More than 2000 residents have welcomed a new life, and sporadic old renovations have taken effect in Block 76 of Jiangning Road Street in Jing'an District. | Signed | New Life

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:25 PM

On August 26th, the first day of the second round of signing for the sporadic old renovation project in Block 76, Jiangning Road Street, Jing'an District, came into effect. As of 18:30 that evening, the signing rate of 76th Street has reached 99.01%.

76 blocks of Jiangning Road Street, starting from Changhua Road in the east, Jiangning Road in the west, Huai'an Road in the north and Changping Road in the south, involve 709 certificates of secondary old buildings, new lanes and old mansions, involving 2439 people with registered residence. The Changhua Road and Changping Road, where the 76th neighborhood is located, are known as the "Two Chang Regions". This place was once well-known to the people of old Shanghai due to the concentration of old neighborhoods, poor living conditions of residents, and dirty and disorderly urban environment.

A few months ago, the 76th neighborhood launched sporadic old renovation and expropriation, and Ms. Jiang, a resident, was overjoyed. Her home covers a total of more than ten square meters, with a maximum of six people living there. In order to improve their lives, the Jiang family rented a small attic from their neighbor on the second floor, which finally added ten square meters of living space. But the wooden staircase leading to the attic is narrow and steep. Ms. Jiang's elderly husband often stumbles over this staircase, causing palpitations in her family. During the visit of Typhoon "Du Suri" this year, it rained continuously on the roof of her house, and the room was filled with washbasins

More than 2000 residents have welcomed a new life, and sporadic old renovations have taken effect in Block 76 of Jiangning Road Street in Jing'an District. | Signed | New Life

Mr. Tao, an 84 year old elderly man living alone in Lane 453, Changhua Road, lives in a small house on the ground floor of 6 square meters. A small bed, a refrigerator, an electric fan, and a simple toilet provided by the government are all the features of his home. The cabin is too dilapidated and the air conditioning cannot be installed. Uncle Tao hopes to live comfortably in an air-conditioned house.

The renovation of old areas is known as the "most difficult task in the world", where the difficulty lies in doing mass work. The same goes for the 76th neighborhood. Zhou Pengfei, the deputy director of the street office, said that the people want and hope for the old renovation, but they really welcome the collection of old renovation, and each household has put forward different demands. We focus on the specific needs of the people and implement precise policies.

The 76 neighborhood plot has a variety of housing types, including old and new neighborhoods, as well as western-style and public housing, involving different groups and forming different interest demands.

More than 2000 residents have welcomed a new life, and sporadic old renovations have taken effect in Block 76 of Jiangning Road Street in Jing'an District. | Signed | New Life

The recognition, cooperation, and satisfaction of residents who have undergone renovation always affect the hearts of the staff. In the old renovation, the street has innovated methods such as "doorstep ventilation meetings", "alley bench meetings", and "neighborhood chat meetings" to collect feedback from the public on the old renovation plan, changing "listen to me" to "listen to you", and providing reasonable and legal solutions for the public. The street has always regarded "people's democracy throughout the entire process" as the "golden key" to promote the work of old house renovation. Legal advisors, National People's Congress representatives, CPPCC members and other public trust individuals play the role of being informed and witnesses to politics, becoming the trusted objects of residents. "What surprised me the most was that all three opinions I put forward on behalf of the residents were included in the announcement," said Xi Xiqin, a former resident. In July of this year, Xi Xiqin was selected as the resident representative and participated in the hearing on the old house expropriation. He summarized the opinions of the residents and put forward three opinions. In the final "Announcement on Soliciting Opinions and Amending the Housing Expropriation and Compensation Plan", he was delighted to find that all of his suggestions had been adopted.

The mass work of the 76 neighborhood renovation was done meticulously and meticulously. The street neighborhood committee cadres not only worked hard to facilitate the signing of contracts, but also considered whether hidden conflicts had been resolved, allowing residents to truly feel a sense of gain from the renovation. The director of the neighborhood committee, Shen Jufen, was walking home from work when she was often stopped by the residents who had changed their homes. "Director, there's something that my family is still discussing, can I ask you?" After finally getting home, another resident called her and asked if she had any questions. Ms. Jiang, who had already signed the contract, felt overjoyed. Behind the successful signing was the hard work of Shen Jufen and other staff members. Previously, Ms. Jiang proposed to give her younger brother some compensation from the collection in order to not violate her parents' instructions during her lifetime. Unexpectedly, the amount requested by my younger brother was far from what Ms. Jiang had expected, and my younger brother's wife even caused a big uproar at home. After learning about the situation, Shen Jufen and the staff repeatedly persuaded and coordinated the two. Shen Jufen once again found a friend who was familiar with Jiang's younger brother, and asked this old neighbor to persuade him not to be too narrow-minded and to understand gratitude. At the same time, she also hired a full-time mediation lawyer stationed at the base to help the family successfully sign a family agreement and resolve the distribution conflict between siblings.

At the entrance of the old renovation site, resident Guo Jin brought her old neighbor Xu, who had lived here for 50 years, to the "Happiness 76 Photography Studio" provided by the street for residents to take photos. The furnishings of the photo studio were collected from the homes of the residents who had been renovated. Although they hope for old renovation, they are leaving, and the residents are reluctant to part with the smoke and bustle of the streets and streets here. To preserve these precious memories, Jiangning Road Street has planned the "Keep Jiangning Memories, Dialogue on a Happy Future" 76 Neighborhood Series of Activities, and specially established the "Happiness 76 Photo Studio" to take commemorative photos for relocated residents.

More than 2000 residents have welcomed a new life, and sporadic old renovations have taken effect in Block 76 of Jiangning Road Street in Jing'an District. | Signed | New Life
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