How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 07:49 AM

In September, Shanghai has a refreshing autumn sky. Walking along the Hewu Road in Gangyan Town, Chongming District, you can smell the fragrance of flowers in the air. On the roadside, in a park called Shanghai Chongming International Chrysanthemum Ecological Park, colorful multi headed small chrysanthemums grow happily, with 30000 fresh cut flowers supplied to the market every day; In the nearby Chongming Smart Ecological Flower Garden, there is a fierce competition among flying swallow grass, beautiful banana, and wind chime grass, attracting many tourists to take photos.

This flower and horticulture industry cluster named "Shanghai Flower Port" is closely related to a nearby village. In 2018, Horticultural Village in Gangyan Town was included in the first batch of rural revitalization demonstration villages in the city, vigorously developing the horticultural economy. It has now driven many surrounding villages, and a flower industry axis along the Hewu Road has gradually taken shape.

The industrial spillover effect of horticultural villages is a reflection of the effectiveness of rural revitalization demonstration village construction. As of the end of last year, 90 demonstration villages for rural revitalization have been built in this city. What has been the momentum of the first few demonstration villages in recent years? Can we collaborate with surrounding villages to benefit together? How can one demonstration village "bonsai" become a "nursery"?

Shanghai Huagang

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

How to promote revitalization from point to surface?

This year, our city has launched the sixth batch of rural revitalization demonstration village construction, and currently there are more than 140 city level rural revitalization demonstration villages that have been completed or are under construction. Among these "demonstration villages", "areas" have appeared for the first time this year.

Qunle Village in Caolu Town, Pudong New Area, adjacent to Caolu Daju, has formed a "Caolu Town Area" in the form of a three village linkage with nearby Xunjian Village and Qiming Village this year. It has successfully been shortlisted for the 2023 Rural Revitalization Demonstration Village Construction Plan in this city.

In addition to "demonstration villages" and "demonstration areas," Shanghai also has "demonstration counties." In October last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau announced the list of national rural revitalization demonstration counties to be established in 2022, with Jinshan District in Shanghai being the only one in the city.

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

The emergence of the "area" is not accidental. The 14th Five Year Plan for Rural Revitalization in Shanghai points out the need to promote the centralized and contiguous construction of demonstration villages, connect existing and ongoing demonstration villages into a line, and create a demonstration area for rural revitalization. These "areas" help to promote the gradual expansion of rural revitalization demonstration areas, advancing in the order of "points, areas, and areas".

Luan Feng mapping

"A single demonstration village sometimes faces problems such as insufficient construction land indicators and spatial layout restrictions. If it is planned to be placed in a larger area, layout optimization can be achieved through overall indicator balance and other methods. In addition, the overall planning and construction of rural areas that are geographically connected and have contiguous construction conditions can help reshape the rural style of super cities and optimize the rural spatial structure." Tian Feng, Deputy Director of the Rural Department of the Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, told reporters.

Where should the "area" appear? The reporter found that the first few batches of demonstration villages have mostly become the "centers" of rural revitalization demonstration areas.

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

Tangwan Village in Luojing Town, Baoshan District is one of the first nine demonstration villages for rural revitalization in the city. The first "Five Village Linkage" area for rural revitalization in the city appeared in Luojing Town: Haixing, Huahong, Xinlu, and Yangqiao villages around Tangwan Linkage, with five villages covering an area of 13 square kilometers being built and developed together. Citizens and tourists can depart from Tangwan Village, visit the Mother and Child Health Base, and then experience fishing in Haixing Village, farming in Huahong Village, expanding their studies in Xinlu Village, and leisure farming in Yangqiao Village. Nowadays, the remaining four villages in the area have also been established as the second and third batch of rural revitalization demonstration villages in this city.

In Jinshan District, the second batch of rural revitalization demonstration villages in the city - Zhujing Town, Zhujing Village, has also gathered a rural revitalization demonstration area mainly focused on "fragrant waiting for Jing, rice fragrant new Jing, and happy vast expanse". Currently, the construction of the fragrant town in Zhujing Village is in full swing, and the first rice industrialization consortium established in Xinjing Village in Jinshan is about to return to its warehouse in autumn.

According to relevant plans, by 2025, this city will build more than 150 demonstration villages for rural revitalization. "From a data perspective, demonstration villages account for only one tenth of the total number of administrative villages in the city. However, from a spatial distribution perspective, these demonstration villages are evenly distributed in various suburbs of the city, with a tendency to connect and form a" spark "for rural revitalization in the future, forming a rural revitalization ecosystem with diverse features and strong industrial vitality." Tian Feng said.

What is to be "demonstrated"?

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

"Demonstration Village" is not an "experimental village", and the word "demonstration" naturally carries directional meaning. The construction of demonstration villages for rural revitalization is not an experiment of self entertainment, nor is it an image project of applying makeup and powder. What exactly is it that needs to be "demonstrated"? It should not be superficial white walls and tiles, small bridges and flowing water, but rather an internal driving force for development and institutional experience.

"The narrowing of rural revitalization cannot be understood as environmental improvement, nor can it be simply understood as' spending money on renovation and renovation '. We cannot follow the old path of large-scale water and fertilizer, and large-scale demolition and construction." Liu Pingyang, director of the Land and Resources Economics Research Center of Fudan University, told reporters that the significance of demonstration villages lies in exploring experience and paths. Especially in terms of industry, the resource endowments of each village are different. If only the industry of translational and grafting demonstration villages is involved, it is easy to fall into the dilemma of southern orange and northern orange. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the driving mechanism behind characteristic industries.

Why can the flower and seedling industry be nurtured around the horticultural village, and have the confidence to promote the slogan of "Shanghai Flower Port"? Firstly, the collective economic income of Horticultural Village is mainly based on the cultivation of flowers and fruit trees. The flower and seedling industry has long had a national influence and is known as the "hometown of melon seeds, yellow poplar"; In addition, the 10th China Flower Expo was held in Chongming, which allowed the flower industry in Chongming to take advantage of the trend and gave it the confidence to develop the "flower economy".

Horticultural Village

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

It may be difficult to replicate the flower and seedling industry of Horticultural Villages, but learning from the model of Horticultural Villages developing characteristic industries based on their own resource endowments, historical conditions, and current opportunities has allowed many villages to taste the sweetness of development. For example, the third batch of municipal level demonstration villages for rural revitalization - Hongqiao Village in Jianshe Town, Chongming District, is based on the advantages of adjacent Dongping National Forest Park and the Flower Expo, and is developing the homestay industry in clusters.

Gu Bobo Homestay Group in Hongqiao Village

In addition, the foundation of agricultural modernization is institutional modernization, and it is crucial to revitalize rural stock resources through institutional innovation. In this regard, many "pathfinders" have also emerged in the first few demonstration villages in this city, providing development paths for other rural areas.

There is a big road in front of the house, a small river behind the house, and from afar, rice waves can be seen rolling, making people feel relaxed and happy... In the deep rice fields of Lianyi Village in Huating Town, known as the "Northeast Gateway" of Jiading District, there have been many "rural vacation hotels" in recent years. These "hotels" are actually replacement houses built by Lianyi Village for villagers.

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

Lianyi Village is the second batch of municipal level demonstration villages for rural revitalization. Lianyi Village is the first in the city to explore the pricing of collective construction land use rights as equity. The village collective and social capital jointly establish a project company to jointly develop the "Xiangyue Huating" project. The pricing of collective construction land use rights accounts for one-fifth of the total share capital of the project company, and shareholders share profits proportionally. This year, the construction of the "Xiangyue Huating" Phase II resettlement housing and supporting facilities project is steadily advancing.

The "Xiangyue Huating" project

This model of revitalizing village collective economy, releasing land dividends, and guiding social and market forces to participate in rural revitalization has now blossomed everywhere in the suburbs of Shanghai. For example, in Xin'an Village, Sanxing Town, Chongming District, private capital and collective economy jointly established a mixed ownership enterprise to revitalize the unified operation of rural resources and enable rural industries to have a "self generating" function.

How to ensure full momentum?

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

"The village renovation project completed two or three years ago has been partially damaged due to delayed follow-up management. Some green areas in the villages are overgrown with weeds, and some have even been replanted with vegetables by the people." During last year's Shanghai Two Sessions, a representative of the Municipal People's Congress conducted research and found that some villages have a phenomenon of "rebuilding with light management".

This is also a problem faced by some early demonstration villages: after the establishment period, when external resources such as financial investment decrease, how can we ensure the sustainability of village appearance and industrial development? How to ensure the sustainability of one's own development in time while demonstrating to other villages in space?

In the view of Zhang Yan, Associate Professor of Tourism and Exhibition Department at the School of Business Administration of East China Normal University, the key to solving this problem is to put people first and value the feelings of villagers. "The development model of 'internet famous villages' for tourists to take photos and check in is difficult to sustain once it becomes too popular, and' villagers' also have little motivation to maintain it. At the beginning of the construction of rural revitalization demonstration villages, the 'authenticity' of the countryside should be restored, and the feelings of 'villagers' should be valued. Villagers are not only the service objects of rural revitalization, but also the key subjects to promote rural revitalization."

In this regard, the exploration of Cenbu Village in Jinze Town, Qingpu District is worth learning from. Cenbu Village has over 2 kilometers of "Blue Pearl Chain" landscape shoreline and is now promoting revitalization under the overall operation of a third-party company - Smiling Straw Hat Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. From the types of greenery along the riverbank to the operation mode of several kayaks in the village, to the future industrial direction and cultural IP development in the village, villagers and over 60 "new villagers" can participate in project operations firsthand.

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

Cenbu Village

In addition, an important source of momentum for rural revitalization is the flow of factors between urban and rural areas. To promote rural revitalization in Shanghai, we should fully leverage the advantages of Shanghai's rural areas backed by mega cities, possessing market, technology, and funding, and introduce technology and services into rural areas. In this regard, Xiangyang Village in Anting Town, Jiading District, one of the first approved villages, has long been explored.

At the beginning of its establishment, Xiangyang Village was full of a sense of technology. This "urban village", adjacent to Kunshan in Jiangsu Province and surrounded by urban areas on all sides, is the first gigabit broadband household village in the city. Previously, the "Research and Development Center in Rice Fields" jointly built by Anting Town and Minshi Group settled in Xiangyang Village, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan. The project includes innovative research and development of automotive intelligent components, seedling research, rural cultural tourism, and other content.

"Empowering rural revitalization with modern technology can not only provide landing space for cutting-edge technology and innovative industries, but also drive the integrated development of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and increase agricultural added value," said the relevant person in charge of Anting Town.

How can "bonsai" become a "nursery"?, Demonstration Village for Rural Revitalization

Xiangyang Village

In the overall layout of the city, rural areas are still the weak link in Shanghai's urban development, and there are still many villages with relatively weak economy and insufficient endogenous development momentum that urgently need to be revitalized. Liu Pingyang told reporters that each demonstration village is like a catfish, constantly promoting efficient flow of factors and optimized allocation of resources between urban and rural areas. "The institutional experience of demonstration villages is a source of fresh water, which helps to bridge the urban-rural gap and overall enhance rural functions. We look forward to more demonstration villages exploring and promoting long-term revitalization mechanisms, so that 'bonsai' can further become a 'nursery'."

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