Supporting the development of innovative pharmaceutical devices and reducing the burden of medical expenses on citizens, Shanghai has introduced these measures for industry | innovation | costs

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:14 PM

In order to promote the supply side reform of pharmaceutical services in a coordinated manner, encourage innovation in biopharmaceutical enterprises, and promote Shanghai's creation of a globally influential innovation highland in the biopharmaceutical industry, the "Several Measures for Shanghai to Further Improve the Diversified Payment Mechanism to Support the Development of Innovative Pharmaceuticals" has been officially issued recently. Today, the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce policy related information.

Support the development of commercial health insurance

The "Several Measures" were studied and formulated by the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau in conjunction with the Municipal Economic Information Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, the Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and the Municipal Big Data Center. There are 28 articles, 16 of which are related to promoting the development of commercial health insurance standards.

In terms of strengthening the supply of commercial health insurance products through multi-party cooperation, measures have been proposed to support the inclusion of innovative drugs and devices with strong innovation, definite therapeutic effects, and urgent clinical needs in the payment scope of commercial health insurance. In terms of data empowerment to support the development of commercial health insurance products, measures have been proposed to establish a big data laboratory to support eligible commercial insurance companies to use big data for calculations based on compliance and safety, and achieve scientific and accurate pricing.

On the premise of ensuring data security and protecting personal privacy, relevant departments will also promote the "quick compensation", "direct compensation" and "active compensation" of applying medical insurance electronic diagnosis and treatment data to the claim settlement process of commercial insurance products, and promote direct settlement of high-end medical insurance, so as to optimize commercial health insurance claims and improve service satisfaction.

In recent years, relevant departments and institutions in this city have launched multiple personal account exclusive products, such as "inpatient self payment expense compensation medical insurance", "major disease insurance", "Shanghai Huibao", and so on. The "Several Measures" formulated this time have further increased support for the purchase of commercial health insurance policies, with a focus on encouraging commercial insurance companies to develop tax premium insurance products, establishing a special area for purchasing medical insurance personal account surplus funds in the "Suishenban Insurance Code", exploring the expansion of drug liability insurance to the clinical use of new drugs or new indications for 1 to 2 years, and researching and exploring the establishment of commercial health insurance to support the premium subsidy policy for innovative pharmaceutical products.

In addition, the "Several Measures" will also promote the establishment of a regulatory cooperation mechanism between the basic medical insurance and commercial health insurance industries, including using basic medical insurance data and regulatory measures to reduce compensation risks, promoting the development of reinsurance business for health insurance products, and optimizing and strengthening the "Shanghai Huibao" brand, optimizing protection responsibilities and deductible settings. Priority will be given to recommending the "New Excellent Medical Devices" biopharmaceutical products in this city to be included in the "Shanghai Huibao" special drug catalog, improving the efficiency of all links and processes.

The medical insurance department stated that while ensuring privacy and data security, it will explore extending the data empowerment experience of "Shanghai Huibao" in product design, insurance verification, and rapid claims processing to other commercial health insurance products. It will support commercial insurance companies in developing more low-cost and reasonable protection products, and include more innovative drugs in the payment scope. It is expected that five new personal account exclusive products will be added in the near future.

Make innovative drugs more accessible and affordable

In recent years, on the basis of ensuring the safety and sustainability of the fund, the medical insurance department of this city has made great efforts to improve the accessibility and affordability of innovative medical equipment and reduce the burden of medical expenses. At the same time, it has actively responded to the concerns of enterprises, strengthened policy support, optimized service process, promoted the entry of innovative medical equipment into the market, promoted and applied, and promoted the high-quality innovation and development of the industry.

In terms of accelerating the admission of new projects and new devices, the medical insurance department has simplified the process of handling medical insurance codes for separately chargeable medical devices. The approval time has been shortened from 90 working days to 15 days, and the required materials have been reduced from 6 to 2. In addition, the price of new medical service projects will be set independently by medical institutions during the trial period.

At the same time, the medical insurance department has also actively promoted the timely insurance of innovative medical equipment and technologies, steadily expanded the scope of medical service items and medical equipment medical insurance payment, and included 76 new medical service items such as "artificial intelligence assisted treatment technology" into the scope of medical insurance payment. In the past three years, 95 of the newly added drugs in the national catalogue were introduced, developed or produced by enterprises in the city, accounting for 31%. The medical insurance department is also in the network procurement, medical insurance payment, landing channels, etc., to speed up the promotion of innovative medical equipment timely admission to the application of landing.

On this basis, the "Several Measures" formulated and implemented this time also further focus on increasing support for innovative drug and medical insurance payments, accelerating the clinical application of innovative drugs, etc., including opening up a "green channel" for innovative drugs to be listed on the internet, reiterating the cancellation of unreasonable restrictions on hospitals, increasing support for innovative drug and medical insurance payments and listing, supporting innovative drugs to participate in national drug catalog negotiations, giving preferential treatment to innovative drugs in payment method reform, accelerating the application of electronic prescription circulation platforms, and promoting the rapid landing of innovative drugs in national negotiations.

In addition, to improve the pricing mechanism for innovative pharmaceutical devices, relevant departments will actively seek more support from relevant national departments, optimize the self pricing mechanism of medical institutions during the trial period of new medical service projects, and improve the measures for filing new medical technology fees.

Ensure the basic needs and promote multi-level development

Some citizens are puzzled, does the implementation of the "Several Measures" mean using the plate of medical insurance to pay for commercial health insurance and pharmaceutical innovation? In response to this, Xia Kejia, Director of the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, stated that the relevant departments have formulated these measures in the hope of promoting the establishment and improvement of a diversified payment mechanism jointly funded by basic medical insurance, commercial insurance, etc., and jointly supporting the development of innovative medical devices, in order to achieve the win-win goal of reducing the burden of medical treatment on citizens, improving the level of medical and health technology, and promoting the development of the pharmaceutical industry and insurance finance industry.

"Thanks to the stable and rapid development of Shanghai's economy and society, the surplus of Shanghai's basic medical insurance fund is sufficient, providing a solid foundation for the basic medical needs of citizens." Xia Kejia said that from the perspective of improving the multi-level medical insurance system and better reducing the burden of medical expenses on citizens, it is necessary to not only do a good job in "basic insurance", but also promote "multi-level", adhere to diversified complementarity and orderly connection, and hope to support the development of commercial health insurance, form more effective protection for the burden of medical expenses on citizens, and promote the construction of Shanghai's multi-level medical insurance system.

The "Several Measures" propose to strengthen the linkage and coordination of "medical insurance, medical care, and medicine", promote the inclusion of more high-quality innovative medical equipment into the payment scope of basic medical insurance and commercial health insurance, improve the accessibility and affordability of innovative medical equipment, and promote the use of more cutting-edge Innovative medical equipment with good curative effect is put into clinical use, promote the improvement of medical technology, and ultimately benefit patients.

While promoting health, relevant departments will also focus on promoting development. The biopharmaceutical industry is one of the three key leading industries in Shanghai's development. The implementation of the "Several Measures" will promote the formation of a diversified payment mechanism for innovative drugs and equipment, which is shared by basic medical insurance and commercial health insurance, guide enterprises to have good development expectations, and help Shanghai build an innovative highland for the biopharmaceutical industry.

"The policy reflects Shanghai's emphasis and support for the high-quality and sustainable development of the innovative biopharmaceutical industry, and also gives us clear expectations for the positive benefits of the innovative pharmaceutical industry." Huang Yifeng, Vice President of Baekje Shenzhou Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said that the introduction of the "Several Measures" has given innovative pharmaceutical companies more confidence to actively invest in the research and development of globally high-quality drugs that benefit the people.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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