How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:19 AM

The average age of residents in Jiuliting Street, Songjiang is 36.5 years old, with approximately 55.5% having a bachelor's degree or above. Behind the vibrant population and age structure is the fact that more than 70% of the total market entities are small and medium-sized enterprises, and a large number of young makers are laying out new tracks and creating new scenes in buildings and parks.

In view of the characteristics of the young population's large demand for innovation and entrepreneurship, how to formulate more accurate service enterprise policies and increase the penetration of policy implementation?

Wang Ping, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jiuliting Sub district, stated that Jiuliting Sub district, as a new highland for the integration of industry and city in the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor of the Yangtze River Delta, fully leverages the development advantages of young talent aggregation. Through a relay style innovation and entrepreneurship service system of "maker space incubator science and technology park", Jiuliting Sub district is simultaneously working on "building nests to attract phoenixes" and "fixing nests to raise phoenixes", creating a new era of talent development ecology that is close to and far from, accelerating the resolution of talent introduction and intellectual property infringement disputes for small and micro science and technology enterprises in the region, and exploring the construction of a youth development oriented street town to create a dream chasing place for young talents.

Optimizing the incubation ecological environment

In the Jiuli Workshop Pioneer Park in Jiuli Ting Street, hundreds of scientific and technological innovation design enterprises are thriving here. From a few desks to an office, it gradually developed to a floor, and then grew to an innovative enterprise. Behind it is the nourishment given by Jiuliting Street through the integration of technology, industry and other resources by using innovative carriers such as mass innovation space and incubator, which has given birth to the germination, growth and growth of scientific innovation seeds.

How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

"Jiuli Workshop Entrepreneurship Park has the largest shared office area in Songjiang District, and hundreds of small and medium-sized startups only need to pay a few hundred yuan per month for rental fees to enjoy office, financial, and withholding services." Zhu Xiubing, Deputy Director of Jiuliting Street, said that Jiuli Workshop Entrepreneurship Park was originally a warehousing and logistics park, but now it has transformed into one of the largest incubators in Songjiang District. Many city and district level high-tech enterprises are growing and expanding,

"The street provides services covering the entire life cycle of enterprises, combined with the policy support chain of 'technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises - high-tech enterprises - technology-based small and giant enterprises - listed enterprises on the Science and Technology Innovation Board' in the district, collaborates with innovative resources, and escorts the growth of innovative enterprises."

There is a talent service station in Jiuliting Street, located in the incubator. There are talent service specialists at the station, providing diversified, personalized, and precise services for enterprises and talents, including policy interpretation, subsidy application, housing, education, and medical care.

Chen Kai is known as the "unstoppable talent service specialist", bringing the industrial policies that serve enterprises and the talent policies that serve individuals to the "last hundred meters". "We enter enterprises and provide services tailored to the actual situation of enterprises and individuals.".

In addition to providing precise services such as talent apartments and residence permit points for enterprises, the talent service station also regularly invites banks to promote and connect, and provides preferential financing services. Wang Haofeng, Director of Jiuliting Street, stated that in the next stage, Jiuliting Street will continue to stimulate the development potential of incubators, optimize the incubation ecological environment, and use craftsmanship to create benchmark incubators, helping enterprises integrate "nuclear explosive hard technology" and "gold medal soft services" for development.

How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

Building intellectual property and financial highlands

In the field of intellectual property protection that start-ups care about most, but also the most helpless. After visiting and understanding the concerns of enterprises, Jiuliting Street and the District Market Supervision Bureau joined hands to maintain the market order of fair competition and create a first-class intellectual property protection highland.

Before, Jiuliting Street's Enterprise Mutual Collection Construction Technology Co., Ltd. repeatedly encountered intellectual property infringement in the process of enterprise development. As an enterprise focusing on the product design of mobile modular building space, intellectual property is the lifeblood of development. After understanding the needs of enterprises, Jiuliting Street Market Supervision and Management Office visited many times to guide it to gradually establish an enterprise standardization system and resolve the problem of patent infringement.

Nowadays, the number of trademark applications by enterprises has achieved a leapfrog growth, with the annual growth rate of trademark registration exceeding 600% for two consecutive years, reaching a total of 92 cases and 68 authorized patents. Faced with the lack of industry standards for prefabricated container buildings in China, Mutual Building is working to develop standards and strive to achieve a breakthrough in industry standards.


How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

"We have also established a co-education and co-construction work model with major commercial buildings, commercial squares and business park party branches to create a 500-meter party building service circle. In response to market supervision problems encountered in the development of enterprises within the co-construction scope, we will implement dedicated docking, Problem decomposition and one-click feedback." The relevant person in charge of the Jiuliting Street Market Supervision and Management Office said that focusing on economic and social development such as commercial buildings, commercial space industrial clusters, and new employment groups, we should do a good job in protecting the intellectual property rights of small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises, and inject "catalysts" into the development of the building economy ".

The scientific and technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises needs the nourishment of financial "living water. Benefiting from the multi-level, professional and characteristic science and technology financial service system of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Jiuliting Street enterprises can enjoy not only the "151 Financial Support Policies" of the People's Bank of China at the national level, but also the support of Songjiang's first original financial innovation products such as "Shuangchuang Debt", "Batch Loan" and "Park Loan. Jia Zhanfeng, director of the G60 Innovation Research Center, said that through the Shanghai Stock Exchange's capital market service G60 base and G60 comprehensive financial service platform, high-tech enterprises and financial products are organically combined to effectively solve the financing difficulties and expensive financing problems for high-tech enterprises in Jiuliting Street.

Technological innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises requires the nourishment of financial "living water". Benefiting from the multi-level, specialized, and distinctive technology and financial service system of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, enterprises in Jiuliting Street can not only enjoy the "15+1 financial support policies" of the People's Bank of China at the national level, but also receive support from original financial innovation products such as "double innovation bonds", "batch loans", and "park loans" launched by Songjiang. Jia Zhanfeng, Director of the G60 Innovation Research Center, stated that through the Shanghai Stock Exchange Capital Market Service G60 Base and G60 Comprehensive Financial Service Platform, high-tech enterprises and financial products will be organically combined to effectively solve the problems of financing difficulties and high financing costs for high-tech enterprises in Jiuliting Street.

Ma Yunyun, General Manager of Kangqiong Information Technology Co., Ltd., stated that as a science and technology innovation enterprise in Jiuliting Street, we have always enjoyed continuous support from capital, including equity and debt financing docking and tracking services, which have effectively helped solve the problem of financing difficulties.

Assist enterprises in recruiting talents and talents

How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

What is less known is that this company was a small and medium-sized enterprise many years ago. In 2008, the company's revenue was only 30 million yuan. However, with the support of Jiuliting Street, the company has maintained steady growth for 15 consecutive years, with an average annual compound growth rate of more than 10%.

Little known is that this enterprise was still a small and medium-sized enterprise many years ago, with a revenue of only 30 million yuan in 2008. However, with the support of Jiuliting Street, the enterprise has maintained stable growth for 15 consecutive years, with an annual compound growth rate of over 10%.

Jiuli Ting Street's attitude towards enterprises is to "disturb everything and respond to every request", which is the sincere feeling of Yin Zhongchun, the general manager of Adekai Company. In response to the problems encountered during the development process of the enterprise, the storekeeper in Jiuliting Street provides dedicated personnel for coordination, problem decomposition, and one click feedback to safeguard the development of the enterprise.


As a technology intensive manufacturing enterprise, Adekai needs a large number of versatile talents with strong practical skills and sufficient service awareness. At the same time, as a highland for the development of young talents, Jiuliting Street has played a magnetic attraction effect in recent years by promoting the integration and development of the innovation chain, industrial chain, talent chain, and policy chain in the science and technology innovation industry.

How to build a talent highland?, More than half of the students have a bachelor's degree, with an average age of 36.5 for residents. They are the youngest street development | talent | residents in Shanghai

In view of the good business environment in Jiuliting Street, in March this year, Adecai's parent company, ATEQ Group of France, increased capital and expanded production in Songjiang. Its new plant project of Adecai Measuring Instruments Co., Ltd. was launched, with a total investment of 0.21 billion yuan. A series of new energy-saving, low-carbon and environmentally friendly technologies, new processes and new materials will be used to build a "near zero energy consumption" production plant.

Yin Zhongchun said that in recent years, more and more high-tech enterprises have started from "Shanghai Songjiang" to link Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hefei, Wuhu and other nine cities in the Yangtze River Delta G60 Kechuang Corridor, bringing new opportunities for development. "With the development advantages of Jiuliting Street as the core area of the Yangtze River Delta G60 Kechuang Corridor, the company's products have moved from Songjiang to even more places along the corridor and are full expectation for future development".

Given the favorable business environment in Jiuliting Street, in March this year, Adelaide Kai's parent company, ATEQ Group from France, increased its capital and expanded production in Songjiang. Its subsidiary, Adelaide Measurement Instrument Co., Ltd., built a new factory project with a total investment of 210 million yuan. By utilizing a series of energy-saving, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly new technologies, processes, and materials, it will build a "near zero energy consumption" production plant.

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Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

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