To deepen high-level reform and opening up and fully stimulate the vitality of high-quality development! The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee passed a heavyweight document regulation | Industry | Power

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:41 AM

The third plenary meeting of the 12th Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC was held at the World Expo Center on July 4.

The plenary session is presided over by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, gave an explanation on the "Opinions" and gave a speech on implementing the spirit of the plenary session and doing a good job in the second half of the year. Li Jinbin, the leader of the Fifth Central Guidance Group, attended the meeting to provide guidance. Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the meeting.

The plenary session pointed out that this year is the beginning year of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the starting year of implementing the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the city. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, and made new arrangements for deepening high-level reform and opening up.

To deepen high-level reform and opening up and fully stimulate the vitality of high-quality development! The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee passed a heavyweight document regulation | Industry | Power

Only by deepening the construction of the "Five Centers" can Shanghai's development clench its fists, strengthen strategic leadership, and better play the leading role. The "four major functions" reflect the quality orientation and integration effect of deepening the construction of the "five centers". Only by continuously enhancing the "four major functions" can Shanghai find the main direction for deepening the construction of the "five centers", concentrate on overcoming difficulties, enhance the overall, collaborative, and creative nature of reform and opening up, and drive the comprehensive upgrading of the "five centers". The increase in the demand for functional enhancement requires more quality improvement. Only by deepening high-level reform and opening up, and carrying out greater policy and institutional innovation, can the "four major functions" continuously achieve breakthroughs and leaps.

The meeting pointed out that currently, the international political and economic landscape is undergoing profound adjustments, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening. To firmly grasp the initiative of development, it is necessary to better coordinate high-quality "bringing in" and high-level "going out", better coordinate "in China and for the world", and better coordinate onshore and offshore. We should actively promote technological self-reliance and self-improvement, accelerate forward-looking layout, industrial transformation and upgrading, play the role of economic center cities, and drive the overall improvement of regional industrial cluster competitiveness.

The meeting pointed out the need to strengthen the global resource allocation function and demonstrate the strategic position of high-quality development. Expand and strengthen the capital factor market, efficiently allocate key factor resources such as talent, technology, and data, and enhance the global operation level of business entities. We need to strengthen the function of technological innovation as a source of policy, and stimulate the surging momentum of high-quality development. Strengthen basic research, enhance key core technology research and technology transfer and transformation, and build an open innovation system with global competitiveness. We need to strengthen the leading role of high-end industries and play a demonstrative role in high-quality development. Focusing on the three leading industries and future industries to build world-class industrial clusters, promoting intelligent, green, and integrated development with six key industries as the main focus, leveraging the empowering role of productive service industries in industrial upgrading, and cultivating world-class enterprises with benchmark and demonstrative significance. We need to strengthen the function of open hub portals and enhance the radiation capability of high-quality development. Deepen institutional openness such as rules, regulations, management, and standards, deepen trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, enhance competitiveness in "going global" development, and build a world-class shipping hub.

To deepen high-level reform and opening up and fully stimulate the vitality of high-quality development! The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee passed a heavyweight document regulation | Industry | Power

The plenary session emphasized the need to adhere to the "four priorities", take a leading position and take on the role of pioneers, and be the pioneers of high-level reform and opening up. Deeply grasp the inherent mechanism and underlying logic of promoting high-quality development, always regard activating the "first driving force" of innovation as the core direction of grasping the key move of "reform and opening up", firmly adhere to the correct direction of reform and opening up, fully implement the requirements of the central deployment, and organically unify the logic of technology, market, and governance. Dynamically grasp the development trend of technology and industry, scientifically assess the maturity of technology, accurately grasp the direction and focus of future development, timely and proactively seize the layout, better nurture the "nuclear explosion point" of the industry, and create new development highlights. Anticipate the market application prospects and industrial cultivation prospects of technological breakthroughs, and achieve efficient and rapid coupling of innovation chains, industrial chains, and value chains. Better leverage the role of the government, leverage the advantages of the new national system in areas of strategic competition, system necessity, and development necessity, focus on system layout, supply and demand docking, force organization, platform construction, and policy supply, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of the city's innovation system, amplifying the overall effectiveness of the reform and opening up initiative. We need to align with international high standard economic and trade rules, fully implement the task of expanding opening up first and foremost, steadily and orderly carry out supporting reforms and system integration of local legislation, in-process and post supervision, and management mechanisms, and enhance the overall ability to conduct risk and stress testing. We should be brave enough to explore the construction of rules, pay attention to grasping the characteristics and development trends of international rules from the perspective of historical evolution and underlying logic, actively participate in the construction of international rules in key areas, and explore new paths and contributions for China's participation in global economic governance. We must firmly build a safety barrier, prioritize strengthening risk prevention, accelerate the construction of a regulatory system that is compatible with high-level openness and high-quality development, and establish a sound, precise, efficient, and reliable safety guarantee system. Promote the transformation of traditional supervision towards digital supervision, risk supervision, and credit supervision, and continuously improve the level of legal and scientific supervision. Enhance the linkage of regulatory systems and cross departmental collaboration around open areas such as investment access, trade regulation, financial management, and overseas investment. Enhance the resilience and security level of the industrial and supply chains, closely focus on industrial upgrading and building world-class industrial clusters, rely on the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, and carry out in-depth actions to supplement, extend, upgrade, and build chains, enhancing the configuration and influence of the supply chain.

The plenary session emphasized that all regions and departments should have a broad perspective on the development of the country, adhere to putting regional and departmental work in the overall development of the Party and the country, strengthen benchmarking and benchmarking, and always think and act in the overall situation. Leaders and cadres at all levels should be adept at observing and analyzing economic issues with a political perspective, continuously improving their political judgment, understanding, and execution abilities, and ensuring that all work related to high-level reform and opening up always moves in the right direction. We must promote a pragmatic approach, deepen understanding, clarify responsibilities, strengthen innovation, improve mechanisms, and accelerate the formation of specific timelines, task books, responsibility letters, and construction drawings. Carry forward the spirit of daring to try, daring to break through, and making independent changes, strengthen the execution, creativity, and penetration of the first attempt, formulate action plans well, implement key measures well, thoroughly study past problems, and work closely around grasping key points, overcoming difficulties, and overcoming obstacles to ensure that the tasks proposed in the Opinion take root.

The plenary session pointed out that we must strengthen our confidence, face difficulties, and work harder to do a good job in the current and second half of the year's party building, reform, development, and stability. We must effectively transform the spirit of the plenary session into a strong driving force for work, entrepreneurship, and overcoming difficulties. With a high spirit of hard work, we must build the party stronger and more powerful, consolidate the momentum of economic recovery, and maintain the overall situation of social harmony and stability. Continuously promote the deepening and implementation of theme education, better reflect the guidance of reality, practical style, and practical effects, and strive for a new journey and make contributions to the new era. Theoretical learning requires a deep understanding, internalizing loyalty and support for the "two establishment" and resolutely implementing the "two maintenance" in one's heart and in one's actions. Investigation and research should be effective in practice, and greater efforts should be made to strengthen system integration and collaborative consultation. The shortcomings and difficulties should be studied deeper and more thoroughly, and effective and actionable policy measures should be proposed to make them understandable and feasible at the grassroots level, achieving tangible results. To inspect and rectify, we must take real actions and implement hard measures. For the problems identified, we must immediately identify and correct them, classify and rectify them, and carry out special rectification. We should pay attention to drawing lessons from other cases and forming a long-term mechanism. Firmly establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, deeply analyze the requirements of Party conduct, Party spirit, and Party discipline, take action to rectify and revitalize the style of work and entrepreneurship.

To deepen high-level reform and opening up and fully stimulate the vitality of high-quality development! The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee passed a heavyweight document regulation | Industry | Power

The plenary session pointed out that efforts should be focused on high-quality development. Closely tracking economic trends, strengthening analysis and judgment, taking measures according to the situation, consolidating the foundation of sustained economic growth, and accelerating the overall improvement of economic operation. The policy effect should be fully unleashed to give business entities a stronger sense of gain. We need to take the initiative in transformation and upgrading, stabilize the basic situation of the entire city's industry, play a leading role in emerging industries, vigorously improve the level of the service industry, accelerate the cultivation of a number of leading enterprises and high growth enterprises, and form new momentum for high-quality economic development. To optimize the business environment, continuous efforts should be made, and leaders at all levels should make shaping a first-class business environment a "top priority" project and effectively grasp it. Ensure and improve people's livelihoods with care and emotion. The new round of popular support project is a solemn commitment to the people, to provide practical solutions, accomplish practical tasks, and seek practical results, so that the people can benefit widely, greatly, and sustainably. Urban renewal concerns the immediate interests of the people and the long-term development of the city. It is necessary to focus on forming a sustainable urban renewal model, strengthen systematic and integrated policy innovation, and launch a number of sustainable and replicable renewal projects. The multi-level housing security system needs to be accelerated and improved. Public spaces carry the higher expectations of the public for a better life. We need to tap into potential, innovate methods, and turn more enclosed spaces into open spaces. Garbage classification requires everyone to take action and make every effort to create an upgraded version, making it a new low-carbon lifestyle fashion. Efforts should be made to promote the employment of college graduates and to retain talents for urban development. Resolutely maintain urban security and social stability. Comprehensively investigate various risks and hidden dangers, closely monitor key industries and conduct thorough inspections. The rectification of problems should be consistent and never let go until the problems are solved. Firmly establish bottom line thinking and extreme thinking, further strengthen the deployment of flood prevention and disaster relief, refine and implement various measures, and build a strong safety defense line during the flood season. We will tighten the responsibility for safety production layer by layer, strengthen safety supervision with the strictest measures, ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and ensure the safe and orderly operation of cities, creating a favorable environment for reform and development.

The plenary session deliberated and passed the Resolution of the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC, and passed the decision on replacing the members of the Municipal Committee.

Ren Zhengxiao, Deputy Leader of the Fifth Central Guidance Group, attended the meeting for guidance. Wu Qing, Li Yangzhe, Zhao Jiaming, Chen Tong, Zhu Zhisong, Zhang Wei, Chen Jinshan, Li Zheng, and Hu Shijun, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting.

To deepen high-level reform and opening up and fully stimulate the vitality of high-quality development! The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee passed a heavyweight document regulation | Industry | Power
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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