How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:26 AM

"My home is on the 6th floor. I used to be hesitant to go downstairs, but now I can go up and down anytime and anywhere every day." As a resident of Xijiao Apartment in Hongqiao Town, Minhang District, Aunt Zhou Shundi, 76, was very happy about the successful addition of stairs to her building.

In fact, by January this year, the Western Suburb Apartments had achieved 100% elevator installation and put into use for 58 eligible door buildings. This is also the first community in the city to have "whole community assembly construction with elevators", and the first community in Minhang district to have "batch demonstration of centralized elevator installation in the whole community", providing a replicable and promotable sample for the "elevator installation" work in similar communities in the city.

Regarding the doubts and curiosity of the surrounding residents, Aunt Zhou and her neighbors proudly replied, "It's true! We have a good leader and the active support of the residents." Their leader was none other than Gao Junfeng, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of the Xijiao Residential Area in Hongqiao Town, Minhang District. Now, he has led the residents to start the construction of a "beautiful home", and in a few months, the appearance of this old community will be completely new.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

Carrying the people in one's heart

The Xijiao residential area is a rural relocation community that was completed in 1998, with a total construction area of nearly 130000 square meters. It includes several residential areas including the Xijiao Apartment South Block, Xijiao Apartment North Block, Hongjing Community, and Nanyang Lvdu. There are 1737 households and a total of 5635 people living in it.

The former residential area in the western suburbs was a typical old community that caused headaches for superiors and shook the heads of community residents. The elderly were the majority, and the infrastructure of the community was weak, with relatively loose management. The media has reported that it is abnormal for someone to be in the guard room of the community, and it is normal for no one to be there. But over the past nine years, under the leadership of the party organization led by Comrade Gao Junfeng as the "squad leader", the residential area in the western suburbs has gradually transformed into a livable community that "reassures superiors and comforts residents".

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

"Secretary Xiao Gao is dedicated to serving the people and always gets along with us ordinary people, so he has received active support and support from everyone." Yao Guoan, a 79 year old veteran party member, said that now, if something in a resident's home is broken or there are conflicts and disputes between neighbors, they can be resolved by finding Secretary Gao. "When he walks in the community, residents will always come forward to greet him or say 'thank Secretary Gao'.".

Lao Yao also told reporters that in July 2021, Typhoon "Fireworks" struck, with strong winds and heavy rain outside. While his home was being renovated, all doors and windows were dismantled, and rainwater poured in directly, which may affect the lives of residents downstairs. That morning, Gao Junfeng had just finished an all night shift. Upon learning of this situation, he immediately arrived at the scene with another neighborhood committee member, "Da Xu". Afterwards, the two borrowed blocks of barriers from the construction site and transported them to the fifth floor one by one, until all the doors and windows were blocked, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There are countless examples of the urgent needs of the masses and the worries of the masses. Gao Junfeng himself also admitted that every morning when he arrived at work at 7:10, he would first take a stroll in the community, chat with residents, listen to their voices, and see if there were any problems. If there were any, he would try his best to help solve them. He would arrive at the office around 9:00-10:00, "sitting in the office for 24 hours is also difficult to do a good job. Walking around the community and becoming acquaintances with residents will make work much easier.".

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

And having a strong mass foundation is also one of the reasons why Gao Junfeng was able to lead the entire community to successfully achieve 100% elevator increase.

Not afraid of difficulties and not avoiding them

Adding elevators is the number one popular project in many old residential areas. Even before the city and district were fully launched, the elevator project in the residential areas of the western suburbs had already set sail.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

In 2018, Gao Junfeng learned during a visit that there was a nearly 90 year old party member living on the 6th floor of Building 26, Longbai Village, Xijiao Apartment. It took at least 15 minutes to climb the stairs each time. The difficulties of the masses deeply touched Gao Junfeng, and he began to install elevators for the community and ran away.

In October of the same year, upon learning that it was possible to explore the installation of elevators in the community, he immediately initiated the inquiry for the installation of elevators in Building 26. At that time, there was no ready-made experience to learn from regarding the installation of elevators. In the absence of a property committee in the community, he self-taught the elevator installation policy. On the one hand, he sought policy support from higher-level departments, and on the other hand, he led branch party members and neighborhood committee cadres to go door-to-door to collect opinions and suggestions from building residents. During that period, he almost had to leave work after 10 pm every night.

After 4 months of uninterrupted explanation and communication, the consultation work for this building was finally completed with a consent rate of "only one household disagrees and does not object". On the day of signing the contract, the first floor owner specially rushed from Taiwan to Shanghai to sign the contract, which further boosted everyone's confidence in adding elevators.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

Gao Junfeng admitted that due to the impact of the epidemic, the first elevator was not delivered for use until February 2021, and during the process, he himself was also confused and felt that this job was too difficult. But later on, seeing the joy of the elderly using the elevator and the urgent desire of other building residents to express their desire to add elevators, my determination became even stronger. "Faced with complex demands for benefits, we are not afraid of difficulties and do not evade them, which has also made the work of adding elevators an important driving force for the construction of harmonious communities."

After the installation of elevators in the first building broke the ice, Gao Junfeng conducted a comprehensive survey and formed a list of buildings in the entire community that can be equipped with elevators, and formulated a plan for adding elevators. But in the later stage of opinion consultation, the enthusiasm of many residents is not very high. After investigating, Gao Junfeng learned that residents still have many doubts, including how to install, how to calculate the cost, and what to do with subsequent maintenance and upkeep. So, he invited the residents to come to the neighborhood committee after work at night to discuss ideas, covering every household. As a result, within a month, he convened 32 coordination meetings for adding elevators with the participation of neighborhood committee officials, property management, and property owners to provide detailed answers and dispel everyone's concerns. Even though he had to pay more than 10 yuan per month for electricity after adding elevators, he helped the residents calculate their accounts.

It was during these 32 coordination meetings that everyone also reached a consensus that the entire community should be equipped with elevators of the same brand by the same construction unit. This is also one of the important guarantees for Xijiao Apartments to become the first "batch demonstration of centralized elevator installation in the entire community" in Minhang district.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

To ensure the quality of elevator construction, he also invited community residents to participate in the establishment of a "Elevator Addition Supervision Group" to promptly identify and solve problems. Residents are enthusiastic about this and meticulously pay attention to construction details such as the depth of the pit foundation, the thickness of the steel bars, and the number of piles being driven. Once, a certain building had just completed pile driving construction. The residents who had been watching upstairs immediately approached the supervision party and complained that "a few piles were missing". After verification by the supervision team, it was confirmed that 9 piles were missing. So, in the following construction, each pile in front of each gate was required to be coded to ensure that each elevator had to drive a total of 54 piles.

Jointly building a beautiful home

On January 19, 2023, all 58 elevators in Xijiao Apartment were completed and accepted, and the last elevator only took 80 days. The entire community took a total of 506 days to add elevators, with a stoppage of 110 days. The actual construction days were 396 days. This provides a demonstration and guidance for the promotion of elevators throughout the city.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

"The elevator project is a microcosm of the Party building leading grassroots governance in the residential areas of the western suburbs," said Gao Junfeng.

Since serving as the secretary of the residential area, Gao Junfeng has focused on taking party building as the core, integrating effective community resources, and actively building a governance pattern of co construction, co governance, and sharing. He tackled the problem of promoting "red property", improved the "four in one" management model led by the party organizations in residential areas, and leveraged the resource advantages of "village residential co construction" in the western suburban residential area and the original western suburban village, widely attracting diverse forces from all parties to participate in community governance. The neighborhood committee team he led also won the title of Top 100 Municipal Garbage Classification Neighborhood Committees in Shanghai.

In order to connect the "last mile" of serving the community, the Xijiao residential area has taken the lead in building a first-class neighborhood center with software and hardware facilities, providing convenient services at the doorstep for the vast residential area. At the same time, the Party branch continuously expands its service areas and extensively carries out community service activities such as convenience and benefit for the people, assistance and security, medical care, family planning services, legal education and rights protection, cultural and entertainment, sports and fitness, etc.

How to do it?, He led the community to take the lead in achieving 100% building elevator community | Gao Junfeng | Community

Nowadays, during festivals such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Double Ninth Festival, the Party branch of the Xijiao residential area organizes a variety of cultural and entertainment activities for community residents, and insists on holding monthly service days for the people, involving home appliance maintenance, legal consultation, medical services, family planning consultation, disability assistance, employment services, etc. The community also provides free health examinations for elderly people aged 60 and above every year, organizes retired women to participate in free gynecological examinations, provides care and pairing for elderly people living alone, and applies for education, medical assistance, and other assistance for low-income families. At the same time, with the continuous emergence of dance teams, social dance teams, fitness exercise teams, choir classes, calligraphy classes and other cultural groups, the spiritual and cultural life of the residents is becoming increasingly rich and colorful.

Recently, on the first floor of the neighborhood center in the residential area, the "Beautiful Home" construction project is being promoted and displayed to residents in a visual and textual manner. It is reported that the project involves more than 10 specific projects, including the leveling of the exterior facade, relocation of rainwater and sewage pipes, internal painting of corridors, updating of message boxes, construction of accessible passages, replanting of greenery, and addition and renovation of motor vehicle parking spaces. It is expected to start construction soon and be completed by the end of the year. At that time, the overall environment of this old community will undergo a beautiful transformation, and the sense of gain and happiness of residents will be further enhanced.

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