What are you interested in?, He has opened 5 companies in this district of Shanghai. Urban area | Putuo District | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:53 PM

What kind of city does everyone aspire to be? In the eyes of Putuo District, it is a large tree with lush branches and leaves: its roots are composed of the blue water system in the urban area; Branches and leaves are green corridors and park green spaces; The fruit is a public service facility distributed in each community street. Their organic combination makes this urban area full of vitality.

These colorful colors are not only related to infrastructure construction and the level of civilization, but also to people's livelihoods. In 2016, Putuo District proposed the goal of "actively striving to create a national civilized urban area" and has always adhered to the principle of putting the people at the center. In accordance with the requirements of "all staff, all time, and all areas", the concept of "serving the people, benefiting the people, and relying on the people" is integrated throughout the entire process of creating a civilized urban area, and the level of urban civilization is increasingly improving.

"Reliable" Service Enterprises Boost Economic Development

"Credit to enterprises is an intangible asset that cannot be seen or touched. However, in Putuo, this' intangible 'asset can be exchanged for high-quality services that can be felt." The person in charge of a company in Putuo District sighed, "After joining the' Credit Alliance ', I have truly enjoyed the benefits and convenience of credit empowering the development of enterprises.". "The district market supervision bureau has tailored a 'health examination report' for us, providing us with timely and regular warning information, helping us avoid the risk of dishonesty and improve our compliance management level."

As a demonstration zone for the construction of the national social credit system, Putuo District actively explores the creation of a civilized urban area empowered by credit. In June 2021, the Development and Reform Commission of Putuo District and other units launched the "Credit Alliance" to provide special service rights such as credit repair green channels for selected enterprises, inclusion in the district's "Xinyi Loan" whitelist, and reduction of spot checks. Now, nearly 150 companies have joined.

The Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Construction Work Conference held this year emphasized the need to better serve the deepening of reform and opening up, strengthen the awareness that "everyone is a business environment, and everything is related to the business environment", improve the level of window services, demonstrate the civilized literacy of citizens, and bring more excellent enterprises and talents closer and closer.

Nowadays, the gross domestic product of Putuo region has reached the level of 100 billion yuan, and the district level fiscal revenue has exceeded the threshold of 10 billion yuan. The industrial structure adjustment and the cultivation of key industries have achieved significant results. "All of this is thanks to Putuo's targeted approach to economic development - development is for the people, and the center of development is the people. We need to think from a different perspective, serve enterprises with heart to heart, and promote regional economic development," said Huang Shengli, director of the District Investment Promotion Office.

When it comes to the business environment in Putuo District, a word passed down by entrepreneurs is "reliable". "I didn't expect the registration process to be so fast! When handling business, if we encountered problems such as incomplete materials, staff would assist us throughout the process, coordinate with the park to solve the problems, and help us complete the changed materials." Wang Jiu, Deputy General Manager of Jingnong Zhengxin Industrial Development Co., Ltd., said, "Putuo has made me deeply appreciate the help of a first-class business environment for enterprises. We have registered four more companies in Putuo consecutively, and in the future, I will also recommend Putuo to other entrepreneurial friends."

Implementing the concept of sharing to make citizens more comfortable

"The 15th line has reached my doorstep, and when you push the door, you'll find schools, parks, shopping malls, and hospitals. I couldn't even imagine this kind of life before," said Jin Bin, a villager from Qilian Village who lives in Qilian New Home, Taopu Town, Putuo District. Not only Jin Bin, but in the past few years, people living in Putuo District have been able to feel that the transportation network system, block landscape, living environment, low-carbon living, digital infrastructure and other work in the entire district have improved in quantity, quality, and progress in unison.

What are you interested in?, He has opened 5 companies in this district of Shanghai. Urban area | Putuo District | Shanghai

The 21 kilometer shoreline of the Suzhou River Putuo section has been fully connected, and the "Half Masu River" waterfront space has begun to take shape. From small residents bidding farewell to "carrying toilets" at home, the collection and renovation of houses below the second level old neighborhood have been fully completed. This year, 12 new citizen fitness trails will be built and renovated, and 250 new elderly care beds will be added. These elements that are related to the quality of Putuo urban area and people's lives will continue to improve, allowing every citizen to feel changes in every detail, experience happiness in the changes, and share the achievements of creating a civilized urban area.

When it comes to benefiting the people, silk will surely flourish. The largest open green space in the city center, Taopu Central Green Space, has been built in Putuo District, achieving full connectivity of the 21 kilometer shoreline of the Suzhou River Putuo section. It has also created the first artistic high line park in Shanghai, the Millennium Park, to share public space with citizens; In order to make people's travel more comfortable, 400 new public charging stations will be added this year, and the improvement of waterlogging on Xingshan Road will be completed. In addition, Putuo District will also build 2 new citizen sports fields, 30 citizen puzzle and fitness park points, and renovate 1 citizen fitness station this year.

"Putuo is really getting more and more beautiful!" Liu Kai, who lives in Changshou Road Street, Putuo District, said after participating in the Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon on April 22 this year. "The riverside section has a broad view, and the river breeze blows. These are streets that I have been familiar with since I was young, but the scenery is not the same as before. It is both warm and somewhat touching. As a Putuo person, I have gained a sense of happiness. My whole family will register together next year!" This year, 4000 runners joined the race. "Beautiful" is the most frequently mentioned comment after the race.

On the basis of fully connecting the shoreline, Putuo District also comprehensively coordinates the landscape and facilities on both sides of Suzhou River, creating a number of new landmarks such as M50 Creative Park and Tian'an Qianshu. More and more citizens are using the riverside trail as a good place for fitness and rest. These landmarks not only connect a boutique cultural tourism route along the Suzhou River, but also effectively promote the vigorous development of the waterfront economy in Putuo District, adding new annotations to the civilized Putuo.

Cultivate a fertile soil of morality and advocate for a new trend of the times

Putuo is known as the "Red West of Shanghai" and is one of the birthplaces of the Chinese labor movement, as well as an important activity site for early party organizations. Taking the creation of a national civilized urban area as an opportunity, Putuo District fully leverages the role of a patriotic education base, and strives to protect, manage, and utilize red resources with care and emotion. Continuously promoting high-quality online educational resources and expanding patriotic education practice scenarios through digital means; Mobilize more than 20 volunteers to spread red stories and carry out 12 episodes of the "Searching for Red Memories and Entering Workers' Schools" series of people's stories; Organize more than 80 special lectures on "Listening to the Party's Words and Following the Party's Micro Propaganda to Enter the Hundred Schools"; Carry out more than 100 activities such as the "Red Shanghai West" labor movement landmark search and red off-road activities, allowing the inheritance of red genes and revolutionary fuel from generation to generation.

In addition, Putuo District has always regarded the cultivation, selection, and promotion of advanced models as an important part of the creation of a civilized urban area. In various fields of economic and social development such as education, technology, health, and sports, major models continue to emerge. At the 60th anniversary celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China, 6 people from Putuo District were invited to observe the ceremony at the Tiananmen Gate Tower; Two people from Putuo District were selected for the selection of "100 people who have moved China since the establishment of the People's Republic of China"; On the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, "the most beautiful striver in the country" was commended, and Putuo people were on the list... Since the reform and opening up, Putuo District has cultivated and elected more than 350 national exemplary individual and model worker, with the typical number always leading.

Starting from March 2021, Putuo District launched a public solicitation activity for the "Putuo District Citizen Civilization Code", selecting 24 articles, starting from the "nerve endings", to transform the "great principles" of civilization creation into behavior consciousness recognized by the masses. Carry out the national fitness activity of "Walking on Beautiful Trails Together to Create Civilized Putuo" in the park; On the road, carry out the "Guarding Civilized Transportation, You and I Safe Together" civilized transportation action; In the community, carry out civilized improvement actions such as "raising pets in a civilized manner", "using water in a civilized manner", and "sorting household waste"; Building more "mutual aid buildings," "cultural buildings," "vitality buildings," and "care buildings" in the building group... The popularity of creating a civilized urban area in Putuo District continues to heat up.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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Are you familiar with Ling Jiajia, who is actively helping young people find employment? This "internet celebrity" workplace mentor offers | platform | Ling Jiajia

"What should I pay attention to when communicating with interviewers?" "What should I do when encountering a strong opponent in a leaderless group interview?" "Did you ask about these details before accepting the offer?"... In the past two years, a career mentor named "Ling Jiajia" has been active on various social media platforms. ". She not only frequently shares job search skills, but also recommends a large number of high-quality positions, attracting the attention of many young people. Who is Ling Jiajia? This is the workplace mentor IP tailored by Shanghai Foreign Service for the youth group, which can also be said to be a native of Shanghai. The reason why this IP is called "Ling Jiajia" is because "Ling Jiajia" has a similar pronunciation to "neighbor sister" in Shanghai, implying that this workplace mentor is as friendly as a neighbor sister and can provide professional and thoughtful guidance for young people. Recently, the first session of Shanghai

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What does Shanghai rely on to safeguard the safety of medical insurance funds?, Over the past five years, nearly 600 million yuan of "life-saving money" has been recovered. Supervision | Inspection | Shanghai

This is an unusual meeting. According to the inspection, we found that the hospital has problems such as excessive payment, duplicate charges, non-standard charges, and providing unnecessary medical services... Recently, in the conference room on the second floor of a designated medical institution in Shanghai, dozens of representatives from the medical insurance company and the hospital sat face to face at a long table. Listening to the medical insurance staff report the examination results, the hospital leader's expression was serious and tense. Originally, the Supervision and Inspection Office of the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau was holding a daily inspection feedback meeting here. Over the past five years, it has been through such daily inspections, as well as flight inspections, special inspections, and reporting investigations, that the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau has recovered more than 550 million yuan from 11575 designated institutions that violated regulations, and more than 20 million yuan from 11696 individuals who violated regulations. In total, nearly 20 million yuan has been recovered from the medical insurance fund

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Since its launch, Suishen Code has developed a large number of convenient services in fields such as medical treatment, transportation, cultural tourism, and social governance. What new applications will "Suishen Code" provide in the future? Yesterday, the first Shanghai "Suishen Code" Application Innovation Competition came to an end, with innovative talents and enterprise teams from various industries focusing on technology assistance for the elderly and disabled, smart campuses, medical health, government services, urban governance, and other fields, submitting more than 200 entries. The organizer of the competition, Shanghai Big Data Center, stated that it is currently accelerating the construction of a comprehensive urban service and governance system with "one person, one code, one enterprise, one code, one object, one code", to upgrade "Suishen Code" to a more convenient and functional "City Code". Innovative applications are expected to be implemented and promoted. In October last year, the city's big data center was listed by the city's science and technology commission and other organizations

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Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research