The phased goal of reforming the professional title system has been achieved, and Shanghai has issued 25 series of reform measures for professional titles in 6 years. Academic qualifications | reform | professional titles

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 13:05 PM

Recently, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Audit Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Municipal Archives Bureau, and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, jointly issued a series of evaluation methods for 11 professional titles, including news, publishing, higher education teachers, natural science research, books and materials, accounting, statistics, auditing, public legal services, archives, and social science research. Up to now, Shanghai has issued a total of 25 reform measures for professional title series, completing the reform task of revising the entire series of professional title evaluation standards in the city.

The professional title is the main indicator of the academic and technical level and professional ability of professional and technical talents. The professional title system, as the "baton" for scientific evaluation and effective utilization of talents, is an important lever to stimulate the innovation vitality of the vast number of talents. Starting from 2018, in accordance with the national deployment, this city has deeply promoted the reform of the professional title system. The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has taken measures such as improving the institutional system, improving evaluation standards, innovating evaluation mechanisms, unblocking promotion channels, and optimizing service systems. In conjunction with relevant industry regulatory departments, it has promoted the reform of key areas and achieved the phased goals of the professional title system reform, laying a solid foundation for the next step of deepening the reform of the professional title system.

"Breaking the Four Ideals" and "Establishing New Standards" Simultaneously

Shanghai adheres to system integration, improves professional title management methods through hierarchical classification, and constructs a "1+3+N" system for professional title management. At the same time, efforts will be made to promote the combination of breaking the "four only" and "establishing new standards" in evaluation standards, and accelerate the establishment of a talent evaluation system guided by innovative value, ability, and performance.

In this round of reform, a "green channel" has been set up for talents with real talents and outstanding performance in all series of professional titles, in order to break through the "only education and qualifications". They can be recommended by peer experts to apply for qualifications and qualifications; Young scientific and technological talents who have conquered key core technologies, achieved internationally leading major original achievements, or undertaken major national scientific and technological tasks and achieved breakthroughs can also directly apply for senior professional title evaluation without being limited by the original professional title level, educational background, and job qualifications.

Reasonably set the evaluation weights for papers in order to eliminate the phenomenon of "only papers". For example, in practical professional title series such as news, cultural relics and museums, and books and materials, a representative achievement evaluation system is gradually being implemented. Representative news works, exhibition and exhibition activity plans, and decision-making consulting reports can all be used as evaluation criteria.

In terms of breaking the "award only" policy, awards should not be used as restrictive conditions for application. Influential professional awards in the industry can be added as bonus points, and a representative work system should be implemented. The economic benefits of achievement transformation, the social impact of research results, and the engineering and technical problems actually solved can all be important contents of professional title application.

According to the development laws of professional and technical talents in different industries, specialties, and fields, this round of reform classifies and formulates new evaluation standards, completely changing the "one size fits all" problem of professional title evaluation standards. For example, university teachers establish different standards based on teaching oriented, teaching and research oriented, research oriented, and social service oriented approaches; The archive series is divided into two categories: "craftsman type" and "academic type", with evaluation elements set separately.

Establishing a special evaluation mechanism for special talents

This round of reform has also established a special evaluation mechanism for special talents, encouraging outstanding talents to stand out.

The phased goal of reforming the professional title system has been achieved, and Shanghai has issued 25 series of reform measures for professional titles in 6 years. Academic qualifications | reform | professional titles

One is to establish a "direct train" for professional title evaluation, which focuses on key industries with high precision and shortage of technological innovation talents. For overseas high-level scientific and technological talents introduced by local enterprises and institutions, as well as high-level talents from private enterprises with outstanding performance contributions, they can directly apply for senior professional title evaluation by comparing similar personnel. As of 2022, about 500 people in this city have obtained senior professional titles through the "direct train", of which about 20% are overseas returnees, mainly concentrated in key areas such as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biopharmaceuticals, and economic management.

The second is to optimize the "green channel", which means outstanding young and middle-aged talents with outstanding performance and remarkable achievements can break through the requirements of education and qualifications, and apply for the evaluation of higher-level professional titles. For example, in the health series, deputy senior health professional and technical talents who have a corresponding doctoral degree in the health field, meet the corresponding professional work standards, and have outstanding performance and remarkable achievements can break through the qualification requirements and apply for a senior professional title two years in advance.

The third is to establish a vocational connectivity "overpass" to facilitate the career development channels of high skilled talents and professional and technical talents in this city, covering 8 professional title series including engineering, agriculture, arts and crafts, cultural relics and museums, experimental technology, art, sports, secondary vocational and technical college teachers, and supporting high skilled talents to participate in professional and technical title evaluation. At the same time, a direct application channel will be established for high skilled talents who possess unique skills, skills, and skills, and have long held professional positions on the front line of production and service. Winners of the Chinese Skills Award and individuals who enjoy special allowances from the State Council can directly apply for senior professional titles.

The fourth is to explore the "recommendation system" for evaluating special talents. "Recommending Talents by Talents" explores the connection between the evaluation of the professional technical level of top technical teams and the current professional title evaluation. Strategic scientists, peak talents, and key technology research team leaders recommend members of their core teams who have achieved significant basic research and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, and solved major engineering and technical problems to directly apply for senior professional titles. The evaluation opinions of the recommending experts serve as an important basis for the evaluation, and the relevant evaluation committee confirms the professional titles of the applicants.

Expand channels for talent development

In addition, Shanghai is striving to break through the hierarchical "ceiling", expand professional coverage, and further smooth the application channels for various professional and technical talents.

Vertically, the reform breaks through the hierarchical setting of professional titles, and sets all 13 series of professional titles such as primary and secondary school teachers, engineering, economics, accounting, statistics, auditing, and arts and crafts that have not been set as senior titles to senior titles.

Horizontally, reform and expand the coverage of professional titles, focusing on the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of industrial development to establish new evaluation majors. Over the past five years, 21 new majors have been established, including integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical supervision, social work, network writers, green buildings, building information modeling, prefabricated buildings, party workers, express engineering, cultural and creative research and development, technology transfer and transformation, knowledge property rights, sports protection engineers, medical record information, clinical research, big data, blockchain, creative design, and scientific communication.

At the same time, the city has broken the restrictions on registered residence, identity and archives, and further opened the application channels for various economic organizations, social organizations and freelancers. Focus on optimizing the evaluation of professional titles for non-public sector talents, such as leading the establishment of an art series professional title evaluation committee for new social literary and artistic workers by the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles nationwide, to carry out socialized professional title evaluation for non-public sector artistic talents; Include freelancers in online literature, art, arts and crafts, cultural relics and museums, translation, and other fields in the evaluation scope.

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