Baoshan is comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the cruise economy, and MSC Mediterranean Cruise Line releases China's first voyage plan in March next year in Shanghai | Enterprise | Cruise Line

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:59 AM

On July 11th, the 19th China Maritime Day, Baoshan District held a "Promoting High Quality Development of Cruise Economy Enterprise Salon" at Wusongkou International Cruise Port.

World renowned cruise enterprises, Chinese cruise enterprises, leading Chinese cultural and tourism enterprises, as well as Wusongkou Cultural and Tourism Investment Group and Wusongkou International Cruise Port Company, gathered together to discuss topics such as attracting international brand cruise ships to dock, enhancing the operational capacity of Wusongkou International Cruise Port, gathering cruise industry chain enterprises, and building Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort.

The participating companies believe that with the gradual resumption of operation of China's international cruise routes, Baoshan will rely on Asia's largest cruise port to build a cruise tourism resort, expand the cruise economy industry chain, promote high-quality development of regional cruise economy, and have a solid foundation and development space. International cruise companies have stated that they will continue to increase the layout of China's cruise routes, and leading tourism companies will also increase resource docking to assist Baoshan in promoting the construction of Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort, and to support the high-quality development of Shanghai's international cruise economy. At the meeting, MSC Mediterranean Cruise, the only multinational regional headquarters enterprise of cruise ships in China, released information on the first voyage of the Asian flagship MSC Honor in March 2024.

MSC Honor's 2024 Wusongkou First Flight Plan Released

MSC Mediterranean Cruises China President Huang Ruiling officially announced at the meeting that MSC Mediterranean Cruises, the world's largest family owned cruise enterprise, will return to the Chinese market with a heavy weight in 2024. They plan to lead the way on March 16 of that year, opening international cruise routes from Shanghai to neighboring countries. At that time, MSC Glory, the largest and latest flagship cruise ship in Asia, will become the first international cruise ship to return to the home port of Chinese Mainland after the epidemic. Starting today, relevant routes will simultaneously open inquiry and booking services.

Baoshan is comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the cruise economy, and MSC Mediterranean Cruise Line releases China's first voyage plan in March next year in Shanghai | Enterprise | Cruise Line

It is understood that the first batch of spring routes for MSC Honor in 2024 will include a total of 9 5-day, 4-night or 6-day, 5-night voyages, leading guests to popular cruise destinations such as Fukuoka, Kagoshima, and Sasebo, to deeply experience the charming scenery of surrounding countries and cities. At the same time, summer routes have also been actively promoted and deployed.

The MSC Honor was launched in 2019 and is a legendary cruise ship built at a huge cost by MSC Mediterranean Cruises. Its maximum passenger capacity is 5686 people, with a total registered tonnage of 172000 tons, a total length of 315 meters, a height of 65 meters, and a total of 2217 high-quality cabins. In Italian, Bellissima means "supreme beauty". At that time, this "ship of utmost beauty" will become the latest and largest luxury cruise ship deployed at Baoshan Port in Shanghai, bringing unforgettable luxury cruise experiences to Chinese guests.

At the end of this year, the MSC Honor will first enter China Resources Dadong Shipyard in Shanghai for daily maintenance and upkeep, in preparation for its official return to sea next year. This is the first time that MSC Mediterranean cruise ships have entered a dry dock in China for maintenance work. Huang Ruiling said, "Ship maintenance is an important part of the cruise industry chain. This early entry into China Resources Dadong Shipyard for preparation is not only for routine ship maintenance and upgrading to facilities customized for Chinese tourists, but also to support the high-quality development of Shanghai and China's cruise economy through practical actions and the grand vision of expanding and strengthening the industry chain. We will continue to deeply cultivate this thriving land of the cruise industry, continuously upgrade local deployment and investment. We look forward to reuniting with everyone on the MSC Honor as soon as possible, and we look forward to a more glorious tomorrow for the Chinese cruise market."

Previously, Royal Caribbean also announced that it will return to Shanghai in April next year, and its "Ocean Spectral" will resume flights from Wusongkou, operating more than 40 voyages. Aida Cruise and Tui Cruise will also berth at Wusongkou next year. It is foreseeable that globally renowned cruise ship brands will once again gather in Baoshan in 2024.

Baoshan is also actively preparing. The relevant person in charge stated that during the three years when international cruise ships were suspended from operation, Baoshan seized the opportunity and worked hard to implement the "Oriental Eye" major renovation project, optimizing the new mode of boarding and disembarking ship routes for the combined operation of the Oriental Eye+T1 and T2 terminals; A new wave shaped membrane structure corridor with an area of approximately 14000 square meters will be built on the dock platform, and areas such as VIP rooms, mother and baby rooms, consultation announcements, and self-service ticketing will be added to provide more humane and convenient services for inbound tourists; The basic construction of key projects such as the Maritime Traffic Management Center, Smart Cruise Port, Public Service Platform for Ticket Sales, and Cruise Data Information Center has been completed, and the level of port intelligence has been comprehensively improved; The project of opening up the Binjiang demonstration section has taken shape, and commercial and commercial carrier projects such as Shanghai Changtan and Yuejianghui have begun to take shape, achieving a linkage of over 2000 acres of Binjiang landscape greening. The district port linkage provides more environmentally friendly leisure and entertainment venues for citizens and tourists; The plan for Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort has been implemented, and the three-year action plan has been launched, marking a new start to the "Three Visits" economy.

Baoshan is comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the cruise economy, and MSC Mediterranean Cruise Line releases China's first voyage plan in March next year in Shanghai | Enterprise | Cruise Line

Using ships as a medium to create "one district, one port, and two highlands"

The Shanghai Action Plan for Promoting High Quality Development of International Cruise Economy clearly states that Baoshan Wusongkou will focus on building a cruise operation headquarters base with global resource allocation capabilities and a Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort with the theme of "cruise ships, yachts, and yachts".

According to the Shanghai Action Plan, Baoshan has formulated and released the Baoshan Implementation Plan for Promoting High Quality Development of International Cruise Economy. The Baoshan Implementation Plan proposes that Baoshan is the first experimental zone for the development of China's cruise tourism and the first demonstration zone for the development of China's cruise tourism. With high-level reform and opening up, Baoshan aims to promote the high-quality development of the cruise industry, focusing on the development direction of strengthening the "four major functions" and promoting the construction of the "five centers" in Shanghai. It comprehensively constructs the Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort with international cruise characteristics and maritime gateway identification, and strives to build a cruise operation headquarters base with global resource allocation capabilities, expand the cruise economy industry chain, and improve the contribution of the cruise economy.

The goal of promoting high-quality development of the cruise economy is clearly stated in the plan: by 2025, a project development investment of 3 billion yuan will be achieved, and a new 300000 square meter cultural, business and tourism complex will be added; It receives 300 international cruise ships annually and receives 2.7 million tourists annually; Gathering a group of cruise headquarters enterprises and settling in at least one competitive local cruise brand; The scale of local procurement for cruise ships continues to expand, and the proportion of domestic ship supply on international cruise routes has increased to around 30%.

The Baoshan Implementation Plan proposes 18 work measures to build "one district, one port, and two highlands". One zone refers to the fully functional Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort. According to the plan, we will focus on the construction of vacation areas and implement five specific measures: accelerating the construction and operation of functional projects, promoting the improvement of leisure consumption space, vigorously promoting the development of tourism products, continuously enhancing the influence of brand activities, and exploring innovative governance models for the linkage between the district and the port. One port, which is the largest efficient cruise home port in Asia. The plan specifies five specific measures to improve the infrastructure construction of cruise ports, enhance the level of cruise port supervision services, enhance the comprehensive hub function of cruise home ports, promote the improvement of onshore transportation supporting systems, and establish a sound emergency response management system.

Baoshan is comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the cruise economy, and MSC Mediterranean Cruise Line releases China's first voyage plan in March next year in Shanghai | Enterprise | Cruise Line

According to the plan, we will create a "cruise industry cluster highland with radiating driving effects", starting from fully building a cruise operation headquarters base, promoting the landing of cruise characteristic supporting industries, expanding the scale of cruise material supply, and actively cultivating the cultural tourism and leisure industry. To build a "cruise ecological innovation highland with demonstration and leading effects", we need to promote innovation in cruise operation services and regulatory mechanisms, standardize cruise tourism market management, enhance the international influence of cruise tourism, and improve the cruise talent support system.

At present, Baoshan is comprehensively promoting the development, construction, and investment operation of functional projects in the resort area. The civil engineering of the Yuejianghui project was completed on June 30th, and it will create an urban complex that integrates theme commerce, resort hotels, and the headquarters of the Three Visits. The renovation and upgrading project of tourism supporting facilities in the resort is being orderly promoted to enhance the landscape of the main entrance of the resort, the landscape along the Suitang River, and the landscape of the Yuejiang Hui section. Taking ships as the medium, water as the foundation, and shore as the wing, Shanghai International Cruise Tourism Resort will focus on creating a new space for vacation, a new leisure Xintiandi, a new cultural tourism coordinate, and a new consumption field, and is committed to becoming an important hub of cruise tourism in the world.

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