Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:39 PM

At No. 33, Lane 672, Changle Road, Jing'an District, you walked in from the front door of a smoky alley community and came to the bottom of the alley. It was suddenly clear: in a quiet courtyard, there were several tall wutong trees standing on the green lawn, and behind them were several three or four storey office buildings. This is the 108 Shangyuan Industrial Park, located in the embrace of the wealthy and prosperous, with nearly 10000 square meters of office space. It is a typical pocket sized park in the central urban area.

Although the park is small in size, it hides hidden dragons and tigers. The opening of the park caught up with the epidemic, but it has remained fully rented for over three years, attracting globally renowned cultural and creative enterprises such as Belgian Home, WWD Fashion Media in the United States, Italian luxury brand mission, and British textile design and manufacturer Camira to settle in, as well as Chinese original brands such as "comeback". There are still many companies waiting to settle in. There are many and fiercely competitive parks in the central urban area. What is the unique charm of this pocket sized park?

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

During the time of buying a cup of coffee, foreign executives decided to settle in the park

"Good looking" is a common evaluation given by everyone who enters "108 Shangyuan" for the first time. Liu Yuanyuan, the general manager of Quban, the space operator of the park, admitted that as an office park located in the city center, the quality of the carrier is the most valued by enterprises, and "high aesthetics" is exactly what attracts enterprises the most in "108 Shangyuan".

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

"108 Shangyuan" is a renovation of five office buildings from Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. Four small buildings with four or five floors, built in the 1970s and 1980s, have a simple yet different appearance. A western-style house that lasted for a century still retains its charm. Small buildings and western-style houses surround a courtyard. In the 1950s, Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House established its office here. During its heyday, more than a hundred painters, including Zhao Hongben, Cheng Shifa, Gu Bingxin, He Youzhi, and others, had connections with this place and were known as "108 Generals". This is also the origin of the name "108 Shangyuan".

Before launching the renovation of the park, Quban accurately depicted the upcoming enterprises. "What kind of enterprises will like such parks, our update will be built according to the needs of such enterprises." Liu Yuanyuan said that in the central urban area of Shanghai center, there are many office parks and fierce competition. So, if a newly established park wants to establish a foothold in the market, it must think clearly about its unique features and maximize differentiation.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

108 Shangyuan will introduce cultural and creative enterprises in the fields of fashion, art, and IP incubation. This type of enterprise has very high aesthetic requirements, and when updating the park, "Quban" puts in a lot of effort in quality and details.

In the courtyard, the original green vegetation should be preserved as much as possible, even saplings thicker than a finger should be left behind. The several office buildings in the park have simple designs but have an "old foundation". The design team strives to preserve and restore the beauty of the old buildings, such as the exterior walls of one building being restored to cement brushed material, and the mosaic tiles inside the other building being restored to their original colors.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

Many companies fell in love with "108 Shangyuan" at first sight and signed contracts on the spot when they first visited the venue. The Shanghai office of British textile design and manufacturer Camira, Kimolian Textile Trading Co., Ltd., was previously searching for an office space in the center of Shanghai. The Chinese assistant led foreign executives to search for more than 10 venues, but none of them caught their eye. The first time visiting "108 Shangyuan" to see the venue, the foreign executive's eyes lit up: "The environment here is very quiet, and the atmosphere of the courtyard has a feeling of 'being in Europe'." As the Chinese assistant walked out of the alley to buy a cup of coffee, he was told by the foreign executive that he had decided to settle in the park.

Take out the most shared space and solve the pain points of enterprise operation

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

Walking around the office building of "108 Shangyuan", you will find that although the park is small, there are far more shared spaces than similar parks.

Each building basically has shared meeting rooms and shared reception halls. The most prominent 100 square meter space in the park has been transformed into a shared exhibition hall, and a display hall for shared enterprise products has been created at the entrance. "All services are provided free of charge to businesses in need, and lawns are also available for free bookings by businesses."

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

This layout originates from "Quban"'s observation of the pain points in enterprise operation. On the one hand, cultural and creative enterprises gathered in the city center are often small and light, with warehouses located in the suburbs and creative departments, sales departments, etc. remaining in the city center. Many of the "108 Shangyuan" are regional headquarters of overseas enterprises, but they only have five or six employees, with an office area of one or two hundred square meters. They usually need some space to receive customers. On the other hand, most cultural and creative enterprises have a strong demand for product display space, and it is also difficult to find venues in the city center that are expensive and highly matched.

To this end, the park has created a large number of shared spaces, improving the convenience of enterprise operations and reducing their operating costs.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

"Belgian Home" is the first enterprise to settle in the park, consisting of five Belgian enterprises engaged in high-end furniture and home furnishings customization in China. More than three years ago, when the park was just starting its renovation, one of the founders of "Belgian Home" only looked at the site and park planning, and together with other founders, decisively booked the current space.

"As the first customer, we rented the best two-story space in the park, with an office area on the upper floor and a product exhibition hall on the lower floor." At the "Belgian Home" exhibition hall, the manager told reporters that furniture and home products should be visible and tangible to customers, especially creative furniture and home products, which will produce good display effects under a certain atmosphere. "108 Shangyuan" can provide a display space that perfectly matches the tone of our products.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

On the public lawn of the park stands an outdoor cottage, which houses facilities such as a coffee table and sofa. During lunch break, white-collar workers in the park will come here to sit on the sofa, drink coffee, and look at the sky. This facility is an outdoor product of "Belgian Home", priced over a million yuan. "The cabin is made of special materials and craftsmanship, warm in winter and cool in summer. The sofa and coffee table materials are suitable for outdoor use and are not afraid of wind and sun." During a chance conversation with a senior executive of "Belgian Home", the park learned that "Belgian Home" is looking for a suitable exhibition space for a set of outdoor products. After communication between the two parties, they reached an agreement and set up the product display platform in the center of the courtyard. This product is usually available for leisure use by white-collar workers in the park. When customers come to "Belgian Home", they can experience this set of products on site. "This outdoor product set has a very good display effect when placed in the courtyard. You see, it has been used outdoors for more than three years and the product is still as new. Every time we introduce it to customers, it is very convincing," said the showroom manager.

Park services, thinking of the front line of enterprises

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

Enterprises gathering here rely on continuously improving the quality of the park to enable them to stay for a long time.

There are many trees in the courtyard of the park, but no fallen leaves can be seen on the ground; Places with many lawns and flowers often have more mosquitoes in summer, but white-collar workers working in the park will not be troubled by mosquitoes. The park is willing to invest in property management, dispatch sufficient cleaning personnel, increase the frequency of cleaning the ground, prevent fallen leaves from falling, increase the frequency of spraying pesticides on the lawn, and reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and insects

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

Many enterprises in the park are busy until early morning. When white-collar workers are hungry, they have to go out to buy snacks, and when they finish work, they have to drive home. The park is equipped with 24-hour security services, so no matter how late the office workers work, there is always someone who can open the park gate for them in a timely manner

The park is hidden deep in the alleys and integrated with the community. Walk along the alley from the entrance to the park, with residential buildings on both sides. Every day, vehicles and office workers entering and exiting the park pass through this alley. For the park in the city center, the "neighborhood relationship" with the residential area directly affects the quality of the park. "Quban" also relies on meticulous services to win the support and understanding of neighbors.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises

"Park services, think of the front of the enterprise." The Chinese administrative staff in Kimurian told reporters a few details: when entering the park, the enterprise urgently needs cleaners to help clean the indoor hygiene. She sought help from the property management, and in less than fifteen minutes, they helped the company solve the problem. Originally, the park had long thought of the needs of enterprises and provided personalized services at any time. To build indoor display spaces, enterprises need to install display cabinets, curtains, etc. The property management provides customized decoration services for enterprises.

Not long ago, with the support of the park, "Belgian Home" and WWD Fashion Media jointly held a fashion art exhibition on the lawn of the park. Many fashion professionals visited, and other cultural and creative enterprises in the park were specially invited to participate in this exhibition, creating more opportunities for communication and business cooperation for them.

Let well-known cultural and creative enterprises queue up to settle in | Observation of characteristic parks ⑦, what is the charm of this pocket park in the city center | Typical | Enterprises
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