The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China is required to hold a theme education themed democratic life meeting for a whole day

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:39 AM

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Li Jinbin, the leader of the Fifth Central Guidance Group, delivered a speech. Ren Zhengxiao, Deputy Leader of the Fifth Central Guidance Group, and relevant members of the Guidance Group attended the meeting for guidance.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to holding this special democratic life meeting, carefully formulates work plans, and conscientiously prepares for it.Through in-depth investigation and research, as well as extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions, Chen Jining conducted in-depth heart to heart talks with every member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, with each member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, responsible comrades in charge or contact units, and party member representatives from the party branch where he/she has organizational relationships. Based on this, he/she carefully wrote materials and personal speech outlines for team comparison and inspection, conducted strict comparison and inspection, conducted in-depth analysis of typical cases, and made strict and practical preparations.

The meeting reported on the implementation of the rectification measures for the 2022 Democratic Life Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, as well as the implementation of the theme education inspection and rectification by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China is required to hold a theme education themed democratic life meeting for a whole day

Chen Jining, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, conducted a comparative inspection to identify shortcomings in theoretical learning, political quality, ability, sense of responsibility, work style, integrity and self-discipline, establishment and implementation of a correct view of political achievements, and analysis of typical cases. He also explored the root causes of the problems from the aspects of party spirit cultivation, learning and applying innovative theories of the Party, enhancing the ability to lead modernization construction, stimulating the passion for work and entrepreneurship, and promoting a thorough self revolutionary spirit. Based on this, he proposed directions and improvement measures for future efforts. Chen Jining emphasized that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee should take the lead in promoting the great spirit of party building, more faithfully support the "two consolidations", and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards";Strive to be the vanguard and pioneer of Chinese path to modernization; Vigorously forging a high-quality and professional cadre team; Persist in promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party towards deeper development.

Chen Jining took the lead in conducting individual comparative inspections, while other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee subsequently conducted individual comparative inspections one by one, carefully identifying problems, conducting party spirit analysis, proposing rectification directions, and conducting serious criticism and self-criticism among each other.

Li Jinbin pointed out in his commentary speech that Shanghai's theme education firmly grasps the guidance of "practicality", innovatively applies the method of "connection", and effectively implements the requirements of "strictness". It has achieved tangible results in using learning to shape the soul, enhance intelligence, improve the atmosphere, and promote work.The next step is to continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education in accordance with the requirements of the central deployment.We must persistently promote research and application, timely transform research results, and effectively solve practical problems. We must persistently carry out rectification and rectification, and continuously promote the resolution of real problems. We must persistently promote high-quality development and bravely become the vanguard of reform and opening up and the pioneer of innovative development on the new journey.

Chen Jining gave a concluding speech.

Chen Jining emphasized that the next step is to solidly carry out rectification, taking the implementation of rectification as the "touchstone" to test Party spirit and an important benchmark to measure the effectiveness of learning, thinking, and practicing the innovative theory of the Party. All standing committee members should improve the rectification plan, refine the rectification measures, and vigorously implement the rectification measures in response to the problems identified by themselves and the opinions of mutual criticism at the meeting. At the same time, the rectification tasks of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee should be actively claimed, and the leadership should take the lead in implementing the rectification of division of labor matters.We must adhere to the principle of drawing analogies and focusing on rectification, not only solving specific problems, but also focusing on common problems, and promoting the transition from dissecting a problem to solving a type of problem; We must adhere to the linkage between the upper and lower levels to carry out rectification, closely integrating the rectification of the first batch and the second batch of theme education, especially in addressing problems that are manifested at the grassroots level and rooted at the top; We must adhere to the principle of striving for success and carrying out rectification. With the spirit of perseverance, we must promote that every problem has results and results, and can withstand the test of history, practice, and the people.

The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China is required to hold a theme education themed democratic life meeting for a whole day

Chen Jining emphasized that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee should focus on its own construction with higher standards and stricter requirements, and strive to build a strong leadership collective that is loyal to the Party, does not disappoint the people, has strong capabilities, and fulfills its mission. Every member of the team should be aware of their responsibilities, take responsibility for themselves, and fulfill their duties in their actions, in order to deliver a new answer sheet of "keeping in mind the instructions and forging ahead" on the new journey.We must take the lead in serving the public with one heart, firmly establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and career, always put the people in the highest position in our hearts, regard serving the people as the greatest political achievement, deeply practice the concept of a people's city, deepen the whole process of people's democratic practice, consciously go deep into the masses, serve the masses wholeheartedly, mobilize the masses with enthusiasm, solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses with heart and emotion, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses to build, govern, and share, and continuously enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and security.We must take the lead in maintaining integrity, strictly cultivating ourselves, exercising power, and regulating ourselves. We must deeply learn from the painful lessons of corruption cases, especially those that occur around us, and more consciously adhere to the principles of fair, lawful, civil, and clean use of power. We must firmly oppose privileged ideas and behaviors, resist various forms of corruption and "hunting", vigorously promote the culture of integrity, and be a good leader, creator, and maintainer of a good political ecology and social atmosphere.

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