Embrace new technologies, be bold, AI must be controlled by humans? Experts express that ethics | artificial intelligence | technology

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:31 AM

Generative artificial intelligence has recently seen a "rocket like" development, and it has naturally become the hottest topic that cannot be avoided at this World Artificial Intelligence Conference. The Chief Vice President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guo Yike, joked on-site that the entire conference seemed to have turned into a "World ChatGPT Conference.". How can generative artificial intelligence regulate issues such as safety, legality, morality, and ethics while significantly liberating productivity?

On July 7th, 2023, the Intelligent Society Forum of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference was held in Yangpu Binjiang. The forum focuses on the theme of "Intelligent Society and Digital Governance Ecology". Experts and scholars from both domestic and foreign countries have conducted in-depth discussions on these issues and released a series of research results, including the "Guidelines for Ethical Normative Operation of Artificial Intelligence Large Models" and the "Generative Artificial Intelligence Risk Assessment Framework".

Balancing AI development and security

The benefits of artificial intelligence technology need not be elaborated, and most attending experts agree that it can accelerate scientific and technological innovation progress, stimulate productivity and economic growth... However, experts also believe that the risks of AI technology cannot be ignored.

Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director General of the Department of Social and Humanities at UNESCO, mentioned in a video speech that AI technology can replicate and amplify discrimination, thereby deepening social inequality; The impact on the environment cannot be ignored, as the carbon dioxide emissions generated by the large model are equivalent to 125 flights between Beijing and New York; Large language models can also generate a large amount of errors and false information.

Embrace new technologies, be bold, AI must be controlled by humans? Experts express that ethics | artificial intelligence | technology

The key lies in balancing development and security. Su Jun, Dean of the Institute of Intelligent Social Governance at Tsinghua University, provides an example from the perspective of AI and environmental protection: "Currently, there is still an angle between digitalization and green development. If handled properly, intelligent technology will play a huge role in promoting energy production and consumption revolution, significantly reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, and helping to achieve the 'dual carbon' goal as soon as possible. Conversely, if not handled properly, it may lead to more energy consumption and social welfare losses, causing society to fall into an ecological crisis."

"In order to effectively balance development and security, exploring the governance framework of artificial intelligence has become a consensus of the international community." Ye Linlin, Deputy Director of the Municipal Education Commission, introduced that the EU's legislation on artificial intelligence has made significant progress, and the China National Cyberspace Administration has also drafted a draft for soliciting opinions on the management of generative artificial intelligence services.

The "Guidelines for Ethical Norms of Artificial Intelligence Large Models" released this time is aimed at addressing the risks of artificial intelligence large models and promoting the implementation of ethical norms. Du Yanyong, the head of the research team and a specially appointed professor at the School of Humanities of Tongji University, stated that most of the ethical principles and guidelines for artificial intelligence are convergent and overlapping, indicating that a high degree of consensus has been reached on the core ethical principles of artificial intelligence. However, there has always been a lack of effective measures to implement these ethical principles, which is also the fundamental reason for attempting to explore the ethical operation guidelines for artificial intelligence large models. "We aim to focus on the technical characteristics and possible application scenarios of artificial intelligence large models as much as possible, and improve the pertinence of the operation guidelines."

Human beings must be in the decision-making environment

It is reported that the operational guidelines focus on the research and development of artificial intelligence. The research team believes that researchers bear the most important moral responsibility in the field of artificial intelligence ethics. It is worth noting that the operational guidelines emphasize the supervision, control, and responsibility of "humans".

Embrace new technologies, be bold, AI must be controlled by humans? Experts express that ethics | artificial intelligence | technology

"We believe that to a certain extent, the decision-making of artificial intelligence models can be aligned with human interests and values, which is also the most important aspect of achieving the security of artificial intelligence models." Du Yanyong said, "No matter how strong the ethics of artificial intelligence models are, they still have instrumental attributes. Therefore, we must ensure that in major decision-making, 'humans' must be in the decision-making loop. Artificial intelligence models must be under human supervision and control."

Therefore, the operational guidelines propose to improve the allocation of responsibility content and form a responsibility loop, in order to avoid the so-called responsibility gap and organized irresponsibility as much as possible.

Guo Yike also believes that the most important issue in artificial intelligence risk management is that when AI uses incredible technological means to "replicate" human performance, it may disrupt human cognition, leading humans to mistakenly believe that chatbots are "thinking in a human way," which in turn can lead to a series of consequences.

In fact, artificial intelligence only behaves like humans, and the process of "thinking" is more like a "black box". Guo Yike tells the story of the movie "She": the male protagonist and his wife get very frustrated after divorce and start chatting with a computer similar to ChatGPT. The female voice simulated by the computer is very pleasant to listen to, and also portrays gentleness and humor. The male protagonist falls in love with AI uncontrollably, only to discover that AI is always gentle and humorous towards everyone. If AI's "she" can be considered to have fallen in love with the male lead, then "she" has also fallen in love with many, many people at the same time. This cognitive difference ultimately destroyed the psychology of the male protagonist.

"This movie makes precise predictions about today's situation." Guo Yike said, "To govern AI, we must first make people understand machines, make machines understand people, and make machines empathize with people. Only then can such governance have a solid scientific foundation."

Embrace new technologies, be bold, AI must be controlled by humans? Experts express that ethics | artificial intelligence | technology

We need to manage, and even more so, we need to dare to try and take risks

However, experts such as Du Yanyong also emphasize that the governance of AI does not mean to hinder or prohibit the development of AI technology, "which is something that no one can do."

Shen Tiyan, a researcher at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence at Peking University, said that AI governance mainly involves three issues: creating good AI, using AI well, and managing AI well. "In the latter two aspects, China has absolute advantages. However, in terms of original innovation, we still have some shortcomings." He suggested that AI developers should be given some space and more tolerance towards them. "Try to manage them as little as possible, and let them do whatever they want. After producing results, find ways to manage them."

"We cannot adopt an ostrich policy, let alone a blocking policy. Don't worry about uncontrollable technology and choose not to use it or use it less." Su Jun said, "The door to science and technology has already been opened. We should bravely stand on the stage, take active governance measures to embrace new technologies, and comprehensively strengthen applications based on the ChatGPT architecture."

He mentioned that Yangpu District is one of the first ten national comprehensive experimental bases for intelligent social governance in China. It should take the lead in experimentation and continuous exploration, constantly entering unmanned areas and new AI technology application scenarios that have never been seen before, promoting more technological applications and better serving high-quality development with new technologies. Shan Bin, Director of the Information Technology Coordination Office of the Municipal Party Committee's Cyberspace Administration, also believes that Yangpu bears the mission of piloting, exploring new paths, and gaining experience in intelligent governance for Shanghai and even the whole country.

Embrace new technologies, be bold, AI must be controlled by humans? Experts express that ethics | artificial intelligence | technology

The reporter learned from Yangpu District that Yangpu is closely integrating urban renewal and digital transformation to promote scene construction and experimental research, and has initially formed a social experimental model where the application subject "sets questions" and the research subject and technical subject "answers questions". Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Cyberspace Administration, Yangpu has focused on the opportunities and challenges brought by generative artificial intelligence big model technologies such as ChatGPT, and has collaborated with enterprises such as Bilibili to carry out social experimental research. In addition to the preliminary research results of the Generative Artificial Intelligence Risk Assessment Framework released at the meeting that day, Yangpu also unveiled the "Artificial Intelligence Compliance Service Center". The center will fully leverage the intellectual and technological resource advantages of Tongji University and the practical advantages of Yangpu District to provide compliance guidance and consulting services for enterprises in the new application of artificial intelligence technologies.

Ni Bing, Executive Deputy District Mayor of Yangpu District, stated that Yangpu will conduct in-depth analysis of the hot and painful points in the regional economy and social life fields, constantly raise questions, carry out practice, and build a group of scenarios where enterprises and the public truly feel useful, useful, and loving. We will create a number of exemplary projects that showcase the advantages of each individual. We will take the lead in forming several display windows, and promptly translate research results into policies, standards, norms, and measures. We will also convert more articles into documents, providing more Shanghai demonstration and national templates for the governance of intelligent societies.

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