college graduates, and various services and activities have been carried out in an orderly manner.

"What position am I suitable for?" Just give it a try and you'll know

"I know Pudong is at the forefront of China's development and opening up, but it's not yet clear where it is and what job opportunities there are," Wang Yuanzhou, a master's graduate from a university in Beijing, told reporters.

The confusion among students also highlights the fundamental significance of organizing the "University Youth Talent Direct Train" series of activities in Pudong this year. Qi Yuxia, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Pudong New Area Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the Talent Office of the District Committee, introduced that since April, she has been conducting policy lectures and on-site job fairs in cities such as Beijing and Wuhan, and then going to top universities in the UK and well-known domestic institutions to personally visit and experience Pudong. Behind this is Pudong's sincerity and determination to promote talent policies and strive to attract young talents. "Pudong hopes to use talent services to help students who leave the school truly understand what positions they are suitable for and what kind of talents are needed in the current society."

At the end of June this year, as the first event of "2023 Young Talents from Universities Looking at Pudong", 30 students from the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London, and King's College London gathered together and embarked on a three-day visiting journey.

The students went to Shanghai Futures Exchange, COMAC, Alipay and other units, and through Pudong Exhibition Hall, Zhangjiang Science City Exhibition Hall, Zhangjiang Medical Instrument Exhibition Center, Zhangjiang Robot Valley and other parks, they had a deep understanding of the latest developments in Pudong. Xiao Jiahua, a student of Cambridge University, said that he was studying aerospace engineering. "This time, I saw many high-end manufacturing enterprises, which fit my major and greatly broadened my thinking and vision of job hunting."

Pudong provides a package of practical training, employment, and entrepreneurship services for young people, striving to become the first stop for college students after graduation | Pudong | Youth

After understanding Pudong, it is even more important to understand the industry and oneself. In order to allow students to deeply feel the actual match between themselves and their profession during practical training, Pudong officially launched the Chuying Training Camp at the beginning of this year. The practical training is aimed at outstanding students from various universities across the country, and the one month itinerary allows everyone to take advantage of the opportunity of summer practice and truly enter society and the workplace.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Pudong New Area Committee, 278 application resumes have been received since the online promotion of the project was launched. Pudong enterprises have also shown strong interest in this, with 20 units registering and providing a total of 64 positions. This includes China Communications Shanghai Navigation Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yinuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Haitong Futures Co., Ltd., Shanghai Data Exchange, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., and the Shanghai Pudong New Area Committee of the Communist Youth League.

Reduce entrepreneurial costs and provide competency guidance

In May of this year, more than 10 teachers and students from Tsinghua University visited a group of science and technology innovation enterprises and incubators in Pudong, and gained a detailed understanding of the relevant support measures of the "Pearl Plan" in Pudong New Area and the specific situation of the "Opinions of Pudong New Area on Supporting Postdoctoral Innovation and Development in Pudong New Area". They attempted to explore new models of innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation to be implemented in Pudong.

During this period, a batch of projects were also discussed on-site. Dr. Zhang Yu, a Ph.D. in Aircraft Design from Tsinghua University, came with his entrepreneurial project - Long endurance, heavy-duty, fixed wing drones. His drones can provide low-cost solutions for emergency support, agriculture, forestry and plant protection, security inspections, logistics transportation and other scenarios. The entrepreneurial project led by Ding Shuangyuan, a Ph.D. in Biology from Tsinghua University, focuses on ischemic cardiovascular disease and can provide disruptive therapies for patients using allogeneic endothelium derived from stem cells.

At present, these projects are seeking to be implemented and transformed nationwide. Zhang Yu and others have expressed great hope for the opportunity to use Pudong as the "first stop" for entrepreneurship.

In order to truly help these entrepreneurs who have just stepped out of school reduce their initial costs, Pudong has launched the Pudong International Talent Station, providing free accommodation for high-level innovative talents who are willing to work in Pudong for up to 14 days, young innovative talents for up to 7 days, and excellent talent teams planning to start businesses in Pudong with 1-3 months of free entrepreneurial office space and up to 14 days of free accommodation.

The person in charge of the talent station introduced that since its launch in February this year, the talent station has served more than 200 talents, of which nearly 70% are international students, and has served 10 entrepreneurial teams.

Help talents and positions achieve high-precision matching

Pudong provides a package of practical training, employment, and entrepreneurship services for young people, striving to become the first stop for college students after graduation | Pudong | Youth

Since the beginning of this year, Pudong has successively held special job fairs for Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Shanghai New York University International Student Recruitment Fair, "Postdoctoral Carnival · Hong Kong Tour", as well as campus recruitment fairs for Peking University and Tsinghua University, and campus promotion fairs for Wuhan University, carrying out comprehensive policy lectures and job recruitment.

During the recruitment process, dozens of party and government agencies, public institutions, large state-owned enterprises, multinational corporations, technology leading enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other units in Pudong New Area have all released job information, and students have received enthusiastic responses. We have received 681 resumes during on-site recruitment at Peking University and Tsinghua University, with a preliminary intention of reaching 128 people.

In order to further expand the recruitment scope and coverage, Pudong will also launch talent recruitment activities such as the Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an, Chengdu, and Shenyang youth direct trains in the second half of the year. By conducting a series of job fairs in each city, we aim to achieve substantial recruitment results.

In addition, in response to the lack of industry specificity in recruitment activities and insufficient content in corporate presentations reported by enterprises, the Organization Department of Pudong New Area Committee has also made timely adjustments and optimizations. During the special sessions in Xi'an, Chengdu, Shenyang, and Guangzhou, we will collaborate with high-quality hardcore enterprises in Pudong to hold a two-week industry themed recruitment activity. At the same time, follow up on the job matching situation of the recruiting unit, grasp the recruitment effect, and establish a high-quality talent reservoir.

In the early recruitment process, the Organization Department of Pudong New Area Committee also found that the number of mid to high end positions is gradually decreasing, and fresh graduates are more considering entering stable employment positions, such as government agencies, state-owned enterprises, etc. Therefore, the difficulty of job matching for fresh graduates has increased. In response to this phenomenon, the Pudong New Area has established an "E-Cube" career guidance studio to expand the scope of career guidance services and help college graduates establish correct career, employment, and career choices.

As of now, the vocational guidance studio has organized chief mentors, community mentors, and employment service experts to provide over 100 types of vocational guidance services, serving nearly 1200 people. Next, Pudong New Area will also carry out one-on-one "pairing" services for young people such as college graduates who have left school but are not employed, customizing a "one person, one policy" assistance plan for 300 college graduates and other young people. Through a series of services such as policy consultation, career guidance, and job recommendations, we will help young people such as college graduates who have left school but are not employed achieve high-quality employment.

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