Shanghai is promoting organizational work in this way, creating Party building achievements that are worthy of the birthplace of the Party! Organizational | Era | Achievements Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 03:07 AM

The key to promoting socialist modernization construction lies in the Party.

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the birthplace of its original aspiration, and the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party.

Concentrate on forging the soul, highlight ideological guidance

Currently, the first batch of theme education is gradually coming to an end, and the second batch of theme education is about to be launched. Looking back on the past few months, Shanghai has conscientiously implemented the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", integrating the word "practical" into all aspects of the theme education process. It has taken the lead in exploring the establishment of a "four link" working mechanism for joint learning, joint research, joint rectification, and joint development. It has created a theme education information system that integrates research topic library, rectification problem library, "12345" citizen hotline library, and petition problem library, achieving the integration of various tasks and the coordination and linkage of departments and levels, and continuously amplifying work effectiveness.

Flags guide direction, thoughts gather strength.After a series of comprehensive and profound political education, ideological refinement, and spiritual baptism, party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the city have continuously improved their loyalty to the "Two Foundations" and their determination to achieve the "Two Maintenances". Their consciousness and initiative in practicing the purpose of serving the people have significantly increased, and their spiritual drive to promote the implementation of major national strategic tasks has continued to strengthen. The comprehensive strict governance of the party system has become more solid and perfect.

As of now, these courses have received a total of 34.863 million visits and a total of 14.383 million study hours.

There are still many training platforms of this kind.

A series of solid measures have brought the unwavering political loyalty and theoretical consciousness of grassroots party organizations and party members in the city to their hearts and actions, and the spirit of shouldering new missions in the new era to a new level, injecting strong impetus into Shanghai's continued leadership in the national reform and opening up and innovative development on the new journey.

Motivating and Strengthening the Cadre Team with Responsibility

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee has always regarded the construction of the cadre team as a top priority in implementing the overall requirements of the Party's construction in the new era and the organizational line of the Party in the new era. It has specially held a special plenary session of the Municipal Party Committee to study and issue documents on the construction of the cadre team, focusing on improving the quality and level of personnel selection and appointment, and building a high-quality backbone team.

In terms of personnel selection and appointment, Shanghai adheres to the principle of combining morality and talent, prioritizing morality, and making political standards the first standard. It strengthens the assessment of the political quality of cadres, ensuring that the cadre team is politically trustworthy, reliable, and trustworthy. Taking actual performance as an important basis, establishing a "horse racing" mechanism, breaking the invisible ladder of personnel selection and appointment, eliminating seniority based ranking, and vigorously selecting high-quality and professional cadres. Encourage cadres to take on responsibilities and establish a sound system of leadership cadres being able to rise and fall; Focusing on implementing national strategies and major tasks, actively expanding the perspective and channels of personnel selection and appointment, focusing on optimizing the structure of the leadership team and cadre team, and consolidating strength for the development of the cause.

Under the specific guidance of the Central Organization Department, the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department has carried out in-depth innovation in cadre management models. In March 2020, the "Several Opinions on Promoting the Innovation of Cadre Management Models in the Lingang New Area of China Free Trade Pilot Zone and the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone" were issued, which designated the integrated demonstration zone as a pilot zone for cadre management model innovation, constructed a joint construction and management model, promoted appointment period management, established an integrated cadre exchange mechanism, established a guidance for excellent performance and remuneration incentives, and explored more open, flexible, and interconnected talent selection and employment platforms and mechanisms.

Focusing on the fundamental plan of having successors for the Party's cause, Shanghai continuously improves the normalized work mechanism for the selection and management of outstanding young cadres throughout the entire chain, looks at various fronts, fields, and industries, and expands and enlivens the "reservoir" of outstanding young cadres. Simultaneously, continue to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs among young cadres; Deepen the implementation of "cross departmental, cross disciplinary, and cross domain" exchange and appointment suspension for outstanding young cadres; Adhere to joint management and improve the strict management mechanism for young cadres.

In recent years, Shanghai has resolutely implemented the requirement of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, implementing strict management and supervision throughout the entire process of cadre team construction, maintaining a strict tone, improving strict measures, creating a strict atmosphere, continuously tightening the screws of strict governance of officials, adhering to the combination of strict management and care, and striving to stimulate the endogenous motivation of cadres to work hard and start businesses.

How to manage key people, key areas, and key matters well? Shanghai focuses on promoting the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision. Based on the pilot work of regulating the behavior of spouses, children, and their spouses of leading cadres in commercial enterprises, it improves the regular supervision mechanism of annual spot checks, tracking supervision, classification analysis and judgment, appointment checks, and supervision and discipline enforcement, effectively promoting the clean governance and use of power by leading cadres. Strictly implement the reporting system for personal matters of leading cadres, and use truthful reporting of personal matters to the Party organization as the touchstone to test whether leading cadres are loyal and honest to the Party. Implement the requirements of the central government to strengthen the supervision of the "top leaders", increase the audit efforts on the economic responsibilities of major leading cadres in units with concentrated power, intensive funds, resource enrichment, and asset accumulation, and fully play the important role of audit "economic examination".

Civil servants are an important component of the party's cadre team. Shanghai deeply implements the laws and regulations on civil servants, fully implements the parallel system of civil servant positions and ranks, and continues to play the incentive effect of the "dual channel" of positions and ranks; Take the lead in completing the reform of administrative law enforcement civil servants, and orderly promote the classification reform of personnel in various fields such as public security and judiciary; Optimize the recruitment, training, and assessment of civil servants, while highlighting strict management and kindness, effectively motivating the majority of civil servants to work, start businesses, and take on responsibilities.

Remembering instructions and exploring grassroots party building

The Wukang residential area in Xuhui District mobilized the masses to carry out multiple "Wukang discussions", exploring the "soft law guidance" model of open community governance around neighborhood residents' conventions, merchant conventions, and tourist conventions; The Party Working Committee of Hongqiao Street in Changning District focuses on the difficulty of opening doors in adjacent residential areas, promoting residents of Hongqiao and Aijian communities to connect the walls and work together to build a shared block with a concentric circle; In response to the governance difficulties of high population mobility and a majority of tenants in the Jingjiangyuan residential area of Minhang District, a survey was conducted to understand the population base, common needs, and shared vision of the "second landlords" and tenants, and to find the entry point to activate grassroots governance

The root is lush, and the cream is fertile, and it shines brightly. The grassroots organizations of the Party are the "nerve endings" of the Party's body, and are the foundation of all the Party's work and combat effectiveness. In recent years, Shanghai has adhered to the leadership of party building as a red line, running through the entire cycle of urban development and operation, ensuring that grassroots governance has a soul, order, and strength.

At the same time, only when the Party's organizations at all levels are sound and strong, forming a rigorous organizational system that is interconnected from top to bottom and effectively executed, can the Party's leadership be like a body wielding an arm, like an arm wielding a finger. The city focuses on the construction of the organizational system and solidly promotes the full coverage of party organizations and party work.

Shanghai is a vibrant city of innovation, with an increasing number of new spaces, carriers, and job seekers. How to turn these "variables" into "increments" to stabilize the grassroots foundation has become a deep consideration for grassroots party building in the entire city. From "building branches upstairs" to "providing excellent services", "strengthening functions", and "good governance", Shanghai's building party building has been iteratively upgraded, using building governance to promote high-quality development of the building economy. Typical building party building models with annual tax revenue of "billions of yuan" have emerged, such as the Jinhongqiao International Center.

Where the business format is "new" and the form is "changed", party building work will follow suit. By comprehensively mapping out and grasping the basic information of nearly 5000 platform branches, franchised enterprises, grassroots outlets and 103000 front-line employees in the express delivery and take away industries in Shanghai, Shanghai has created a party mass service resource system for new employment groups with more than 11000 service positions, and has also established party organizations in Internet enterprises, industrial clusters, etc.

By the end of 2022, the number of grassroots party organizations in the city has increased from 90000 at the end of 2012 to 116000, forming a vertically consistent organizational structure of "Municipal Party Committee District Street Town Party Committee Grassroots Party Organizations" and horizontally extending to villages, government agencies, enterprises and institutions, state-owned enterprises, and "two new" organizations. Thanks to this system, the leadership of the Party has been effectively transmitted to grassroots organizations in major tasks such as the defense of Shanghai, the implementation of national strategies, and the campaign to win the hearts of the people. The Party's work has effectively extended to thousands of households, and the organizational foundation of Shanghai's modernization construction has been continuously strengthened.

Over the past decade, the total number of party members in the city has increased from 1.882 million at the end of 2012 to 2.234 million, and the strength of the party has continued to grow. Party members from various industries and lines actively play a pioneering and exemplary role, and a group of advanced models have emerged, represented by Lv Qiming and Huang Baomei, recipients of the July 1st Medal. In addition, Shanghai also focuses on leveraging the advantages of digital governance, expanding the functions of the national party member management information system, building a "smart party building" information platform, forming an organizational structure pipeline map and a city wide party member information database, presenting the elements of the organizational system in a panoramic manner, and achieving "one screen view of the world, one network management of the entire city".

Building nests and attracting phoenixes to enhance talent support

The only way to innovate is to win people. At the meeting of the Municipal Talent Work Leading Group held this year, Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Leader of the Municipal Talent Work Leading Group, emphasized the need to firmly grasp the orientation of service modernization, high-level orientation, internationalization orientation, and unconventional orientation, closely focus on improving the height, width, and thickness of talents, implement more precise policies, strengthen efficient collaboration, deepen investigation and research, focus on solving outdated problems, and promote the construction of high-level talent highlands to a new level.

In recent years, Shanghai's talent work has implemented the spirit of the Central and Shanghai Talent Work Conference, firmly established the strategic position of talent leading development, accelerated the construction of a high-level talent highland, and provided talent support and intellectual security for the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence.

In April of this year, the final of the third Haiju Talent Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition came to an end. This is a benchmark docking platform that Shanghai has carefully crafted for three consecutive years to gather global talents, technology, projects, and funds. It is also an important stage for young talents to showcase their creative vitality. In recent years, Shanghai has focused on several key areas with foundations, advantages, and breakthroughs, actively recruiting world-class talents overseas; At the same time, we will vigorously cultivate and introduce young talents, innovate new models of market-oriented and socialized talent introduction, select internationally renowned scientists and entrepreneurs as talent ambassadors, and achieve "talent introduction".

On the other hand, to strengthen the team of high-level talents, we must adhere to the principle of both attracting and nurturing talents. Shanghai strengthens the cultivation of local talents, promotes the optimization and integration of talent plans, and reduces the number of "hats" from the source; Strengthening the construction of strategic scientific and technological talent teams; Innovate the talent evaluation system, resolutely eliminate the shortcomings of the "four only" evaluation, and open up the "green channel" for the evaluation and appointment of senior professional titles for outstanding young talents at home and abroad, so as to make outstanding young talents stand out.

What do talents value the most? A survey conducted in Shanghai found that 53.86% of young talents believe that the most important influencing factor for their critical growth stage is a relatively relaxed and creative research evaluation mechanism. In recent years, Shanghai has adhered to the principle of "delegating power" as a driving force for employers, and "loosening ties" as a way to boost talent and vitality. For example, canceling a batch of administrative approval and filing matters in talent recruitment, professional title evaluation, personnel mobility and other links, and delegating management rights such as position appointment, assessment and evaluation, and income distribution to employers; Explore the establishment of a group of new research and development institutions with "three non one comprehensive" characteristics.

Wutong trees are planted well to attract the phoenix. Shanghai is not only committed to building a world-class talent platform and gathering talents through career platforms, but also insists on showcasing the city's soft power with high-quality, convenient, and international living guarantees, continuously optimizing talent settlement services, implementing talent housing projects, improving the level of talent medical services, and creating a comfortable environment for talents to live in our hometown with peace of mind.

After continuous exploration, the total amount of talent resources in Shanghai continues to increase, and the degree of internationalization continues to deepen. A total of 408000 foreign work permits have been issued, and the number of foreign talents gathered ranks first in the country. The number of overseas returnees who come to Shanghai for work and entrepreneurship has exceeded 290000, ranking first in the country. The number of academicians and high-level talents of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering in Shanghai continues to increase, with nearly 2000 leading military personnel in Shanghai.

New ideas lead the new era, and new journeys call for new responsibilities. All levels of organizational departments in the city will deepen the new great project of Party building in the new era, continuously strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical armament, continuously strengthen the organizational system that connects up and down, and implement effectively, focus on building a high-quality governing backbone team, accelerate the construction of a high-level talent highland, forge ahead, take practical responsibilities, continuously improve the quality of Party building and organizational work, strive to create Party building achievements that are worthy of the birthplace of the Party, and provide strong political support for Shanghai's modernization construction.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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Gong Zheng pointed out that we need to further deepen and implement research work, enhance the accuracy of research topics, the depth of problem sorting, the strength of problem solving, and the satisfaction of grassroots people with the results of problem solving, in order to achieve greater effectiveness in theme education. At the meeting, city leaders Wu Qing, Zhang Xiaohong, Liu Duo, Huayuan, Shu Qing, and Peng Chenlei combined their respective thematic education research and exchanged their understanding and mastery of social conditions and public opinion during the research