What does this area rely on?, Continuously winning 5 times, becoming the first national civilized urban community in Shanghai | Pudong | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:52 PM

"Being able to 'move in' with a bag, within half an hour of work, the environment in the youth community is good and quiet, and the happiness index of life is soaring!" Recently, the renovation project of the Boshuo Creative Park Youth Community located in Tangqiao Street, Pudong was launched and immediately welcomed by white-collar workers in the Lujiazui Financial City. In the process of striving to create a national civilized urban area in Pudong New Area, a series of projects, including the overall improvement and creation of a high-quality urban area special action plan, have brought new opportunities to enterprises and improved the quality of life of residents.

As the first national civilized urban area in the city, Pudong New Area has won this honor for five consecutive times since 2005. For many years, Pudong New Area has always adhered to the creation of a civilized urban area as an effective means of solving governance problems and doing practical things for the people, making civilization an ubiquitous detail of life, the spiritual outlook and value orientation of a city, and forming a new pattern of "civilized Pudong" that matches the leading area of socialist modernization construction. "Building Pudong into a city of faith, goodness, happiness, charm, good governance, and sharing in the new era, enhancing the business environment of the leading area, and painting the warm background of urban civilization," said the relevant person in charge of the Pudong New Area Civilization Office.

Preserve the "fireworks" in the creation of civilization

When it comes to vegetable markets, night markets, back streets and alleys, public toilets... many people easily associate these places with "dirty, messy, and poor" and "old and shabby". In the process of creating a civilized urban area, how to not only rectify the "shortcomings" of urban management, but also preserve the "fireworks" of citizens' lives as much as possible, and avoid affecting their normal lives, has become a difficult problem that Pudong is striving to solve.

Since 2021, Pudong New Area has focused on key and difficult points and carried out the "two major challenges" action. One of them is to accelerate the standardization transformation of vegetable markets.

Every morning, the Jinyang Market on Jinyang Road is particularly lively. Apart from buying groceries, many residents come specifically for breakfast. The predecessor of Jinyang Market was Zaozhuang Market, built in 1998. In 2021, after conducting thorough research on surrounding residents, the local government clearly integrated the "vegetable basket project" with the "breakfast project" for renovation. In 2022, Jinyang Market was listed as a five-star standardized vegetable market in Shanghai, making it the first vegetable market in Pudong to receive this honor.

Nowadays, in 36 streets and towns in Pudong, more and more vegetable markets are carefully planned, incorporating various community service facilities and functions that residents need, so that vegetable markets can not only meet basic needs such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation, but also meet the diverse material and spiritual needs of residents. Residents have found that a better and more beautiful market does not create a sense of alienation, but rather exudes a stronger sense of fireworks.

There are many similar attempts. In addition to accelerating the standardized transformation of the vegetable market, Pudong is also accelerating the comprehensive renovation of old residential areas, focusing on the surrounding communities in key areas such as markets, hospitals, and stations, and synchronously designing, constructing, and accepting to ensure that the environment of old residential areas is clean, facilities are in good condition, governance is orderly, and civilized and harmonious.

When it comes to the changes in the community after comprehensive renovation, Aunt Zhang Lizhen, who lives in Jizhong Village, Shanggang New Village Street, gave a thumbs up. The Jizhong Village where Aunt Zhang resides, along with Jiyang Second Village and Jiyang Third Village, belongs to the Jiyang area, which is a contiguous residential area. It was built in the early 1990s. Since May 2020, Shanggang Xincun Street has fully launched the comprehensive renovation of old houses in the Jiyang area. Over the past three years, more than ten practical projects have been implemented, including the diversion of rainwater and sewage, the repair and reinforcement of houses directly above the Longyao Road Tunnel, the renovation of technical defense facilities in old communities, and the management and renovation of domestic water for residents. The total investment is nearly 170 million yuan, with a total of 240000 square meters of renovated houses, benefiting 4909 households in the area.

In the practice of "I do practical things for the people", Pudong New Area takes the "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the people as the starting point, comprehensively promotes the comprehensive management of "urban villages" and old residential areas, empowers "doorstep" services with spiritual civilization construction, and strives to solve grassroots governance problems. Last year alone, the entire district arranged 46 comprehensive renovation projects for old residential areas, with a total funding of 638 million yuan, an increase of 78 million yuan from the previous year. Currently, 41 projects have been completed. The resolution of difficult problems brings about a significant improvement in the quality of urban areas, and also provides strong support for consolidating the achievements of creating civilized urban areas and improving the level of creation work.

Creating a Better Life with Optimal Resources

In recent years, a number of major cultural landmarks such as the Shanghai Library East, Shanghai Museum East, Shanghai Opera House, Pudong Art Museum, and Pudong Library have emerged one after another, outlining the magnificent "skyline" of public cultural facilities in Pudong.

The ultimate goal of civilization creation is to achieve convenience and benefit for the people. Pudong insists on leaving the best resources to the people and providing the best services to them.

What does this area rely on?, Continuously winning 5 times, becoming the first national civilized urban community in Shanghai | Pudong | Shanghai

This year, the first "Joyful Reading Forest" in China, jointly created by Pudong New Area and Shanghai Library, is open to the public. This public space, covering an area of over 20000 square meters, harmoniously interweaves the Eastern Pavilion of Shangtu with nature, like a beautiful painting.

Along with the forest green space shown in the picture above, it has become a "internet celebrity", as well as the Shanghai Jinhai Wetland Science Popularization Museum. This newly opened science popularization venue provides citizens with a place to experience the beauty of wetlands up close, helping Pudong build an ecological and civilized urban area.

During lunch break, a melodious ensemble was heard in the lobby of 333 Century Building located in Huamu Street, where the first performance of the 2023 Huamu · Art Enterprise Music Festival was being held. Huamu Street is deepening the implementation of the "Splendid Flowers and Trees · Five Kilometer Urban Cultural Circle" construction, tailoring diversified cultural service projects and sending them into building commercial districts. Chen Feng, Deputy General Manager of the Asset Department of Pukai Group, the operator of the building, said, "Enterprises are willing to take root in Pudong and stay in the building. What attracts them is not only rental discounts, but also various high-quality cultural services that can help us shape the business environment in all aspects."

At the beginning of this year, Pudong New Area was designated as a comprehensive demonstration zone for Shanghai's business environment, and recently released 20 key tasks to optimize the business environment. The level of civilization is also a crucial business environment. Through the special action of creating civilization, Pudong will further promote comfortable living, high-quality services, quality experience, and economic activity.

Everyone consciously enhances the level of civilization creation

During holidays, in the reading room of the New Era Civilization Practice Sub center in Yangjing Street, one can often see the figures of three generations: Grandma Qian and full-time mother Aunt Yan and their daughter volunteer here every Friday morning. During winter and summer vacations, they bring their two grandsons together to tidy up their bookshelves and share their reading experiences

According to Song Dongmei, Secretary General of Pudong Volunteer Association, there are 71 volunteer service bases at the city and district levels in the entire district, with over 1.3 million registered volunteers and 4000 registered volunteer service teams active in the new era of civilization practice. Over 8600 volunteer service projects are released annually.

In the process of creating a civilized urban area, Pudong focuses on building a community of volunteer services that everyone has a responsibility, everyone is responsible, everyone participates, and everyone enjoys. It is committed to achieving the transformation from a civilized highland to a civilized peak through the creation of a civilized urban area.

Pudong New Area was the first in the city to propose the "right turn must stop" policy, calling for the mobilization of large vehicles in the entire area to implement the "right turn must stop" safety driving measures and reduce traffic accidents caused by right turns. Pudong has also launched the "Guarding Right Turn" volunteer action, actively mobilizing large vehicle transportation enterprises and citizens to participate in the "Right Turn Must Stop" action. Now, this practice has been promoted throughout the city.

Starting from November 1st last year, the "Several Provisions on Promoting Innovation in Residential Community Governance in Pudong New Area, Shanghai" began to be implemented. Focusing on the stubborn problem of community governance, Pudong is filling the gap with legislation and systems, focusing on strengthening the construction of residents' autonomous capacity, better leveraging the role of diverse forces, and achieving "everyone's affairs are discussed by everyone".

"Creating for the people, benefiting the people, and relying on the people", Pudong is deeply practicing the concept of "People's City", continuously stimulating the enthusiasm of citizens to participate with the practical achievements of creating a beneficial and beneficial city, and promoting the continuous improvement of urban civilization through the conscious practice of citizen civilization. In the creation of a civilized city area, it tells the story of China and Shanghai in the new era well.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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