Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:12 AM

On a weekend evening, in Shanghai Kangcheng, a "super large community" in Shanghai, the scorching summer couldn't stop people's enthusiasm for going out of their homes to participate in activities. A "tug of war competition" was held on the large playground of Kangcheng Experimental School, and residents formed more than 100 teams based on buildings to participate in the competition.

Nowadays, such neighborhood activities are being carried out in many communities in Shanghai. Community workers believe that such exploration can encourage more residents to step out of their homes and participate in community activities, rekindle the gradually "cooling" relationships between neighbors, and thus participate in community governance.

A tug of war rope: arousing the enthusiasm of the entire community

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

Why is this tug of war event being held?

In March of this year, Kangcheng Community launched the recruitment of community partners. Residents who are concerned about and have a certain professional knowledge background in community affairs can register to participate. The first batch of partners were recruited to 88 people. Many partners mentioned that during the pandemic a few years ago, there was more communication and mutual assistance between neighbors, but now, this warmth seems to be fading away. Even the once busiest volunteer group has not spoken up for a long time. "Can we use a large-scale event to bring everyone back together and create a community atmosphere?". So, the "tug of war among ten thousand people" competition emerged.

In the Shanghai Kangcheng tug of war competition team, most of the neighbors from the same building form teams, as well as local police officers and urban management team members, as well as community merchants and delivery guys form teams. On the tug of war ropes one by one, police officers who occasionally mediate disputes in the community, delivery guys who have a chance to meet up, and residents have the opportunity to get to know each other and compete on the same stage.

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

The planning and execution of this large-scale event were all completed by community partners and volunteers, with the community party committee and various neighborhood committees providing support and logistical support. It is reported that from the establishment of the event preparation group to crowdfunding and projects, from the discussion of registration methods to the research and application of online lottery and other mini programs, Kangcheng has set up 9 working groups and spent 3 days recruiting more than 150 community volunteers to join.

What should we do if the preparatory group is mostly composed of office workers and there is no time or venue for meetings? Then provide the community meeting room for residents to use tonight. What should we do if we mobilize residents to participate in the activity and everyone is shy? Four neighborhood committees and three schools in the community joined forces, and the building leader widely promoted the situation. The school also issued an initiative to encourage students to complete a "neighborhood ice breaking" community practice during the summer vacation and meet some new friends in their own buildings. The event also received strong support from surrounding enterprises and merchants, giving it more social warmth and possibilities.

After the tug of war event, the game facilities on site will also be open to residents for a period of time, providing a good place for everyone to take a walk with their children after tea and dinner. A resident suggested, "In the future, there can be more room for imagination, such as the popular 'Village Supermarket' and 'Village BA' on the internet. Can we also learn from them and create our 'Kangchao' and 'KangBA' in Kangcheng?"

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

This community event with the theme of "Our Kangcheng" ultimately attracted tens of thousands of people to participate in tug of war and neighborhood carnivals. Mr. Wang, a community partner, said that an event brought the distance between neighbors closer and ignited the usually cold community atmosphere.

A Reception Hall: Becoming a New Sample of Community Shared Space

At the corner of Yutian Road on East Sports Club Road, there is a "Scholarly Quyang" reception hall. Since its opening in May this year, this reception hall has not only become a cultural check-in spot for residents, but also a new sample of community shared spaces.

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

The "Shuxiang Quyang" reception hall is adjacent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Shangwai Xianda School of Economics and Humanities, Shanghai Foreign Studies University and other large residential areas in the southwest and east. Originally, this was the warehouse and library of a private Xinbeijiao Junior High School, with a low usage rate. Quyang Road Street has thoroughly researched the needs of surrounding courtyards and residential areas, and is determined to create a high-quality community public service space that integrates reading and self-study, coffee and light food, exhibition and exhibition releases, lecture roadshows, learning and training, parent-child activities, club building, and other functions.

The biggest feature of this reception hall is resource sharing. In terms of usage time, adopt staggered usage methods for different groups and time periods to maximize the efficiency of space utilization. During meal times, we provide light and simple meals for all groups of people. During school hours, we provide a comfortable and safe transportation environment for students and parents. During class hours, students are used for teaching special courses, while during non class hours, they are used for various community public activities. We aim to create a 7 x 24 shared space for community life without closing hours.

In the "Shuxiang Quyang Co construction Alliance", Quyang Road Street, Qiuguang Art Museum, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, private New Beijiao Junior High School, as well as Fudan University, Tongji University, Shanghai Foreign Studies University, and relevant colleges of Shanghai University, form a joint construction matrix, striving to form a new pattern of multiple subjects participating in community governance.

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

The reporter noticed that the "Book Fragrance Quyang" reception hall appears quaint yet artistic, not only covering the "library, art museum, caf é, lecture hall, and activity hall" and "three halls and two halls" scenes, but also integrating functions such as calligraphy and painting exhibitions, science education, coffee reading, conference activities, and music salons.

Recently, in the "Painting Masterpieces and Inheritance of National Essence - Exhibition of Master Yang Qiubao's Painting of the" 108 Water Margin ", which attracted many residents to come and watch, Master Yang Qiubao vividly depicted the characters and classic stories of the" 108 Water Margin "through a painting. Previously, Qiuguang Art Museum had signed a cooperation agreement with Quyang Road Street to carry out "master art education classes" in the community.

In the view of Yu Qingrong, the chairman of Qiuguang Art Museum, the master art education classes in the community are the most effective measures to "root" traditional culture. "Along with the exhibition, we will also give three lectures, including Yang Qiubao's lecture on 'The Differences between Contemporary Painting and Modern Painting', Zhang Pingshan's lecture on 'The Charm of Seal Engraving Art', and Shi Zhihao's lecture on 'Zhang Daqian, Emperor Ming, Enjoying the Coolness'. We will also answer on-site questions from community residents."

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

In the "Book Fragrant Quyang" reception hall, there are also activities such as intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, parent-child handicrafts, resident self-governance lectures, and digital entry into the community, making the venue extremely popular.

A creative competition: Children design the future for the old city

Menghua Street, with a total length of 425 meters and a history of over a century, is the most flavorful street in the old city of Shanghai. What will it be like in the future?

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

"When you walk into Menghua Street, you will see a street history museum. On the super large screen, you will see the story of the century's changes of Menghua Street. A row of blue brick shelves along the street are old objects used by residents, sewing machines, desk quartz clocks, etc., which remind many people of their memories." "The fireworks in Menghua Street rise with the food market. Mung bean Shaved ice, Wonton shops, and fried string shops, which infiltrate the memory of the city and are also good for young people." "Lovely cats and dogs were once part of Menghua Street, cat cafes, dog hospitals, and the new Menghua Street will also Keep their home." This is the future picture designed by the students of Shanghai Datong Junior High School for Dream Flower Street.

Recently, the urban renewal creative competition "I am repairing buildings in the old city" ended in Laoximen Street, Huangpu District. Under the guidance of professional institutions such as the East China Architectural Design and Research Institute, eight teams of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens from Huangpu District presented their creative planning works for the old city and determined their rankings.

This competition lasted for several months. The expert team from East China Architectural Design and Research Institute paired up with the children, conducted on-site surveys, discussions, and communication, and creatively designed around four well-known roads in the old city area - Menghua Street, Penglai Road, Wenmiao Road, and Yingxun North Road.

Community neighborhood relationships are gradually becoming "cooler"... can they become "hotter" again?, Life is boiling as usual, community | Kangcheng | Neighborhood relations

Shanghai Confucian Temple is undergoing renovation and expansion projects. What business format will the future Confucian Temple historical district mainly operate in? The students from Jingye Middle School proposed a vision: the Confucian Temple neighborhood focuses on cultural formats and should develop cultural and creative products. During peak hours in the evening, outdoor positioning should be launched to promote the intellectual property of the Confucian Temple. In the vision of children at Meixi Primary School in Huangpu District, Penglai Road will be a lively and friendly children's friendly neighborhood in the future, with lively and lovely wall paintings, comfortable and friendly street crossing signs, playable and visually appealing figurines, and so on.

As a brand series event that Lao Ximen Street has been dedicated to building, the "I'm Building in the Old City" Urban Renewal Creative Competition has been held for three years since 2021. This time, the Old Ximen Street, architectural planning professional institutions, and schools are working together to create a platform for children to unleash their imagination, learn new knowledge, and inherit local culture. The relevant person in charge of the street said that they hope to use the competition to allow students from Old Ximen Street to personally participate in the renovation work of their own learning, life, and residence in the old city. They will use their own way to record the city's memory, inherit the history of the old city, and provide suggestions for the future development of Old Ximen Street.

Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas
Why do people choose the suburban park in Shanghai as the "place where dreams start"?, Overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses | Entrepreneurship | Suburban areas

Although only 28 years old, Shandong young man Xue Yunhao is already a "veteran entrepreneur". After graduating from Loughborough University in the UK and returning to China, he has had two entrepreneurial experiences in other provinces and cities. For his third entrepreneurial venture, he set his sights on Qingpu in Shanghai. "The park is big and new, and the office environment is very good!" This is Xue Yunhao's first impression of Shanghai Qingpu Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship Park. Having settled in the park for just over a month, Shanghai Shike Fun Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., founded by him, has entered the right track of development, and the incubated trendy toy brand is about to face the market. The reporter learned that in September last year, the Qingpu Innovation Park located in the Hongqiao Business District officially opened, and soon became a dream destination for "Xue Yunhao". In less than a year, the park has attracted nearly 50 entrepreneurial enterprises, and among the nearly 200 international students working hard in the park, the vast majority are master's students

It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry
It is expected that the new output value will be about 5 billion yuan after production, and 7 major industrial projects in Xinzhuang Industrial Zone will be concentrated in the manufacturing industry

On June 30th, the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in Shanghai held a concentrated groundbreaking ceremony for major industrial projects in 2023. Seven manufacturing projects, including Foster, Junjian Junze, and Aohua Endoscopy, began construction simultaneously, involving major equipment, biopharmaceuticals, new materials, fine chemicals, and productive service industries. It is understood that the 7 projects under construction this time have a total investment amount of 1.868 billion yuan, covering a total area of 134.48 acres. Among them, four new land acquisition projects and three existing renovation and expansion projects are expected to increase taxes by about 400 million yuan and increase production value by about 5 billion yuan after production. All 7 projects are in line with Minhang's "4+4" industrial positioning. The Xinzhuang Industrial Zone has started construction on 7 industrial projects in the same area, making manufacturing a key driving force for the park's economic development, while promoting the high-end and intelligent manufacturing industry in Minhang

Why Shanghai's "Project" Continuously Rises, 30 Years of Method | Service | Shanghai
Why Shanghai's "Project" Continuously Rises, 30 Years of Method | Service | Shanghai

In summer, Yang Quan, a delivery rider from Lincang, Yunnan, has once again encountered the toughest delivery season of the year. However, his heart is steadfast: the "Warm New Nest" new employment group service station in front of the Zhaofeng Square in Zhongshan Park is a harbor for him and his colleagues to shelter from wind and rain throughout the year, regardless of the extreme cold or heat. This is one of the many "warm new nests" in Changning District. Yang Quan, born on the banks of the Lancang River and born in the 1990s, did not know that in the bustling city center of Shanghai, many people used to live in shabby houses, some of whom also faced insurmountable difficulties such as serious illness and unemployment. The Huayang Road Street in Changning District, where Zhaofeng Square is located, is one of them. 30 years ago, grassroots cadres in Huayang visited day and night to understand the living conditions of all the disadvantaged groups and helped them solve difficulties one by one. From then on, a person who understands people

Do young people face three job search dilemmas? Shanghai Jinshan Holds a Theme Day Event for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates | Entrepreneurship | Jinshan
Do young people face three job search dilemmas? Shanghai Jinshan Holds a Theme Day Event for Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates | Entrepreneurship | Jinshan

On the afternoon of June 19th, the 2023 "Yangui Jinshan · Employment in the Bay Area" theme day for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the annuity mountainous area was held at the Haikuo Dong'an Cultural and Creative Industry Park. A series of activities were held on site, including the release of employment brochures, sharing of employment and entrepreneurship experiences, high-quality enterprise roadshows and talent recruitment, display of employment work achievements, comprehensive launch of seedling raising ceremony, and special recruitment activities, attracting a large number of key enterprises, internship bases, and college students to attend. It is worth noting that 52 companies participated in the on-site job fair that day, providing 212 positions and recruiting 570 people, with salaries generally ranging from 7000 yuan to 10000 yuan; Nearly 300 people entered the venue, received 238 resumes, and initially reached employment intentions for 75 people. At the launch ceremony, a skit titled "You and I on the Road to Job Seeking" was performed,

The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum
The outdoor space of the China Maritime Museum is open for free at night for the first time, and the exhibition of maritime heavy equipment showcases the new ocean | China | Museum

On June 13th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission and the Shanghai Municipal Oceanic Bureau, the "Exploration of Deep Blue: China Ocean Science and Deep Diving Exhibition" jointly organized by the China Maritime Museum and the Shanghai Marine Management Affairs Center was officially launched at the China Maritime Museum. The exhibition will be held in the second temporary exhibition hall of the museum and will last until October 8, 2023. This exhibition is the second exhibition of the "Contemporary China Maritime Equipment Series Exhibition" launched by the China Maritime Museum, following the "Blue Ship Theory". The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Comprehensive Science Examination", "Professional Science Examination", "Special Science Examination", and "Guarding the Blue Ocean". From the perspectives of technology, equipment, and nature, the exhibition focuses on showcasing the brilliant achievements of contemporary China's marine science examination and deep diving industry, explaining the harmonious coexistence between humans and the ocean, strengthening ocean awareness education, and helping to promote marine culture