Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:53 PM

In March of this year, the Zhaoqing Party and Mass Service Center at No. 52 Medical College Road, Xietu Road Street was officially opened. Within a 1600 square meter space, there are 15 functional areas including a day care center, a heartwarming bathhouse, a community health service station, a health kitchen, a public meeting hall, a community tea house, a convenience flower shop, and a hair salon, attracting a large number of residents from the surrounding area to experience. "This place is great, with an activity center for the elderly and helpful dining options, providing us with a particularly good place to go. Our children at home can also rest assured." After strolling around with my aunt in my 70s, I sat with my neighbors at the time-honored market at the entrance, drinking tea, and praised the day care center there.

In recent years, Xuhui District has adhered to the important concept of "people's cities, people's cities, and people's cities for the people", organically integrating the creation of civilized urban areas into the goal of "building new Xuhui and rebuilding new Xuhui", actively exploring effective paths for civilization creation that are suitable for the requirements of super large city construction, and striving to create the most beautiful city with quality and temperature, striving to achieve the symbiosis and growth of civilization creation and urban development.

Continuously enhancing the sense of belonging of the masses

On Tianping Road, a spicy meat noodle shop that had been open for 30 years encountered a troublesome situation.

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

The store is very popular, but there are people outside the store who have raised opinions - at the residents' meeting of the New Era Civilization Practice Station in the residential area, surrounding residents generally reported that the signs hanging at the entrance of the store are not very compatible with the historical and cultural landscape of Hengfu, and they hope that the owner can upgrade and renovate it. Boss Shu Ming, however, disagreed and said, "I've been hanging this brand for decades, and customers are here for it. I don't agree to dismantle it!"

How is the quaint and elegant historical and cultural area compatible with the bustling small shop signs? The residents remembered the wish wall of "66 wutong Yard · Neighborhood Gathering" next door. Soon, this wish was claimed, and Tan Ruoshuang, a volunteer and architect from Tianping Road Street, took the initiative to design and renovate the shop. Chen Changyi, the owner of the popular steamed bun shop on Gao'an Road, which Tan Ruoshuang once participated in the design and renovation, also came forward and convinced Shu Ming to agree to the renovation plan.

The "66 wutong Yard" in Tianping Road Street can solve more than that. This is even a slightly famous internet celebrity community cafeteria, with a rich variety of dishes that are freshly cooked and sold, attracting many nearby residents to dine here. In addition, residents' "just needs" such as old-age care, childcare and haircut can also be solved here. The street has also planned activities such as "wutong Mingjiahui" and "wutong Shuyuan" to achieve value guidance and emotional recognition in stimulating residents' resonance and help solve grass-roots governance problems.

Xuhui District has built many convenient service places like "66 wutong Yard" in the process of promoting civilization creation in recent years, and called them "life boxes". As the name suggests, residents can meet all aspects of their service needs, thereby continuously enhancing their sense of belonging.

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

According to the requirements of the "15 minute community living circle" construction, relevant departments in Xuhui District have broken the concept of boundary between streets and towns, strengthened coordination and coordination, and divided 13 streets and towns into 40 areas, each with a "life box" built. Led by "one-stop" services, the area is equipped with four basic functions: community cafeteria, community health service station, community cultural and sports, and community bathing assistance. According to the needs of the masses, differentiated configuration and expansion of characteristic services are provided, and new era civilization practice activity platforms are integrated to maximize the doubling effect of services, allowing the masses to enjoy various livelihood services within a "bowl of soup" distance.

Bilateral improvement with social governance

In the work of creating spiritual civilization, Xuhui District is based on creating for the people, relying on the people to benefit the people, focusing on creating high-quality people's livelihoods, and exploring governance models that promote overall progress, resource sharing, and consultation and co governance. Multiple measures are taken to promote the transformation of "three old" into "three new", that is, to transform old houses into new ones, wear new clothes in old communities, and let residents of old communities live a new life, continuously improving the sense of participation and happiness of the masses.

The Leshan area of Xujiahui Street used to be a "different dimension" behind the bustling urban area. Not only was the community environment chaotic and hardware inherently inadequate, but there were also deficiencies in management measures, resulting in serious disorderly construction and construction. Under the promotion of the "Three Olds" to "Three New" people-oriented project, the Leshan area has joined forces with five residential areas, functional departments, and property company party organizations to establish the "Leshan Comprehensive Governance Temporary Party Branch", achieving unified, standardized, and high-quality property management, thereby orderly promoting various practical projects for the people and improving the overall public environment.

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

After a series of renovations, the once foul smelling garbage dump has disappeared, replaced by a clean and tidy intelligent enclosed garbage room; The road surface, which used to accumulate water on rainy days, is now unobstructed... "Previously, there were narrow and disorderly illegal bungalows on both sides of the road, but now it has become spacious and clean, and the community environment has become more beautiful. It's really nice!" When talking about the changes around us in just a few years, residents praised it one after another.

As an aging relocation community, several high-rise buildings in Xin Jia Yuan are inhabited by elderly people. Due to their age, they often cannot smoothly go downstairs for medical treatment or work, and the lack of elevators has become a barrier to going out.

In the consultation process for adding elevators, residents living on lower floors also have concerns about lighting and ventilation. To this end, with the support of the street elevator office, the "three carriages" of Xinjiayuan worked together to establish a temporary elevator party branch and build a communication platform, forming a good elevator atmosphere.

In the current Xinjia Garden elevator building, the appearance, style, and corridors of the elevators are integrated. The spacious and bright elevator lobby is eye-catching, and the waiting area on each floor of the elevator is equipped with windows on both sides to ensure lighting and ventilation in the stairwell. At the same time, the corridors in the elevator waiting area have been tiled and the corridor lighting has been replaced, improving the environment and enhancing the living experience of residents. "With everyone's coordination and assistance, with the first sound of installing an elevator, residents' hearts have been at ease," said resident Wang Peili.

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

In recent years, Xuhui District has integrated the work of creating civilization into the overall planning of economic and social development, focusing on the "three old" to "three new" popular project, and striving to create a "15 minute community life circle" Xuhui sample, exploring the construction path of dual improvement of civilization creation and social governance.

In addition, Xuhui District also focuses on improving the level of refined management in the urban area, and has pioneered the "Community Planner" system in the city. Professionals are deeply involved in the renewal of urban form, improving the quality of urban management, and implementing the "Beautiful Block" landscape road construction action plan, achieving "one region, one plan, one road, one point, one plan". This year, 51 roads, totaling 55 kilometers, will be promoted for construction, creating a "walking space" and "fun to walk".

Stimulate the civilized temperament of urban areas

On New Year's Day this year, the new library of Xuhui District, Xujiahui Academy, was newly opened and quickly became a new "internet celebrity" check-in destination. "The newly opened Xujiahui Academy is so beautiful!" "The children's picture book area on the first floor has a super complete collection of Chinese and English children's books, so you don't have to worry about children's noise. The school's zoning is very reasonable, and the second and third floors are very quiet, which is very suitable for reading and working." "In the future, I will be 'contracted' here on weekends!" On social platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo, many citizens have created check-in guides, praising landscape design, book collection layout, and reading area details. ".

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

Xujiahui Academy is located at the core of Xujiahuiyuan Scenic Area, adjacent to Xujiahui Catholic Church, Xujiahui Library, Shanghai Meteorological Observatory and other Shanghai style cultural relics. It has a collection of over 200000 books and more than 800 reading seats. It is a key construction project and cultural welfare project in Xuhui District. Coming here, not only can you borrow books, but you can also visit exhibitions, watch performances, share viewpoints, and exchange information, meeting the diverse needs of readers.

In the work of creating civilization, Xuhui District pays special attention to highlighting regional characteristics and cultural genes, stimulating the civilized temperament of the urban area. Guided by this concept, the newly opened Xujiahui Academy has been built into Xuhui's cultural living room, the second study of citizens, and the spiritual home of readers.

At the same time, Xuhui District has also revitalized the Shanghai style cultural heritage, promoted the self-cultivation of citizens, emphasized the protection of cultural heritage, and created a number of cultural heritage inheritance spaces such as Baidai Xiaolou and Hengfu Fengmian, integrating the spirit of the times and modern elements, shaping a new face for Xuhui people.

On the 18 cultural and self-cultivation walking routes launched in Xuhui District, including "Seeking the Source of Shanghai Style, Centennial Education, Art West Coast, and Readable Architecture," citizens can stroll through the historical landscape and feel the cultural atmosphere of the city. The patriotic education of "Dragon Spirit" during the Qingming Festival and the theme activities of "Our Festival" such as "Tang Rhyme Mid Autumn Festival" have become important contents of the spiritual civilization construction of the general public.

Shanghai is a district that promotes the coexistence and growth of civilization creation and urban development, creating the most beautiful city culture with quality and warmth. | Creation | Shanghai

In addition, Xuhui District also focuses on leading the masses to carry out civilized practices, strengthening the construction of "one circle, one belt, one park, and one block" of civilized practices, leveraging the unique role of 369300 registered volunteers in grassroots governance, improving the volunteer service team system, and widely carrying out volunteer services such as civilization creation and social aesthetics education. In the process of strengthening value guidance and continuously promoting the construction of social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal character, Xuhui District has also explored and cultivated 5 nominees for "National Moral Models", ranked 18 on the "China Good Person List", and selected 18 from the "Four 100" national volunteer services for learning from Lei Feng. We adhere to the principle of cultivating morality and nurturing new talents of the times.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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